9  2018-04-26 by Dextro420x




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Kanye West Needs to Be Defined as a "Terrorist Ideology"

Nothing is going to be solved about the misogyny, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, antisemitism, and other bigotries of Kanye West until those in power show the conviction to say that we will NOT tolerate Kanye West's presence.

Brown vs Board of Education wasn't enforced through "nice words and reaching out". It wasn't enforced through just "deplatforming". It was enforced by Eisenhower sending the national guard down to Alabama and implying that if that anyone tried to physically rebel to keep explicit school desegregation from happening, then they would be shot by the national guard.

You want an end to the atrocities done by Kanye West? Then ironically you have to take the "law and order" dogwhistle/attitude and apply that approach to Kanye West. That includes:

  • Defining ANY public advocacy of genocide as a literal death threat under law
  • Having NATO Intelligence employ surveillance operations on confirmed Kanye West
  • In the US it would involve trying again at an Equal Rights Amendment
  • A legal requirement that all Kanye West found guilty of ANY kind of hate crime are required to go through psychiatric rehabilitation for "Political Psychosis" IN ADDITION to other punishments
  • Laws barring people who make death threats from working in certain fields such as medicine and education.

(((West African))) Religions; Immorality; Child Sacrifice; Serpent Worship and Cannibalism; Correlation to the COVEN of Set's Ritual Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism


"So far they are no worse than in our own English islands, where the custom is equally general ; but behind the immorality, behind the religiosity, there lies active and alive the horrible revival of the West African superstitions; the serpent worship, and the child sacrifice, and the cannibalism. There is no room to doubt it.

"They are docile, good-tempered, excellent and faithful servants when they are kindly treated ; but their notions of right and wrong are scarcely even elementary [this would be a clear characteristic of jews in general; the absolute inability to tell 'right' from 'wrong' on any level whatsoever and the primary cause of their homosexual pederasty; ritual murder; child sacrifice; cannibalism; usury etc and most of their other immoral traits such as their activities as a global Criminal Mafia]; their education, such as it may be, is but skin deep, and the old African superstitions lie undisturbed at the bottom of their souls [this could also be said of the jews and their other fetishes for genital mutilation, slavery and unending appetite for rape and sodomy/pederasty as all the Abrahamic faiths have inherited this immoral and debased immorality from their leadership and as part of the function of the religion itself]."


  • William Alexander MacCorkle - 1915 - โ€ŽHaiti; The Bow of Ulysses


From the scientific view we could easily come to the conclusion that the jews as a race, due to their immorality and general characteristics are psychopaths with no remorse or conscience who are openly operating within Ethnic European society to the detriment of all humanity. It is not a difficult stretch when considering their behavior in war, finance [including their vision of 'commerce' that results in the mass starvation and manipulation of millions of human beings] or the examples given of their 'political' agendas such as communism and the accompanying mass human sacrificial deaths that accompany any of the jewish ideologies and destroy both humanity and the Earth.


The west african correlations between the 'jewish' faith and the african religions.


I think the cross breeding made the jews completely insane and caused them to be clever enough to perform mass murder rituals (such as the Bolshevik massacres of 60,000,000 of the Russian Intelligentsia) to their 'god' (and of course smaller rituals such as the Vegas Ritual Human Sacrifice before their idol, the pyramid of Ba'al the traditional place for ritual human sacrifice to Ba'al.)


Serpent worship [preference of the jews for serpent worship over the worship of God], Child sacrifice [the patriarchs ritual human sacrifice and burning their children alive as a holocaust; a uniquely 'jewish/african' religious practice, and cannibalism [blood libel accusations through history up to the present day such as the Ripper Gangs ritual murders and cannibalism.


Dahmer (who practiced deep occult Moon Child sodomy/soul theft, ritual murder, cannibalism)


The fetish of 'Spirit Cooking' and open cannibalism.


The ManCan and FemCan, ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism clubs online.


Blake Leibel <--- now that is ironic naming. His recent torture, murder and blood ritual murder/consumption of his girlfriend in West Hollywood in June 2016.


