I don't know what Kanye is doing but it's such a drama tsunami that I love it

158  2018-04-25 by CondeTrocola


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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I'm more of an anarcho-stalinism man myself

I get wet when these people call black people race traitors.

Kanye should sell a kanye brand MAGA hat for 3000 dollars, for maximum mad

Bonus points for the "Made In China" label.

kanyewas low on haters and he knows the hot button to refuel is hater stores.

He's trying to branch out his brand. Appealing to Trump supporters can sell a lot more Yeezeys.

he already met with trump publicly in 2016. He's a pretty documented long time trump fan

Tru tru but that created much less of a splash than these tweets. Meeting with the guy is different than posting pics of a signed meme hat. A bunch of prominent people have met with him because he's rich, famous, and (now) the president.

Haha what a mad lad.

How self absorbed do you have to be to actually think Kanye reads what you reply on his tweets. How fucking deluded do you have to be to think screen capping yourself deleting Kanye's music from your phone is "making a statement" anyone will care about.

I for one can’t wait for the videos to come out of people furiously destroying their thousand dollar yeezys

kanye, like trump, is self-absorbed enough that he probably does read replies sometimes. however, also like trump, the only thing negative feedback might do is divert whatever inscrutable train of thought hes on in a new, equally bizarre and incoherent direction. its a win-win really

boycott NRA 2.0


btw I did a 5 year membership XD!

It's not about Kanye seeing it, it's about showing others & your existing followers how woke you are.

There's people who spend their whole day waiting for Trump tweets to screech at, they farm followers and then shill their patreon/paypal/gofundme to them.

WTF ~ I love Kanye now!

this but unironically

its funny to see a bunch of T_D folk saying this. "I don't really like hiphop, but that boy kanye has a good head on his shoulders."

At this point, I'm not sure who's worse... crazies in /r/politics and /r/kanye who are "disappointed" or won’t buy his new album or T_D-ies who would use anything if it meant 12D chess advantage and buy an album they’d never download.

r/politics is biased but T_D is biased and delusional. If you can't weigh those two accordingly you might have actual brain damage.

Perhaps it's true.

I get the feeling that many people on /r/politics are exaggerating Trump effect on their daily life, still cling to Hillary would be better and are continually outraged how come Trump is not impeached.

Kind of depends how you define delusional.

Their hillary lust is gross. I am often downvoted for saying hillary is a shit.

Kanye should be the patron saint of r/drama. No matter what side of the political isle he’s doing stuff on, he always makes people lose their minds

He's living in that 21st Century, doing something mean to it.
Doing it better than anybody you ever seen do it.
Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need his theme music.
No one man should have all that power.
The clock’s ticking, he just counts the hours.
Stop tripping, he's tripping off the power

Seriously that came on in the gym today and a half dozen people just got this disgusted look on their face.

Their tears were what I needed to get through that last set.

You sound like a bitch.

How so?

You sound salty.

Are you upset that Ye got redpilled?

What the fuck. Read this comment exactly as I listened to this exact song intro.


Fuck SRD and the SRDines

Tell 'em Yeezy says they jelly of my fresh memes

More specifically they jelly of my Pepes


no. no no.

I know, the rhyming scheme isn't perfect, but if you use meme = meem (to rhyme with SRDine) and Pepe = PeyPey (to rhyme with TayTay) it works!

Just a little poetic license bro

Okay, Chuggo.

This past week is starting to erase my memories of him dissing TayTay

Would you really abandon this sub's patron mayo princess over this? Out out out TayTay is the one and only.

No, perish the thought! While I may have moved on to Rowdy Rhonda Rousey as my personal waifu, I adore TayTay above all others!

However you have to admit Kanye is doing some wonderful things for Dramacoin. It's almost enough for me to forgive his past transgressions.

You remember how the right wing mayos were so mad when he took tay tay's microphone away, and dared speak over a white woman?

And the meltdown when he said George Bush doesn’t care about black people 😂😂

I don’t know what Kanye is doing

Looks to me like he’s declaring publicly that he supports the President, which is so problematic to his white fans with no friends of color but very colorful hair.

Wtf I love the Kardashians now

No one man should have all that power.
