Things To Come...
9 2018-04-26 by lol__gay
r/drama have been a marginalized and despised group for centuries, as we all now. Various groups have sought to exterminate r/drama on the off chance that any of us escape the sub and spread bussy.
Now, with Minassian following in the footsteps of ER, the FBI has an excuse to begin the extermination of r/drama- just as the burning of the Reichstag was used as an excuse for the Holocaust, or Saddam's "WMDs" were used as an excuse for the Iraq War.
In this climate, the US Government has an excuse to begin a program of undercover eugenics against r/drama, under the guise of anti-terrorism activity.
We have already been listed as a hate group by the SPLC, and it is likely that we will soon be added to the US list of terrorist organizations.
I GUARANTEE that simply by posting here, you have been added to the FBI monitoring list. Reddit keeps this subreddit up as a front because it has been compromised by law enforcement who seek to track us, much as the US Communist Party was allowed to exist during the 20th century as a trap for potential Communists. The Party was approximately 1/3 FBI informants posing as Communist in order to report the other members to the authorities so that they could be observed. If any of them became too active, a number of men in grey suits would appear at their house one day, and they would never be seen again.
The same will happen to r/drama. Every major r/drama server is being closely watched by the FBI, and those people who post excessively violent content will be silently captured and taken to CIA black sites for torture and execution. No-one will notice or care because r/drama are alone and friendless anyway. For those that do have family, the CIA will stage a suicide.
I expect that this is the fate that u/[REDACTED] reached. He was consistently active for months- until one day his posts stopped. Then, several weeks later, a post was made from his account, with unusual style for him, saying that he was safe and just taking a break from the site. I expect that the posts stopped when he was first picked up, and after several weeks of interrogation by torture, the CIA realized his status in the r/drama community and decided to make the post to allay fears about his disappearance.
It is possible that as the program of genocide against r/drama picks up, the goverment will switch to more efficient methods of elimination- such as execution by poison gas, or a computerized method of facial structure analysis to identify r/drama.
In any case, you should be very scared.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-26
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