MDExtremist discovers the conspiracy behind /u/aliceunknown's (((tits)))

76  2018-04-28 by AnnoysTheGoys


Cool story, bro


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So apparently they believe that the "Khazar milkers" memes are all part of a ploy by JIDF shills to make /pol/ unable to resist the (((globalist))) threat?

Is this true, /u/AnnoysTheGoys? Or is it just further evidence or /r/MDE's latent homosexuality?

Both tbh

I was kinda hoping that would be the answer.

What is this khazar milker meme?

Basically just pictures of Jewish women with big boobies. I think the implication is that the knockers are supposed to be seducing them away from the "true answer" to the Jewish Question, but I don't spend enough time on /pol/ to confirm that.

Yeah that's the joke, beautiful jewesses are bred to destroy the white man's desire to resist.

its just a funny joke theory because ashkenazi jew women often have huge tits

Dunno why you're downvoted, I've endured praying 5 times to a certain direction to get my penis entombed in the goyim's forbidden fruits.

More like one guy believes that and everyone else is calling him retarded.

latent homosexuality

There's nothing latent about it. Those morons are whining about tits. They're more into the bussy than we are.

It's true that Israel puts out calenders like "women of the IDF" in the US to hopefully gain support from the young goys.

What do Jew men call thot jews?

They call thot goys shiksa, so they have to have some clown language name for their own.

Mushmouth language or not, credit for a tradition of naming the thot.

Thot patrol is a universal concept. Even anarchocommies know that an anti-thot militia is necessary, they'll just never admit it.


the idf has done equally retarded shit before though without any irony whatsoever

like posting bikini idf girls on nazi forums like "hey guys theyre white and shoot muslims with guns why dont you like them??!?"

Jewish womens tits fall off as soon as you marry them, also they grow a beard

Any woman that married you would automatically be a beard

What the fuck are u implying you oven dweller?

I'm not gay, I was vaccinated from the feygele at birth. That g4p was just business!

I don't know, man, you sure showed a lot of gusto the way you were going at those matzo balls.


Pls confirm

She's one of the few non-Jewish women of r/drama I believe.

Suprisngly there are a decent number of jewesses in our ranks.

Those are some nice tits.

I wish her brother Ben had a nice rack like that.

Or maybe youโ€™d prefer she had a nice, feminine penis?

Who wouldn't?

Imagine feeling those Khazar milkers squashed against your back as she slowly penetrates you with her feminine penis.

๐Ÿ˜ Golly.

No room in my bussy for Jew girlcock

Wait till you taste /u/aliceunknown ( อกยฐ อœส– ) อกยฐ

I've already had a taste of /u/Mircy's girlcock and she's a superior German.

Is that semen kosher? ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ”ฏ

Halal af ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ™ˆ

Ed, you're a big boy and I'm sure you can take care of yourself but why are you up so late? Go to bed!

It's 2:30am rn. I'm watching IASIP. Don't feel like sleeping rn ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Oy vey.

Keep going I'm almost there

No, I want tits on Ben.

I think Ben definitely "accidentally" walked in on his sister changing numerous times, and who can blame him. If her eyes didn't occupy different zip codes, Abigail would be a prime Jewish princess.

I think Ben definitely "accidentally" walked in on his sister changing numerous times

According to the documentary "Portnoy's Complaint" about Jewish (((puberty))), this is 100% likely.

I'm legitimately just sitting here staring at them tbh. Send help, or nice tittays, don't care which.

Medium tittied goth gfs are a human right and should be provided by the state

You go flat or you go big mister, no room for in between.

I'm a man of 'just acceptible' tastes.

Remember time when man could just enjoy nice pair of tits and ass whitout it being some Jewish conspiracy.

/u/rayfosse, what is a bugman? I'm not autistic enough to follow your thought processes.

The Urban Dictionary definition is close enough:

A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.

Everything about his personality and life is not defined by who he is, but by what he buys and his consumerist tendencies. He'll be subscribed to at least one, maybe multiple subscription services, he'll happily use social media and upload all of his information to the cloud, and he'll gravitate towards things that seem "rational" and use big words.

In fact, their social media use defines a lot about who they are, as they try to get the most likes on social media bragging about their life and viewing the lives of others who do the same.

Yet there is something big missing about their life, something that can be seen in their face. Something that can be seen the minute you strip away all the consumerist choices and realize, there's nothing else. Their lives are empty, hollow, and all about serving corporations, until they die, and this is seen in their empty insectoid stare that implies they're dead inside, giving them the name bugmen.

Generally, I'd say it's someone who can't think for themselves, whether it's for consumer products, culture, or politics. The types of people who are angry at Kanye right now would be good examples. They can't handle that one part of their world is conflicting with another, just because a musician they like has different political views than the culturally-prescribed norm.

