Spiderman dies in new capeshits movie Infinity War btw.

3  2018-04-27 by GoblinVapes

Just to clear that up.


I unironically like capeshit movies tbqh.


absolutely disgusting

Thanks I love you too

What movies will you like when you're over 13

They should nuke the whole franchise.

It's pronounced "thanoose"

No it isn't! 😒😞

Yeah it is. Learn to know things.

capeshit is for lowlife degenerates just like anime

I....I.. agree with you?

That feels dirty. I just like ruining shit for Autismos. Like how Fortnite is basically Minecraft with guns.

Nah it's the standard opinion around these parts.

Good, he was an overrated little twink

Thanks, asshole.

Wah. I saved you $20 and 2 hours of your life.

Thank me motherfucker.

I did retard.