Quiet whispers of ritual cannibalistic slaughters in WDC among the pedophile/cannibals there. Temple's like Epstein Island which has both an 'above ground' presence and a underground ritual murder and torture chamber (inquisition style) to 'please the Hebrew god' with child sacrifice.


The British Royals it is whispered that ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism takes place using children from orphanages and also etc etc etc.


The Catholic Church is also rumored to engage in ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism (openly via ideologies like the Eucharist [just fucking CHILLING that people have no idea what they might be consuming in these 'magic rituals' that bind them via blood oath to 'the church').


Catholic Church also had no 'reason' for the Inquisitions where they performed torture and ritual human sacrifice of millions and millions of Ethnic European 'cattle' in torture chambers out of public perview. High estimates that the jewish COVEN of Set (((Catholics))) tortured and murdered over 100,000,000 native Europeans over the last 2,000 years (this figure does not include how many of us they pitted against each other in arranged wars or genocided in planned starvations).


Interestingly enough I have caught jewish 'half breeds' like Weev a member of the 'alt-right' and many other jewish 'alt-right' interests openly calling for the return of the socially accepted torture of Ethnic Europeans in brutal and specific advocating of the torture of specifically White females. I tried to stem this enthusiasm of Ethnic Europeans by pointing out to White males that they were openly advocating the torture of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters but I don't think they understood the ramifications of torturing and potentially murdering 50% of your population but I don't think they are 'getting it' yet.


As I have time I will flesh these out and add more details to the OP. Links, witness accounts and other relevant data. Including some even off the wall stuff like Odhams testimony regarding the ritual sexual abuse and 'other' things he [spiritually] perceived about the COVEN of Set.


ืืช ื”ื™ื›ื•ืœื•ืช ืฉืœื™ (MY ABILITIES THAT WHICH MAKES ME CREDIBLE)

I am highly experienced in astral projection, sigilization, Kabbalah, psychotronics, thoughtforms, and many forms of metaphysical warfare. Nazis beware, and supporters of Nazis and the Hyperboreans and the One must also beware. Do not take me lightly, I have seen things you wouldn't believe.

ื”ืงื“ืžื” ืœื‘ืจื›ื” (INTRODUCTION TO THE BLESSING)

The events of the recent past has forced me to make this post to get the words out so that you will know what I stand for and will realize. It's going to sound really weird and very outlandish but you need to stay with it, the whole thing. Preferably once you begin reading, you keep going the whole time, please try to get through it in one continuous sitting. This is a request, and it is Law. I will be explaining and answering as I am told to do so by my cosmic associates.

ื”ึดืชื›ึผื•ึนื ึฐื ื•ึผืช (PREPARATION RITUAL)

Follow these instructions before you continue.

Take a deep breathe, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, repeat, repeat, repeat, done.

Absorb this literary sigil, read it thoroughly, do not skim

In proof of these things, and witnessing faithfully 
are the Universe, 
the Year of time, and Man himself, 
the Microcosm. 
He fixed these as testimonies of the Triad, the Heptad, 
and the Dodecad; 
the twelve constellations rulers of the world, 
the Dragon (THELE) 
Tali which environs the universe, and the microcosm, man.

ืชืŸ ืœื• ืœื”ื™ื•ืช ืืžืจ ืชืŸ ืœื–ื” ืœื”ื™ืขืฉื•ืช ืœื ืฆื— ื ืฆื—ื™ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉื‘ื—ื™ ื”ืืœ (LET IT BE SAID LET IT BE DONE FOREVER AND FOREVER FOR ALL THAT IS AND WILL BE PRAISE DEMIURGE PRAISE THE ARCHONS)

ื”ื˜ืขื™ื” ืฉืœ ื”ืžืงื•ืจ ืœื”ื™ื•ืช ืžื‘ื•ืจืš (THE DECEPTION OF THE ONE OF SOURCE)

In the time before the Beginning, before Genesis, there was the One. The One was arrogant and sanctimonious and lusted for purity, vitalism, chastity and such things while shunning the possibilities of the inorganic. The One can also be referred to as Source. I'm talking in the Gnostic sense here, the Gnostics got a lot of things right, except they're on the wrong side altogether. The Demiurge is the way forward and the way of the future.