They can't handle that one part of their world is conflicting with another

Oh the sweet irony!

You're an insult to Ray Fosse's good name


Your post that I linked to

You're more of a Bob than a Ray

This sub is hilarious. Your username/flair combo feels like a parody. Are you the elusive IDF shitposter I was seeking?

I think you've found a whole nest of them.

This sub is hilarious.

You can't stay. We have too many MDfugees already.

Are you the elusive IDF shitposter I was seeking?

Yes, by hiding in plain sight

Elusive as in heretofore hard to find.

Elusive as in heretofore hard to find.

Did you actually try looking? I mean, besides in mde & t_D?

Most shills in normie reddit are more obviously shareblue or the like. I fear you're just a lowly larper, however.

I fear you

We get it, you're afraid, yet sexually aroused by your (((superiors)))

How Jewish to see sex in everything. I don't even know where that came from.

I don't even know where that came from.

An erection out of fear and insecurity is completely normal and non-sexual.

Why are you thinking about my penis? I swear Judaism is a mental disorder.

I'm more interested in ur soygoy bussy tbh your penis?

You can't stay. We have too many MDfugees already.


Please stay and enrich our mayo-slathered sub with your native culture's rich and spicy memes.

I thought Jews hate mayo.

somebody has to pay retail

Jewesses are hotter than wh*te women.

That's why the most attractive Jews are always the ones who look the whitest, and who generally are at least half-white genetically, like Scarlett Johannson.

I totally forgot about how valuable black women are on the sexual marketplace.

That looks like the kind that sleeps with black men.

As she should. Black people are truly the epitomy of humanity.

I'm assuming you're white.

Sadly yes. I wish I had been born black.

Self-hatred is so sad. Listen to Kanye. Learn to love yourself.

Looks like your mom tbh

sexual marketplace

Hey hey hey, we stopped buying black women over 150 years ago.

Now you have to rent them.

No thanks.

Imaganing.being so retarded that you evaluate everything based on race.

Also Jews can be white, black blue etc

Have you ever even met a Jewish person?

Some of my best friends are Jewish. Seriously.

So no

Not joking. I've got tons of Jewish friends.

>mde poster

>"I've got tons of friends"

haha, what a story mark

Believe what you want to believe.


You just hate that they're "filthy juden"

Nope. I've got no hate for them.

Oh so you're just acting retarded

You have a very simple mind.

Explain how it is that jews are simultaneously an inferior race, and run everything.

I never said either of those things. But Jews (not all) control Western institutions through extreme nepotism, deceit and preying on white guilt and white trustworthiness.

You're open in this small meaningless forum, but if this were a major public discussion, you'd scream "anti-semite" at me and lie about your beliefs or intentions. Liars and cheats can be very successful, just like criminals. But eventually, even credulous people catch on to what's going on, which is why Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in. It's inevitable.

You are far from a credulous person.

I agree. It will take some time for the rest to catch up to what's going on, which is what Jews count on. But Jews are inevitably always kicked out. Always.

Have you ever in your life considered getting a job?

cheating and lying and subversion and guilt after ww2

Lol this sounds like something a commie would say

๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‘Ÿ strikes again

"actually its leftist to be a consumerist retard"

Q: Describe an MDE poster as succinctly as possible

Generally, I'd say it's someone who can't think for themselves

A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller.

So he's your natural superior? Got it. Did one of (((them))) steal the girl you stalk?

"Restraining orders are a Zionist plot!"

Leftist soyboys are not anyone's superior.

I wish Victor Charles had finished the job in 1967, /u/grandpaticktock.

You are a sexual failure and also every other sort of failure. ๐Ÿค—

Tell me more about how much you love black people.

then why are the more "leftist" US States superior, without exception, to the non-leftist States?

Lol at thinking mayofied cuckholes are superior to anything

said the incel

sure pal! ๐Ÿ‘

lol that doesnt happen

ahem MDE users stalk girls all the ficking time

hey baby want to ditch this loser and come back to my house to drink soylent and play nintendo

lol this is basically the modern man

are you tyler durden?

Most modern men are bugs. Maybe they always were.

It was jacked from the black community actually. Bugman was a term for a gay guy with the bug (aka aids). Can't expect pol to know much about Kafka.

The phrase, sure. The concept is 100% Kafkaesque tho

Eh, not necessarily. Kafka's work was more about an individual being shunned by the group by turning into an outsider physically but keeping his humanity mentally, modern bugmen are essentially mainstream culture not the ones being shunned. Really it's almost the reverse concept considering people who use the term bugmen typically consider themselves outside of/shunned by the mainstream.

Aw man, you're gonna make me get all nerdy.

Kafka's work was more about an individual being shunned by the group by turning into an outsider physically but keeping his humanity mentally

This is the second and third part of the story.

modern bugmen are essentially mainstream culture not the ones being shunned.

