Some weird troll/fake nazi shit going down with r/AHS? Fuck if I know- it's kinda funny though.

61  2018-04-26 by fsdgfhk

OK, Check out this magnificent warren of autism


So predictably, r/FuckTheAltRight, r/AHS, etc are losing their shit. And also snitching to reddit advertisers

EXCEPT... r/TheWhiteRace were only pretending to be retarded!

(posts by r/TheWhiteRace's mods. the whole sub is pretty funny tbh)


Turns out r/TheWhiteRace is actually a false flag psy-op by a rag-tag crew of pro-mayocide hapa incels!!

EXCEPT.... r/FuckTheAltRight knows they really really are nazis

Also the nazis/hapas/trolls/retards are totes cyberbullying u/wholesomeforest (OP of all the r/FuckTheAltRight, AHS, etc posts)

Except u/wholesomeforest is also totes cyberbullying the nazis

Except r/FucktheAltRight don't give a fuck

I don't even know what the point is exactly- What a bunch of massive spastics? idk. but I thought the whole retarded pile of dogshit was pretty funny.


this just strikes me as one of (((you))) playing both sides

Our (((psyops))) aren't this retardedly obvious

Right? Like we're smart enough to think of this

every time I think the goyim can’t be any dumber, you go ahead and prove us wrong 🤣🤣✡️

He deleted his posts, he knows he got called out.

He's probably one of those mongoloidCJ slants.

Please explain to me how exactly one goes about harassing somebody “ironically”.

That's an interesting question you raise, u/Galle_ ; how does one harrass someone "ironically"?

tbh I always get 'irony' mixed up with 'sarcasm', so I might not be the best authority, but I'm going to ask around here and see if we can't get to the bottom of this

(PS don't worry about people saying mean stuff to you or anything, because the mods here are massive faggots, and are far too pussy to let anything like that go on in this sub)

/r/millionshekelextreme for the correct number od layers of irony.

false flag

You have to be really retarded to think it even deserves the title "false flag" let alone genuine white supremacy. But even a man in a skirt can fool /r/Fuckthealtright subscribers.

The mod team:

/u/BasedChinaMan888 regular in /r/MongoloidCJ/
/u/DooDooDickedNiggerJr can't control himself to not make jokes about white people
/u/TheeNay3 regular in /r/EasternSunRising
/u/scorpinese regular in /r/aznidentity, /r/EasternSunRising, etc.
/u/KongThunderDong regular in /r/MongoloidCJ

Perhaps not white supremacy, but definelty Asian supremacy trying to satirize white supremacy.

The message they pinned saying "/u/spez won't do shit lol" still means the same thing, even if they aren't genuine.

Perhaps not white supremacy, but definelty Asian supremacy trying to satirize white supremacy.


Like if neo-nazis had a sub satirizing commies, right? "Hey fellow commies, we need to kill most white people because of their privilege" ^(this but unironically)

If it's banned, the reason would be because the /r/thewhiterace is anti-white, which it is, contrary to what /r/fuckthealtright believes.

no, /r/thewhiterace is about being racist. that's why it was banned.

Eh, either the mayos of AHS aren’t smart enough to know it or they know but still express their self hatred

Mayocide can’t come soon enough

why are these little dicklets so obsessed with mayos?

Sushi fears the mayo

I believe that they're butthurt about their "woke" azn movement fading into obscurity, because nobody gives a shit, so they create drama wherever they can.

Post autistic nazi shit their if the brigadiers think theirs no fight they'll stop

/r/thewhiterace was deleted...........with help from me!

Cool I guess?

yup, fuck racists and nazis

Yea thanks for fighting the good fight brother 👏🏾

yeah what happened? did the MAGA chuds take over the moderating team?

you know it dude!

Turns out r/TheWhiteRace is actually a false flag psy-op by a rag-tag crew of pro-mayocide hapa incels!!

What a wild ride!

r/thewhiterace seems to be brigades hard. I guess the antihatesubs are now on the chopping block too

I got it removed

hey guys its me, the guy in this post

well /r/thewhiterace is no more. i removed it from Reddit.

looks like i won gang