Badasses of /r/PreschoolBounceHouse get ready to take it to the bourgeoisie by murdering there landlords. (agenda post)

43  2018-04-27 by TheHeroReditDeserves


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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When we say "kill all landlords" we clearly mean metaphorically kill the concept of a landlord

When CTH goes full bourgie

jizzing on black and white printouts of your landlord at 80 dpi doesnt count


newfags smh I'm wiling out here bruh this shit aint cool

Whom does the CTR have NDA with?

Poor people talking about all the things they "would" do is fucking hilarious.

the subs of /r/LivingAtMyParentsHouse are far from destitute.

Your parents having money doesn't mean you have money. The chapo kids aren't filing 1040's.

The chapo kids aren't filing 1040's.

Because it doesn't count as income if your parents pay all your bills.

property is... There's just no way to own and manage it ethically.

I cannot imagine being this retarded. It's simply too much. Plenty of individual landlords operate it "ethically." I personally know several.

Ofc their definition of "ethically" probably means literally not collecting rent and letting people live for free and turn the house into a drug flop house.

My apartment's management (a team of landlords I guess) is fantastic. Never had a problem and all concerns are fixed quickly.

Who woulda thunk that if you rent a $300 a month studio in the projects your landlord would be a piece of shit?

On the other hand, fuck landlords. If you're a homeowner and a bunch of absentee landlords start buying up houses on your block, it's time to sell.

Actually your landlords are oppressors who need to be murdered. Check your privilege, bourgeois scum

I pay less than $500 and my landlord is very helpful.

Throw that statement back at him while telling him that some people reserve their apartment houses for the needy. There's a house in my street whichs apartment are reserved for homeless and people in tough situations. And the guy owning it, also has some apartments for refugees iirc.

Because when they say that shit, it's never about other people. It's always about themselves. They want free shit

something something you need force to enforce your claim on property

drug flop houses are the best kind of houses tyvm

My parents rent out a few houses. They all buy each other Christmas gifts and occasionally will make each other baked goods. I'm pretty sure they want everyone dead it just makes sense. Real people have no empathy or understanding of reality and immediately want to kill anyone that owns land.

Aww you guys! I went in there and caught the cancer šŸ˜¢ It happened when I read larp the Chinese civil war, and now my bussy is glowing like I serviced a glory hole at Chernobyl! šŸ¤¢

Let me guess, they complain again because something isn't free huh

Does it really count as a guess if your already 100% sure.

Does it really count if it's the only answer possible?

I'd maybe stop short of killing them and resort to merely seizing their property, offering it as free public housing to those in need, and forcing them to reimburse the rent that they collected over the years.


In my experience, the "change society from the ground up (while getting revenge on my various ideological opponents)" impulse dies out after a certain degree of independence and responsibility is achieved. People realize that the piss and vinegar they had in their youth can be directed towards things like family, career goals, fulfilling hobbies, etc. that is beneficial not only to themselves and the ones they love, but society around them generally.

I guess my question to you is: have you ever been in charge of anything that has a direct bearing on the lives of other people?


I saw someone getting downvoted there for saying that supporting black businesses isn't socialism, idek man, I'm beginning to think these ppl might just be reddit lamers.

I'd maybe stop short of killing them and resort to merely seizing their property, offering it as free public housing to those in need, and forcing them to reimburse the rent that they collected over the years.

This is your brain on communism

Believe it or not, thatā€™s what initially happened in 1917. Factory owners were mostly just publicly humiliated and not allowed Party membership (basically equivalent to citizenship). But unfortunately, after the civil war between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, a group of hardliners seized governmental power. These guys were mostly WW1 and Russian Civil War vets and they did a top-down militarization of the Bolshevik government, which led to the much more brutally repressive USSR weā€™ve come to know and love.

Real communism has been tried, and it almost always ends with the ā€œtemporaryā€ autocracy becoming a permanent one.

Exactly, it's the reason communism can never work. Because the people who get themselves placed into those positions of authority in the initial phases are the exact people least likely to give up that power to start the whole "classless, egalitarian utopia" phase

My landlady is cool and super helpful.

Then you follow up with ā€œare you a commie?ā€ If he says yes heā€™d kill you rn.

/u/OTIS_is_king did you know that fat lolcows are an endangered species. Everyday hundreds of fat lolcows die of exposure. If you could please come to our enclosure of safty we can help protect the lolcow from extinction.