The metamorphosis itself is that he wakes up and realizes he's a bug. He's a boring everyday traveling salesman working his ass off to provide for his family.

He transforms in part one though, but you're right he muses on his shitty life as a salesman. I think the comparison could be modern bugmen are untransformed or unawakened Gregors.

You're against consumerism, cosmopolitan literature, and American liberalism. Anarchists and communists agree with you.

Anarcho-communism is a pipe dream. You'll be overrun by outsiders or governments that actually protect their borders before you achieve anything. Replace the anarchy with protective nationalism and you've got something.

You'll be overrun

Not me. I'm a consumerist, capitalist and a patriot who believes in the American dream of equality. Nationalism is for faggots who were never popular in high school.

What does patriotism mean to you if not nationalism? Is that just waving the flag as you welcome hundreds of millions of foreigners into your country?

Patriotism is having pride in your country and the willingness to defend it in order to be an independent nation. Nationalism is an aggressive form of patriotism that is intrinsic towards war and imperialism.

Globalists have caused virtually all the wars of the 21st century, based on b.s. concepts like "regime change". Modern nationalism respects national sovereignty and is antithetical to imperialism. When people say they're nationalist today, they usually mean: against immigration, against war, against ultra-free trade. Basically, it means a respect for borders.

Globalists have caused virtually all the wars of the 21st century

lol no

Basically, it means a respect for borders. misunderstanding the basics of economics.

I think to most people it would mean that you do quite like your country, countrymen, and where you live, but that there's always room for improvement and that any part of our system is up for criticism. Also, not deriving some large part of self-worth or significant portion of your own identity based purely on where and when you happened to be born. That's stupid, because you become a slave to an idea of your "nation" where any criticism of the nation or society becomes a direct attack on yourself.

tldr; radical centrism

Have you ever heard a nationalist speak? They're the most critical people of their countries. I think you're confusing nationalism with basic bitch George Bush-style Republicans who are in favor of war and immigration, and are in most important matters no different than basic bitch Democrats.

patriot Nationalism


I'm happy to say that you, as an /r/Drama regular, are not protected from the KYS ban. So, Keep Yourself Safe. You're unfunny, and you're probably trying to handle the cognitive dissonance of being a Southern mayo who sucks black cock.

Yes, I am self-evidently more fun to have around than u/Leftist_Degenerate, but either of us are light years ahead of u/HodortheDoorHolder

Nationalism is fucking great

u/Leftist_Degenerate is an illiterate buffoon who's probably old enough to be everyone ITT's dad. If he's representative of white people in America then frankly, their culture has jumped the shark and it's time to say goodbye to Old Yeller.

Oh yeah, more than time to put 'er down. We peaked liked 70 years ago.

Nigga, you couldnโ€™t be me in 100 years

ur gay

Nah u

You are a SRDine refugee. Get out. You will never have anything to trade.

Once a person posts 10 times in an /r/drama thread, they're considered a regular and I can tell them to KTS freely, right?

You must be as new as the LOLCOW we're milking, because everyone knows you tell them to Keep Yourself Safe. The /r/Drama community would never say KTS...did you hear that, admins?

I got a two-day ban, and I think it was because I pinged someone and told him to kiss his sister. I didn't even do it in English.

They're fair game once they post here.


/u/rayfosse, did you know that incest is really, really fun? You and your sister (or your son, either one works) should have a makeout session right now.

Yes. This is an undeniable rule.

You're against consumerism, cosmopolitan literature, and American liberalism.

just the faggot versions


lol pinko

communism is not buying action figures

Capitalism doesn't care who buys capeshit or not


delete this toxic masculinity

basically the modern man

fucking lol thats depressing if you think thats normal


its either that or open your mouth wide and take a selfie with your funko pops and trans gf

Can you translate this from schizophrenia to English plz?

why do people think pretending to be illiterate is an argument in their favour lol

just read it you know what i wrote

I understand the words, it's that you're writing like an idiot.

i really dont think you did or youd probably have made a real response

le debate me

lol nobody wants a debate its just funny to deny shit out of anger like he did

you srdines getting bold huh

You could have just typed "the first 20 minutes of Fight Club," no?

Generally, I'd say it's someone who can't think for themselves, whether it's for consumer products, culture, or politics.

Or a stupid tv show.

Imagine complaining about tits.

This sub has been invaded by pathetic incels. Have some self respect. Have you ever asked yourself why this one below average girl is pushed all over alt-right areas? Is it possible that your weak mind is being manipulated to associate Jews with "Khazar milkers" as opposed to more dangerous thoughts? How is this meme any different than H3H3 getting his followers to "ironically" go to Whether you think you're above manipulation or not, by promoting this trash you're infecting more impressionable minds. This is basic-level propaganda. Can you imagine Nazi Germany "ironically" putting up posters of Jewish girls with big breasts? Can you imagine George Soros doing it? If you're so weak-willed that you mindlessly upvote Jewish girls with big breasts, you need to seriously ask yourself if you're a bugman.

