Steve Irwin deserved to die, if he came back to life I'd kill him again

17  2018-04-29 by t-r-s2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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We don't see David Attenborough behaving like this towards wild animals. Why? Because he believes in the sanctity of nature. As a biologist, he observes it passively. He doesn't force it to present itself against its will.

The virgin David Attenborough, cowering in the basement of his BBC studio, vs. the chad Jane Goodall, going out in public and getting accepting as a peer by high-T chimpanzees.

We all know why she does this

Why does she do it? I'm not sure what you mean.


Apes have tiny cocks though.

How do you explain the ebony genre of pornography then?

Milkos have smaller cocks than blacks due tot heir neanderthal DNA< so they like to watch female milkos get miscegenated.

Dude is 100% correct

I say that you deserve the public lynching you're about to receive. I spit on you.

Animals interacting with other animals? Not in my nature!