Social justice? In MY Battletech?!

5  2018-04-29 by Diogenes2XLantern


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Just give all the mech boobs. It won't fix anything, but seeing a Raven or kit fox running around with big floppt titties would be funny

i want to see an atlas with cow boobs

Mmm, put a ppc in the dick slot too

Even pro-social justice cultists allow the subject to overtake everything about whatever it gets injected into, despite their smug assurance that it's only the other side that does it.

[–]/u/mayflower_mayday-3 points12 hours ago Hey, there is a lot more of us out here than just /u/SashaNightWing. We are the moral majority and we don't give a shit about your PC agenda.

Lol. Your not even a majority anymore. Plus the whole "moral majority" is stuff everyone seen before with gay people and look now they can get married and are increasingly getting housing protection in multiple states.

If a single option at the start of a game is too much of a liberal agenda for you to handle, you’re gonna have a really tough time enjoying anything fun, ever. Pretty much every piece of media made by the entertainment industry in the past decade has low key social justice undertones. Conservatives have to learn to either roll their eyes and move on or just be miserable all the time.

That being said, I think it would be hilarious if one day they did a complete 180, and all media was produced from a right-wing perspective. Like, have characters casually mention how the barbaric practice of abortion was eradicated hundreds of years ago and shit like that. That’s what made Kingdom Come so great; it showed the faintest hint of not being 100% current year and everyone lost their minds.

Agreed on all counts.