Unrepentant Nazi mayo supremacist takes up cyber-begging; wants $140,000 to duck a $1,100 fine for a violent crime that he claims he's """"innocent""""" of (lol), even though he recorded and uploaded video evidence.

0  2018-04-27 by fsdgfhk


Imagine seeing this man and hearing him talk for more than 5 seconds and thinking he's a smart person with valuable insight.

Dumb fucking goy, lol.

gas the jews lol.

Quick!! Give this^ model citizen $140,000!!!

lol. This fucktard nazi video records himself committing a violent, racially-based hate-crime, decides "Well shit, I better upload this video evidence of my criminal act to Youtube!!", somehow ducks the lengthy prison sentence he deserves (probably because the judge was a white supremacist too), makes a video gloating about "lol, look at the pissweak sentence I got away with!! By the way, I nindu nuffin, gibs me $140,000!!"

Absolutely, indisputably, 1,000% peak mayo entitlement.

What do you call this shtick?

"The Objective Truth"

Oh my sweet sunshine, no...

Why do you downvote? Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity? You do realize karma is worthless right? And that downvoting a comment doesn't do anything to the legitimacy of what's in the post right? Or do you just ignore all of that because you're butthut and have to lash out like a baby in need of a circumcision? I mean seriously! You can't have a conversation with someone on the internet without angrily clicking the downvote button? Do you feel like you've had vengeance on me or something? I personally don't care about downvotes either way (by all means, call your silly downvote brigade on me, it means nothing at all to me), but I just find it funny how seriously you and others like yourself actually take these imaginary internet points. Reddit really is all you have, huh? Damn do I feel bad for you. But you know what? I don’t care! I’ll rake in the coal! You’re logic is flawed, kiddo. Don't like what people are doing with it? Downvote me, that'll show 'em! Go ahead and press that down arrow, I know you're itching to do it. Think you're contributing to the community? "Doing your civic duty"? Nope. You're just decreasing a meaningless number on the internet. You just want to hop on the bandwagon. Well POUNCE! O can hear you as your feet land on the cold real steel of the inside of the wagon. You know what? Enjoy the ride, for now. Maybe even stick your head out the window and feel the breeze while you reflect on the importance of your downvote to me. I'll even give you my word, this isn't even my primary account, kiddo. Downvote away, downvote to your heart's content. But listen kid, please remember rule 1 of reddit. Treat the other people commenting as if they are human beings. It is fascinating, however, that people ignore the fact that I am right just because the first two people downvoted me. From that point it is just snowballs. When people see downvotes, do they neglect their own ability or reason?

Ayn Rand would skull fuck you for that comment.

Any Rand can suck an egg. She's the worst.

Don't insult my waifu

Your waifu is trash

No ur ideology.

Ayn Rad died on welfare with a cooter full of herpes.

She wasn't on welfare. She was getting reparations.

Oy mate, you got a license for yer nazi pug?

I thought the Nazi pug was funny....

Jesus fucking Christ. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...

Paging /u/fsdgfhk, do you believe that teaching a dog to salute to Nazi catchphrases is hate speech and not a dumb joke?

lol. Why am I not surprised that this retarded question is coming from the calibre of genius that thinks you don't just have to ping me, but also announce you're pinging me, when just commenting on the fucking post like a normal person does the exact same thing?

wow ok you're being really rude right now?

I like how he stretches his neck collar down so we don’t have to see his repugnant, hairy, white pot belly.




That title is a disaster.
