Is it good reddiquette to ask /r/awww poster pimping out his crippled daughter for internet points how she got crippled?

5  2018-04-27 by IAintThatGuy


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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I guess it’s not because it’s all been removed

/u/core330 any opinions on the matter?

I’m not sure what your angle here is. She skinned her knee badly on a bike earlier that day. That’s actually my daughters friend and she’s all good now 🤷🏾‍♂️.

So she can now run at normal speeds. That won't be good news for all the pedophiles lurking here.

Why do you think posting your kid to reddit is a good idea?

Do you not know about a thing called Facebook?

Also, how retarded are you:

Don't listen to them, that video was really heart-warming and your daughter is adorable. It looks like you need /r/antiMLM, though.

Rude, black != crippled

I agree they're not all crips, some are bloods. But that one has a limp.
