A moment of silence. Resident KKK chapter president, Feeeeeepo, is no more.

71  2018-04-27 by snallygaster


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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If anyone is wondering, I'm now doing a gopnik "got my vodka for free" happy dance.

Ed was reporting people to the admins before tick tock.

That's where tick tock got the idea to do it. Ed is part of AHS

Oh, come on. Ed is not a snitch. He's had like 30 people sperg out at him and not got banned, but somehow he's responsible for Grandpa Tick Tock?

Ed is most certainly a snitch, every single person who "sperged out" at him got spider banned, odd coincidence that.

Oh and he also admitted and coordinated it on Discord.

Yes Mr. Tick Tock, we know that Ed doesn't like you.

You ain't fooling us with this alt Ivanka

retards who actually sperg out on ed's comment are actually retarded enough to violate tos

Who woulda thunk

Hi Grandpa Tick Tock.

I don't even use the drama Discord regularly you dumbfuck. Nice try tho 😂😂😂

Your dun goofed grandpa ballsack

You leave mt best friend alone.

Ed is part of AHS

Was he the gimp in Hotel?

\> Implying he'd be anything less than Lady Gaga

I'm Fiona from Coven.

Whose woman is this?



This will be the easiest alt in the entire universe to spot when he pops back up.

Yeah, even if he uses a completely different username he'll give himself away in an instant. He's literally incapable of making a post that isn't complaining about minorities.

will the /r/drama ecosystem be damaged by a decrease in the nigger post population ?


Aww :(

Like 70% of my comments are just me telling her that I had sex with her mom.


I'm just sad that I'll never get to show him the feebas I named after him on Pokemon Go.


You get a pass in having good battery life, but a fail in clearing notifications.

I don't get the point of clearing them. What does it do?

How can u clean ur room💩💩 if u can't even clean ur notifications😒😂😂

What is the point of notifications and clearing them though? I honestly don't understand!

They notify you, you clear them to show that you've been successfully notified.


My 4 year old brother😒 uses a somewhat similar logic to avoid taking a bath. 😜😬

They occasionally tell you useful things (like that you have new mail, or that Firefox is eating CPU in the background), so if you clear them you can be notified when that stuff happens.

Yeah, but if you continue to see notifications even if you don't clear them then what's the point of clearing them?

You can't tell which are the new ones!

Aren't they at the top?

I wouldn't know, obviously.

I guess if you clear them out you wouldn't.

I need JP to tell me how to use my phone to better own the libs

I've honestly never questioned this. I think I now have to re-analyze my entire life.

Adds busywork to your day.

not using iOS

Discusting 🤮



I am a recent convert to the cult of jobs(x) and just looking at that migraine inducing ui from your screenshot is bringing me back to the bad old days.

Stock android on pixel is nice though.

That's the same ui as stock lol

Apple is too sleek and simplified. I like my platforms to reflect my thoughts- cluttered, chaotic and ugly.

The perfect OS for /r/drama actually

Apple rules, only poor ppl and virgins dislike it

Lmao am certified retard.

I guess what I was trying to say is that I moved from a pixel to an s8+ to an iPhone X and the only thing comparable aesthetically to an iPhone that’s running Android is the pixel. Sense interface over stock android is trash

Haven't actually used TouchWiz that much but it looks better than Pixel in the store although that may just be the hardware, it's definitely sucked in the past tho. Apple's still the best aesthetically, material design was good but tbh it seems like they're backsliding from what I've seen on /r/Androud.



Fam, I was once you but than I got emoji pilled and took a bite of the apple 🍏. It’s as delicious as it looks

Jailbroken iOS is even better than android tbh fam


How was the root canal?


(X) doubt


Oh I was hoping you had died 😒

i do everytime i get tricked into reading a drama thread 😞

I'll count that as a success then

dying is good

pretty sure no one is more flaming than you

is this a “gay = bad” insult? boy, this takes me back.

being gay isn't bad, being you is

nah fam it’s good.


Finally, dude was retarded, subscribes to white supremacy when clearly Asians are the superior race.

🤔I dunno I make some pretty bad posts

I don't have anything against Asians but if I was in Vietnam I would have My Lai'd so many slants and not felt a thing

Wow don’t be so racist please use the term slope or zipperhead instead

(((Jews))) deserve the first prize.

Imagine being <.2% of the world's population, in total control of history, and not being the master race.

Future is Chan Zuckerberg Jew-Asian overlords

Jeurasian Master Race vs Filthy Peasant Blexicans

We should rate ethnicities on a logarithmic scale from mayo to jew

Logarithm with fractional base.

Even in their own country Jews are cucked. They can try to sterilize blacks, they can try and deport blacks, but jewish girls still can't get enough.

Jews are just stealth whites pretending to be something else.

How can one be superior with an azn penis?

that's right

Get this man a 21 nigger salute.


/u/feeepo: 0

Niggers: 1



Fucking lmaoooooooo

Good, hopefully Ed will be next

Praise be to allah (piss and shit be upon him) if that happens

It's interesting that you comment in r/Iowa. /u/shallowm hmmmmm (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)

For context, a little under a day ago the admins removed this post, at which point I assume they benned him. It's a month-old comment so it's a little strange that he got banned over it, if that's the reason for the happening. They must have been searching for a way to justify banning him or something. Hopefully feepo uses his time away from reddit to reflect upon his life choices and beliefs.

I😎 wonder who's alt it was? 😯

Someone could have rifled through xir comments to find something to report to admins.

True. I'm sure that more than one person has.

I did just to try to find one not about minorities.

What's weird is that I don't really see how that racist-man-yells-at-cloud comment was globally rule-breaking.

Linking to old.reddit.com is as bad as linking to np Snally -__-

Yeah, for whatever reason I'm in old.reddit right now and too lazy to make the change to normal reddit.

Why would you even be on old Reddit?

Idk, someone must have linked it here.

oh ok, that's understandable

Why would you not?

hopefully that fentanyl hotpack lands and he suspends from life

I R O N I C A L L Y, admincels



RIP MY NI🅱️️🅱️️ER!! 🙏😪🤧

Rejoice, /u/devavrata17!