U/shitpost953 advocates doxxing
5 2018-04-29 by stllnujstce
Be careful.
Advocates along with u/zadocpaet
Edit: u/shitpost953 will modify this to try and show he does not advocate it even though he defends an active doxxing individual across media platforms. Will do anything to discredit claims and will make excuses.
Jerry, all you had to do was prevent active doxxing across platforms. But you encouraged it instead.
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-29
Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.
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u/shitpost953 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*
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1 helppls555 2018-04-29
Now this is pod racing!
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
You mean post racing.
1 froibo 2018-04-29
Do you know where I can get a good deal on vynil or socks?
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
1 ZadocPaet 2018-04-29
Are you on meth or something?
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
Does your life exist outside reddit?
1 ZadocPaet 2018-04-29
Let's see, since last night I've slept, went to the park and played baseball, made breakfast and lunch, and you are still on here posting.
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
So you have a life, but you care about this.
1 ZadocPaet 2018-04-29
I literally do not care about this. You do keep sending me alerts.
You do make for some entertainment.
Are you on meth?
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29
If you dont care, why are you paying me attention
1 ZadocPaet 2018-04-29
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-29