Oh so this is where you guys came from. Btw r/PreSchoolBounceHouse is even worse than CrapoFratHouse

lol /r/PreSchoolBounceHouse is way better then CrapoFratHouse and a much more accurate depiction of the sub.

Look man you live your life however you want I'm just saying that a bounce house joke doesn't really make sense if the insult is that we're all edgy teenagers. Bounce houses are fun as shit, they're a pretty universal symbol of joy.

edgy teenagers

The insult is that you are all clueless children LARPing as edgy socialist teenagers. As far as the hierarchy goes you guys are like 1/2 a rung above the MDE subs and below literally everyone else .

you are all clueless children LARPing as edgy socialist teenagers

So just to be clear the insult is that we are larping as teenagers, that thing no one ever does?

As far as the hierarchy goes

Do you people not realize you're the literal bottom feeders of Reddit?

Do you people not realize you're the literal bottom feeders of Reddit?

The internet socialist types unironically.

I meant like you sit on the seabed of reddit, subsisting off the detritus from other subs. In an actual foodchain, MDE is miles above this place, and I don't even like that sub.

We are radical centrist super-solders charged will keeping the balance. Without our constant shit posting the alt right and the ctrl left would run rampant across the country mildly inconveniencing all in there wake while failing to effect any political change because there retarted.

Meme Lantern

alright that was pretty good.

Do you people not realize you're the literal bottom feeders of Reddit?

...and we're feeding off you and your comrades, what does that make you?

Literal shit

Damn, you're pretty smart for an edgy wanna-be commie.

I wouldn't be on Reddit unless I was already filled with self-loathing (but tbh neither would any of you)

Ew fuck I think we stepped in r/Drama or something

Proceeds to go post in drama

Ewwwwwwwwy nasty groosssss

I was summoned bitch and I'm trying to be a good guest

Passive aggressively single downvoting like karma matters


Bruh, tell everyone how you smug posted at me thinking I deleted my posts but instead just found out you are a retard that can't operate a computer.

Tell everyone again how you keep messaging me telling me how much you don't care at all that I thought you deleted your gross posts

Tell everyone again how you keep messaging me telling me how much you donā€™t care at all that I thought you deleted your gross posts

I'll post the whole chain. I messaged you after being banned because you were being a retard and smug posting and then you went into how my posts were too extreme. Which, well... That was the point. I am genuinely concerned abput your level of autismo.

For the record it still says it was deleted for me, but Iā€™m on mobile and my phoneā€™s pretty old, so Iā€™m just taking your word that itā€™s an error on my display


I messaged you after being banned

The classic sign of a guy who isn't mad

you went into how my posts were too extreme

I didn't call them extreme. I said they were pretty weird, stop making it seem like I thought you were cool, creep

I am genuinely concerned abput your level of autismo

You know when you get right down to it the degree to which r/drama posters have the same diction as normies is kind of disappointing



The classic sign of a guy who isnā€™t mad

I literally don't know what MO I've you think I might have to be angry. Lol I said "Hey dummy, I didn't delete my posts" when you smuggled at me about archiving everything like some kind of sperg demon.

I didnā€™t call them extreme. I said they were pretty weird, stop making it seem like I thought you were cool, creep


You know when you get right down to it the degree to which r/drama posters have the same diction as normies is kind of disappointing



I never deleted anything. Do you not know how reddit works?

r/PreSchoolBounceHouse is even worse than CrapoFratHouse

Only because it's more accurate and less insulting. You losers hate being compared to Frat Chads, but you don't mind being compared to children because you describe everything using Harry Potter references.

Crapofrathouse is better because at least the people who use that actually mean it when they think that it's some kind of hub of misogyny or something. You guys say PreSchoolBounceHouse but literally all your insults are about us being edgy teenagers or millennials, not preschoolers.

Btw making fun of people who compare everything to Harry Potter is a staple of r/CTH, it's the exact opposite of what you said. If you're gonna spend all your time on the internet trying to roast people maybe make sure your jokes actually work

I do sometimes wonder whether we're all actually on a list for posting here

Don't worry, /u/brokenAmmonite, nobody is compiling a list of Down's Syndrome cases.

adequate burn i guess, it's got "you're not important" implication which is good but im not really feeling "Down's Syndrome". Maybe go for "useless infighting tweens" or "bougie authoritarian philosophy students"?

Or if you really wanna stick with the disease theme, go for something more thematic. Like, "people with Muchausen's by Proxy but for literally everyone who isn't them".

After this response, I have to agree, it's not Down's Syndrome. Congratulations on not being a retard, you autist.