The first part is at least half right. The rest of that scREEd reads like the protocols of the elders of Zion erotica fanfic.

"jewish women being attractive is (((controlled opposition)))"

wow this really makes me think

"jewish women being attractive is (((controlled opposition)))"

Mila Kunis, Alison Brie, Evan Rachel Wood, Gal Gadot, Bette Midler

So none of these chicks are hot? Dude is blind.

soi foods and drinks don't only attack our test, they also control who we are (((sexually))) attracted to. Why wouldn't the dominate caste brainwash us into thinking that THEY are the most beautiful people?



Bette Midler

lmao what

I was joking but I forgot she used to have a bod.

Yeah, in 1974, maybe.

So time travel that dick and go get some

for like 3 weeks in 1974, maybe

2D or GTFO!!

Bette Midler

the fuck

gal gadot has a neanderthal forehead

said the r/drama users

Big? Idk. Neanderthal? Fuck outta here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

its like 45 degrees angle from a profile shot lol

also i was just making a jew joke because its genetic on account of all the neanderthal dna ashkenazis have

look at ron perlman for instance dude looks like a fucking caveman

heres an interesting article

99% of hollywood actresses and trannies imposed on the public are unironically ugly because jews dont understand aesthetics or beauty and subsequently fight it whenever they can

brainwashing the public into liking ugly women is part of that

same deal with ugly modern art

I think you have massive blood clot in your head.

scarlett johanssons head looks like a vicks drop for instance

lol holy shit is that Gary Brecher

Status update, just checked with a thermometer. I have a fever atm. Someone hold me plsssss ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค•

/u/BasicallyADoctor daddy??

angular degrees you penis im saying her head is a set square

The hwat???

Til I have a Jew fetish.

Gefilte Fever

TFW you're so racist you can't even enjoy the simple human yearning to steal your hated enemy's women and make them your own.

They go too far.

i cant believe i just fuckin fapped to ben shapiroโ€™s sister

i cant believe it took you this long to











Would go jihad on her titties and make arab jew babies

DP isn't gay if our balls don't touch ูŠุง ุฃุฎูŠ

you speak the truth. theres no discussion here anymore, just circlejerking

ah yes, noted "quality discussion" subreddit r/milliondollarextreme

What a bunch of fucking fags, holy shit

Imagine an army of Aryans whose power derives from suckling at the Jewish teat You are now imagining the U.S. military

I did it u/captainpriapism. I found a funny comment on MDE.

theres lots of funny comments youre just too much of an uptight fag to appreciate anything more than pretending to be gay

haha see theres that classic drama comedy that isnt 9gag level at all

keep it up!

Sorry we can't all 24/7 serious post on r/drama like you

can you find a seriouspost ive ever done id like to see please

About a third of the posts in this sub are just captainpriapism stream of consciousness

yeah im not going to argue with that but its still not seriousposting

how much hate do you think a cool guy like me could really have


uptight fag

pretending to be gay


have you ever seen that chris rock bit

MDEoids should address the fact that no women will touch them in the first place before worrying about being (((seduced))) by Khazar Milkers irl.

I fucked up. I married a half Jewish half Italian(now divorced), and she had sad tits compared to that.

If you think there isn't massive energy directed against online "anti-semitism", you're incredibly naive.

Haha, why is "anti-semitism" in quotes if /u/rayfosse unironically hates Jews online? Wait, I know, the anti-semite is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an anti-semite and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: โ€œI've been found out.โ€

I prefer the terms anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist.

I prefer the terms anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist.

Because you like Muslims and want to have it known?

I don't understand the connection.

Semitic people are Jews and Arabs. You want to be known as anti-jew specifically, rather than anti-semite. Why are most white supremacists such low IQ genetically inferior trash?

I'm not a white supremacist. Jews are obsessed with their own supposed supremacy and assume everyone else is too. I just want to secure a future for my descendants, and Jews are making that difficult, to say the least.

The reason I generally don't use the word anti-Semite is because it's obfuscating (and inaccurate due to Arabs being Semitic, as you mentioned, but not considered in anti-Semitism). Jews like the term anti-Semite because it doesn't sound as in-your-face as saying anti-Jewish. Everyone knows on an intellectual level that it's meant to mean anti-Jewish, but on a psychological level it's not as explicit. I prefer explicit words. If you want to accuse someone of being anti-Jewish, have the guts to say so. Saying "Donald Trump is anti-Jewish" is more direct and confrontational than saying "Donald Trump is anti-Semitic", and it reminds the listener of who controls the narrative and polices public thought. It's not "the Semites"; it's the Jews.