T_D talks about how they need the 2A to help kidnap children

1  2018-04-28 by ineedmorealts



When a child turns 2 in UK, you can use the vaccine damage compensation scheme.


Kid has had trouble since 8 weeks, likely vaccine damage

You have any evidence of that?


You want to storm a childrens hosptial with guns?

I would absolutely do that if I were his dad

And then what? What are you planning to do once you have the kid? The kid's in a semi-vegetative state. He needs advanced medical equipment to live. Even if you took his body out of there it wouldn't mean jack shit. He'd still die.

Also do you not realize that hospitals can lock down? As in all stairwell doors will be sealed and all elevators disabled. Meaning you'd never get near the kid before SWAT showed up.


Why hasn't the Queen done anything?

Because she's literally only a figure head with no real power. At best she has minor political influence.