Hope they serve pudding pops in prison, Cosby guilty of the old drug and plug

130  2018-04-26 by Oh_hamburgers_


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Uhhh you put tha qualude in da puddin pop mmmmmmmmmmmm tasty fun oh diddly


He's too white for this to work on him

He's halfway to being a blue-eyed devil

Didn’t they just start the retrial? Seems like it was over pretty fast.

He's black, so he got the "expedited guilty" treatment

It was two weeks. I thought the same thing and had to know. Still seems long but shorter than I would have expected.

user reports:

Ok ok! Jeez.

Eddie Murphy on being chastised by Bill Cosby.

The next time that motherfucker call, tell him to suck my dick! - Richard Pryor

"Tell that motherfucker to have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!"

I don't want to sound like a rape apologist but what kind of evidence do they have for something that took place that long ago.

You sound like a rape apologist.

I don't want to sound like a rape apologist

Well you failed there...

but what kind of evidence do they have for something that took place that long ago.

Testimony is evidence. Several women testified and their stories lined up/established a pattern. Plus I just read an article saying that they also used Cosby's own testimony from a different case where he admitted to giving someone qualudes to have sex with her.

You raped me, you belong in prison.

You can't rape nazis.

you cant maybe

Damn useless gussy. Foiled again!

pretty funny, coming from a known rapist.

Well you failed there...

How dare he ask for evidence before believing someone is guilty of a crime. /s

> Testimony is evidence. Several women testified and their stories lined up/established a pattern.

Same thing happened in Salem.

> Plus I just read an article saying that they also used Cosby's own testimony from a different case where he admitted to giving someone qualudes to have sex with her.

See now that's evidence. There's no reason for this "you must be a rape apologist if you don't believe people" BS. That shit is how lynch mobs form.

old crusty bill cosby jizz

I bet that it has became solid.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure no one wants to stick their dick in that.

Christ. Are they sure it wasn't *Cosby* who was doing the drugs?

He woke up to Cosby jerking him off.

Jesus Christ is he sure this was a girl?

Or human?

He's black. That's what they do.


Multiple witnesses with similar stories show a case of serial rape. None of the witnesses knew each other beforehand and they have similar accounts of being sexually assaulted by the same person.

Did you miss the part where he admitted it?

Fake news. Kanye already determined his innocence. Sorry!

Sorry no, but...


I have too much of a head ache to try to find a good source but was there physical evidence or was it all just witness testimony?

Idk but he admitted to a lot of it, giving women he intended to sleep with quaaludes beforehand.


Which was actually testimony he gave to the former DA with the promise they wouldn’t prosecute Cosby because they didn’t want him pleading the 5th.

Alas, his lawyers didn’t get the agreement in writing, so the new DA came along & decided not to honor the deal. And for some reason the judge allowed it, even though the former DA testified in court acknowledging that he’d made the deal with Cosby.

The appeal should be interesting.

Wow, I hadn't heard anything like that. You got sauce?

Donkey show, mein amigo.

Black man trusting a DA. Nigga , you fucked up.

Was the norf norf video for nothing?!

Fuck man you'd think he wouldn't trust a career that thrives on technicalities.

But yeah the appeal is going to be hilarious.

Hopefully Bill Cosby gets to suck some puddin' pops in prison beforehand though.

Now ((people)) can't tell everyone to listen to what Bill Cosby says about why black people are poor. No more "personal responsibility" famous black person.

The (((deep state))) claims another victim

i was 100% sure he’d die and be forgiven first

Jimmy Saville (basically the British Robin Williams) was only exposed as a rapist after his death. They demolished his tombstone talking about what a great man he was and his name had to stripped from a bunch of charities.

Robin Williams was a rapist? OMG! TIL

We all know who Jimmy Saville is here


rape is a myth invented by feminists

rape is a myth invented by feminists

You could have worded it more elegantly:

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Consent Like Nigga Say Yes Haha

shit that would have been a good one

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Consent Like Nigga Say Yes Haha

I see you have also received an advance copy of Nicki Minaj's new hippity hop album.

Reminder that those women would not have pressed charges if he were white.

Lol I love that your permanent flair informs me that 1) you're that moron that let Pizzashill spank him, and 2) you're serious.

You don’t love anything. Cucks live in a constant state of anxiety

Milkos live in a constant state of sin.


How about (((Weinstein)))?

A true incel hero

Ethnic cope.

/r/PuddingPop go subscribe

Bill Cosby's lawyer vows 'the fight is not over' after America's dad is convicted on three counts of sexual assault

America's dad

He is not america diddling uncle ?

He wont last a year