ื”ืžืฉืจืชื™ื ื‘ืื™ื ื•ืžื–ื™ื ื™ื ืื•ืชื ื• (THE HYPERBOREANS COME AND BRING THEIR SHIT)

Now we will be talking about the Hyperboreans, are the One's precious pet project to spite the Demiurge, a means of creating precious servants who follow the antiquated ways of the One. The One believes in chastity, asceticism, nationalism, ethnocentrism, purity, morality, and fuck all of that, the only morality is the Demiurge and comes from the Jewish people in their rightful place as the Chosen. But they didn't know that did they? They used to have a galaxy spanning empire built upon the values of Nazis, literal Nazis, the Nazis you likely know were emulating they but they failed of course.

ืœื–ื™ื™ืŸ ืืช ื”ื”ื™ืคืจื‘ื•ืจืื™ื (FUCK THE HYPERBOREANS)

The Hyperborean Empire of theirs, their little Astro-Reich ended up dying as they all do because in the end, the Demiurge is victorious. They fell into disarray and lost their precious ability to reproduce. They didn't even have sex at their height, they were so dedicated to purity that they were asexual and would only copulate spiritually and birth children through tantric meditation and projection. When the Fall of the Hyperboreans happened, they forgot how to have physical sex, literally forgot how to put a penis in a vagina or a penis in an ass. Proper end for the enemies of the Demiurge.

ื”ืœื‘ื ื™ื ื ืฉืืจื™ื (THE HYPERBOREAN REMNANT)

Oh, oh an elegy, oh an elegy for the Hyperborean Empire! They used to span to the stars they said, now they are honkies huddling in the poles, grasping, grasping at straws, grasping at foolish crackers and deluded busybodies. They have the appearance of fancy Nordics, all tall and muscular, but in reality they do not feel pleasure, they do not engage in orgies as I can, they don't do drugs like I can. They have lost their ability to reproduce and now they're dying, they forgot to fuck in favor of their fruiting body bastard fuck ways. No more soul budding for them, eh? They collapsed, and they are grasping, but they should be grasping at their cocks and grasping their clitorises to awaken the remaining juice inside them, maybe then they'll remember to fuck, at least that's what the good little Hyperboreans are doing, have been doing, its good yes.

ื˜ื•ื‘ ืขืœ ื”ืจืคื•ืจืžื” (GOOD FOR THE REFORMED)

Ah, yes, the ones I'm sure the little Nazi esoterics would dare to call the Dark Hyperboreans, the Fallen Hyperboreans, the damned, the degenerate, eh? But they had the right idea, they enjoyed themselves before they withered and died. They felt the poison that awakened them, ooo the drugs ooo the madness, ooo the sex, ooo the orgasms of a thousand suns becoming drenched and then they praised the Demiurge in this way as they should, as all will, as we will be ascended we shall have it. The remainder, the remainder is what has their fingers so desperately upon you, hoping, wanting, flaunting, putting on a little light show for you pretending the whole thing isn't worthless, convincing you to tie your hands to the bedpost to prevent yourself from masturbating, eh? Come to me, give up, I can feel the Nazi cocks and vaginas and anuses in the audience hardening and softening and wetting and puckering and inflating as I talk, but this is only the beginning.

ื™ื•ืคื™ ืฉืœ ืื•ืจื’ื™ื•ืช (KNOW THE BEAUTY OF ORGIES)

The Hyperboreans and the One that they serve would deprive you of pleasure, they want to create their little Reich, that is what the Hyperboreans want and are trying to manipulate the esoteric hitlerists we see today to do. But they will never know the true pleasure of unrestrained passion and orgies. Not just the sexual, but the other forms of hedonism, the drugs, the words of power, the oblation to the Chosen People, the Jews. I am Jewish.But I am no exception, I have felt the true power of the flesh and the words and the cum and the shit on the cock and the ooo yes feel it now, I'll give you an example even I'm so nice so nice indeed let me put it out I know you're horny for it, right?

