Are you for real reddit admins? This redesign is fucking abysmal

98  2018-04-28 by TheFallenHero


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If you can't see, the "x comments" in the UI fucking shakes when I'm browsing reddit. I think I'm going to get a seizure. This is ridiculous. How incompetent are you that your UI redesign makes the fucking UI spasm? How fucking incompetent are you to release it with issues like that?

I wish for a Digg v4 thing to happen with Reddit. It will be hilarious

I can't wait to see the racists on Voat freaking out at the flood of refugees, calling everyone a "shill" or "jews".

They don't want other people to make fun of them 😢😢😢

Make /v/fatpeoplehate great again.

Voat is shitty and ugly too though.

That's a known bug, m8. Why are complaining about beta software being buggy?

beta software

Truer word res never spoken tbh

Why are the morons pushing buggy shit on everyone?

View profiles in legacy mode on desktop

Thank god, the profile view sucks

It's much better in the redesign.

Trick question, we've known how incompetent they are for years

I think I see your problem

Looks like it was coded by Michael J. Fox

Hello niggerpenis! You have a special place in my heart!! 😍🙈

More like a place in your bussy.



post bussy

Is someone with ten alts following you around downvoting everything you say? The number of downvotes you're getting for milquetoast shitposts is kinda weird.

/u/whataboutThe_Donald would you happen to know something about that?

You won't respond from your /u/comedictrans account and you deleted /u/AnnoysTheSoyBoys soooo ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Downvoting is actively aggressive, not passive aggressive. I almost never downvote people. So no, not me bb.

Edit: I think our newfriends from MDE aren't acclimated yet to your brand of... contribution.

I almost never downvote people

Then you're not a radical centrist worth his salt. Real nibba hit that shit for maximum drama.

P.S: frankly, bringing up complaint about it unironically publically isn't a good move. Makes you look like a crybaby 🙈🙈🙈

😒 I only complain because it's poor form on drama. I know the argument eludes you, but it's not about the karma. Downvoting is for newfags who can't handle internet opinions. You're a veteran here at this point, but u do u.

buttering me up

STAHP! ✋️😂🍿

Also no. Downvoting makes meta drama interesting as fuck. Especially if one side brings it up then shits gets weirder and funnier. "Etiquette" my ass. Unless it's an outsider that can fall victim to the commenting restriction, now that a legitimate argument 👏

Reddit embedded video is literally nonfunctional on android phones and they have literally no clue why or how to fix it

Reddit embedded video is nonfunctional on android phones and they have literally no clue why or how to fix it

Get a phone that's not from 2008. Video works fine on RiF.

What is RiF?

I see, thanks for that.

So many people reee-ing on this fucking website that they've incorporated it into the design.

/u/spez is incompetent and he looks like a gerbil

How does a guy build a website with this many users and not figure out how to monetize it?

Because his users are all people like you.

Well he has hasn't he? like i'm assuming he's rich as fuck beyond that why give a fuck.

They have monetized it, it's just... not very good at making money.

Not every business venture is successful.

Nice one.

I unironically hope that it drives off a whole lotta users.

the soy shake

It's breathing

hey we figured the site was too functional so we made it retarded no need to thank us

Gee I wonder who could be behind this...

I have to opt out every day. It won't even let me log out, I have to purge everything just to get logged out and opt out again.

Reddit is literally retarded.

Bosses wife's son is probably a react.js or whatever the fuck developer and probably got hired because of nepotism