U/shitpost953 advocates doxxing
10 2018-04-29 by stllnujstce
Be careful.
Advocates along with u/zadocpaet
Edit: u/shitpost953 will modify this to try and show he does not advocate it even though he defends an active doxxing individual across media platforms. Will do anything to discredit claims and will make excuses.
Jerry, all you had to do was prevent active doxxing across platforms. But you encouraged it instead.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-29
Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.
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1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
1 Honk4Tits 2018-04-29
Pings work like this u/shitpost953
1 shitpost953 2018-04-29
o hey man!
1 Honk4Tits 2018-04-29
If you don't doxx us you can join our telegram group again.
1 shitpost953 2018-04-29
:D I'll do my best!
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
1 shitpost953 2018-04-29
we only get 2 sticky spots, fam, sorry
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-29
crosspost this and sticky this to another sub.
1 shitpost953 2018-04-29
good idea
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
Jerry, i dont care if you sticky.
1 normie_girl 2018-04-29
You're just drawing attention to it mangs why don't you just delete everything and start a new life.
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
I had my main for 2 years. My original username, just...... i didnt break any rules, nothing. It shouldnt be banned. And every link, including the ones she posts, prove it. But all parties are too scared to have an open discussion.
1 normie_girl 2018-04-29
Yeah you were blowin up all the pm's and stuff so they felt you were coming on too strong. And now your dox are out there so you should just forget about this and move on to a new account.
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
Um, sorry, doesnt work like that
1 TotesMessenger 2018-04-29
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1 ShaneH7646 2018-04-29
Do me next pls