Incel signs out on life. No one cares.

6  2018-04-25 by Ralph-Hinkley


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I thought it was pizzashill based on the title.

Unfortunately for pizzashill, explaining the difference between volcel and incel goes over about as well as explaining the difference between pedophilia and epherhewhwepebophilia

He's a sad, strange little dude.

Sometimes, yeah. But I like the dude for the most part.

I do, too, but the mixture of abject stupidity and arrogance gives me a lot of second-hand embarrassment.

The Buddhists believe that embarrassment is only in the mind chakra or the ass chakra. Align the two, and you will have relief, brother.

What about ass chapra?

I don't know, to be honest I just made that up about Buddhism to sound smart and worldly, which helps conceal the fact that I live in a spiritual desert.

Well you did have me going with the ass chakra thing. I guess I'll return this baby oil.

That reads too genuine to be troll imo.

All This fucking Incel drama is just dark and depressing