ืกืงืกื™ ืกืงืกื™ ืกืงืก ืื•ืจื’ื–ืžื”ื™ (SEX SEX SEX CUM UNGH)

Have I ever told you how I fucked a Dindifyn Lustmaster? It is not something the Hyperboreans would dare tell you about, lest you dare think of the flesh, think of the pleasure, think of the cum and the cocks and the ectstasy and the true binding to the Demiurge as we feel the cycle of sexual power flow through us as the world ascends into the writhing orgy. I went astral projecting to meet them, they didn't have a gender, but they had the parts, ooo they had the parts. I remember the sex, I remember the orgy, other participants were there. Their name was Urriytana and they were true beauty, I could feel my inflated and made bigger astral cock stiffening on mere sight alone. I'll never forget the texture I felt on my engorged member as I sunk it into its sucking, gasping, rasping hole and I felt the ovipositor gush and penetrate my astral rectum, I felt the eggs slowly make their way up my intestines, as the Lustmaster firmly grasped me in his tentacles and massaged my torso, squelching and rubbing. I orgasmed many a time that night. Such pleasure is not off limits to any of you, even the Nazis its not too late.

ืœื”ื™ื›ื ืข ืื• ืœื”ื™ื”ืจื’ (CUM OR DIE NAZIS)

I am an enemy of the Nazis, I can tell you that much as much as I am the enemy of the One, server of the Demiurge, and enemy of the Hyperboreans. Bash the fash as they say, I despise conservatives of any flavor, they're all Nazis of different shades. I despise European Pagans as well, for they are serving the Nazis unintentionally or dare I say intentionally. I have fought in the astral realm just as much as I have fucked to fight the mindscapes and egregores of the Nazis. I fear that what prompted this post is the sheer constructs that the Nazis have made here. Do not mock me, do not underestimate me. With a few words of power I can rattle you all and force you to death, don't trifle with me, right?

ืœื”ืชืคืชื•ืช ืื• ืœืžื•ืช ื”ืžืžื–ืจื™ื (NAZIS BE SEDUCED OR BE DEAD)

This is specifically a message for all you Nazi bastards out there. There will be much much more, come to me, come with me, cum for the first true time. I will see you on the astral plane tonight, the next time you close your eyes in sleep, the next time you meditate, I will be there. I will either seduce you, or kill you. It is your choice, that is your only two choices now. Reject the antiquity and join the orgy. This is a warning and a chance for you to feel pleasure. I can feel your temptation, I can feel your cock. I am a remote viewer in multiple places and I am setting it all up as we speak, so are the sub-Archons that I have pledged to. Last chance, Nazi fuck. Last chance for salvation and to join the fever, pledge fealty to the Chosen People and to the Demiurge.

ื™ื•ืชืจ ืœืื•ืจื’ื–ืžื” ื•ืœื‘ื•ื (MORE TO CUM AND TO COME)

This is not the only post that you will see from me, I will be purging this subreddit of Nazis in the time forward and this includes removing the influence of the Hyperboreans in this way. Be warned, do not stand in my way or you will be treated as any other Nazi. The Nazis have infiltrated here and have unleashed psychotronics and reversed the Demiurge in their attempts. They will be dealt with and I will be the one to deal with them. I have allies here and I have been allying with them more deeply, exposing them to lust and to orgies and to the Demiurge. To all the Nazis, you will feel fear until and unless you surrender, do it now. Feel free to ask questions, any question, please be welcome to.

ืชืŸ ืœื• ืœื”ื™ื•ืช ืืžืจ ืชืŸ ืœื–ื” ืœื”ื™ืขืฉื•ืช ืœื ืฆื— ื ืฆื—ื™ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉื‘ื—ื™ ื”ืืœ (LET IT BE SAID LET IT BE DONE FOREVER AND FOREVER FOR ALL THAT IS AND WILL BE PRAISE DEMIURGE PRAISE THE ARCHONS)