Retard complains about the cost of womens razors compared to mens. runs to r/TrollXChromosomes to complain

92  2018-04-29 by halfapineapplepie


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. The initial thread -,*,,

  3. The TrollXChromosomes thread -,*,,

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With that post history it's either a real troll or we have found first trollx/feminist/stalinist/cat lady in reddit's history.

Oh shit I posted a comment in trollx....abort abort

But also - with that post history it's either a real troll. Or we found the first trollx/faux feminist/legbeard/stalinist woman on reddit.

And pizzashill is not a fucking liberitarian

He's just an easily triggered

You're not banned yet?

Neither was this account, as I just noticed. I was surprised.

miss troll is breaking the damn rules of trollx

He didn't actually link to the /r/drama thread in /r/TrollXChromosomes, did he?

And yeah, it turns out that he's actually not a woman:

Holy shit. Are women literally fucking brain dead children? They don't know how to try different razors?

Why can't YOU use cheaper razors? Answer the question.

Because those female razors are better suited to women's needs and cost just about the same to make.

Better suited how? Explain.

I don't know. Ask a woman. My female friends tell me this is the case.

u/R310j3r0 you enjoy a song of ice and fire?

Yes. A lot.

I enjoyed it until book 4. I'm not patient, and the wait for Dance was ridiculous.

Question, how to you reconcile your personal values with the gratuitous rape and boderline rape-fantasy-fanfic content of the novels?

I'm partly through a Clash of Kings. :)

The same way I feel about any act of violence and bigotry in books: I tolerate it if its meant to tell a story but stop tolerating it when it turns into advocacy for it.

(See any book by Ayn Rand to see what I mean)

Where do you draw the line? Surely pandering to the sexually violent fantasies of LARPERS and geeks is a bigger issue than the price of razors?

You ever been to a con? Those guys wearing black trenchcoats and dragon t-shirts aren't just into fantasy for the cool social stigma, they're into it because of genre tropes that appeal to them. Outcasts and misfits saving the day, getting the girl, wielding unmatched power over their adversaries...

But razor prices are too high tbh.

Please show me on this doll where Anthem touched you.

Most libertarians don't realize their ideology is the gateway drug to fascism.

Your actual quote.

You do realize that libertarianism is literally opposite the totalitarian ideology which houses fascism, correct? Mock libertarians all you want, but they sure as shit aren't fascists of all things.

Read Hoppe

Tfw people still dont get that individualism != fascism

lol just buy the regular razor, if there's no difference.

Except they don't care what corporations do, even if it is hugely oppressive, like the pink tax.

Corporation isn’t a government entity, pink tax is a myth. Don’t want t in pink, buy the guy one.

Shit, it's not like Harry's is gonna check for a penis before they deliver.

More importantly, any woman who thinks "women's razors" has never paid $300 for a self-cleaning electric shaver with anti-razor bump technology. There are things women pay more for, but razors sure as shit aint one of them.

TIL I'm a privileged white male because I use a straight razor once in a while.


Who needs razors when you're a legbeard.

How else will they shave the sides of their heads?

They use the sharp edge they always carry around.

The ugliest look hands down too

Cunts who complain about this never shaved using mens razors, lul.

The type of gifs they use and how they use them makes me feel like I'm in 2010 but everyone is a ugly 40 yr old woman.

I remember the good old days when childless, bitter old crones wouldn't complain about the price of razors. They just bit the bullet, bought the damn razors, put on a nice warm bath and slit their wrists. As Allah intended.

Jeeesus Christ

Imagine being so poor that you have to use razors instead of a trimming machine.

/u/pizzashill is a mansplaining dude bro, so she's not wrong about that. I don't know why they think all retarded people are libertarians though.

/u/lady_laughs_too_much why don't you just buy the men's razor then?

Either the woman's version is better for you, in which case that's why it costs more, or they're identical and there's no reason not to buy the cheaper one.

I actually don't use razors at all.

Leg beard confirmed.

Well yeah we knew that, you post in trollx. But try to put yourself in a normal woman's shoes.

OK. As a normal woman, who does not want to pay more, I would buy the men's razors, and still be annoyed that the razors advertised to women cost more. If there was a product that men had to pay more for, wouldn't you be annoyed?

No, because there is. Go look at shampoo. The "men's" shampoos are all in dark grey or black bottles with edgy masculine sounding words all over them.

I don't buy them because I'm not an idiot.

All right. Fine.

This comment breaks the rules of our sub. Check out this quote from the sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Calmly admitting that you're wrong is not allowed here. Reported.

See also: Redkin, hair gel/spray/mousse, "manly" cooking utensils/equipment.

There is a market for every kind of sucker, its ok to admit you were wrong.

u/mynamebaby if your rich enough you never have to face up to your shortcomings

That's not how this is supposed to work.

user reports:

1: You can do that?

What you just did like never happens. Hope you have a nice week.

Bro, it's triple fucking defense. I need that.

Isn't it fucked up that companies think guys want this bullshit?

My wife buys this shit for me, even though I tell her Im fine with using whatever is in the shower. Its marketed to women, because women do most shopping.





if it doesnt smell of a barbecue or a rubber fire im not interested

Woah, woah.

I buy the slightly overpriced Axe bullshit because it really does work. Especially back when the body wash used to have those microbeads in them. And i prefer the scent.

I have a question.

Say the product for men and the product for women is functionally the identical aside from color or packaging, but priced higher for women. If the woman buys the higher priced product shouldn't she only be upset at herself for falling for the marketing?

C'mon, that's like saying the person who buys 2x Avocado's for $5 is at fault when there are also 4x Avocado's for $6 the Aisle over!

What market puts avocados in two different aisles? More often than not these products are sitting right next to each other. It's more like there's a barrel of avocados priced 4 for $6 sitting next to a shiny treasure chest of avocados priced 2 for $5 and people buy the more expensive ones because they believe that buying avocados out of a treasure chest means they're better.

Organic, different country of origin, different brand, sold as a bag instead of individually.... Lots of ways to pay more for the "same" thing.

They are at fault for not checking.

How could they expected to do some quick math?

Besides, one is in a bag and the other are loose!!

internalized misogyny made her but it

I buy whatever is cheapest, whatever "gender" it's marketed to, and give 0 fucks of anything else. Falling for marketing instead of actively educating yourself on it is just stupid

Not really. I would just buy the cheaper women's version and be happy that less market-savvy people are subsidising my purchase for me.

Do you know why the women's advertised razors cost more? Because the average thot will pay more for the omg pink razor. Simple. If women stop buying them it wouldn't happen anymore.

You know that the stuff marketed at men is even more, right? MANLY ASS WIPES? Twice the price. Super Manly deodorant? Twice the price.

Men are more likely to go with generic brands as well.

But there are reasons why the women’s razors cost more - it’s not like they took the same blue or black men’s razor and stuck it in a package labeled WOMEN - usually women’s razors come in more appealing colours that probably cost and designs that cost more to manufacture, or have these fancy soap attachments. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect them to be priced differently because they cost more to make because women love fancy shit. Source: am woman.

Alcohol on women’s night at many bars is cheaper for women than men.

That is a penis tax and unfair.

But honestly I’m not annoyed because it’s their business and I can go elsewhere or go home.

If there was a product that men had to pay more for, wouldn't you be annoyed?

It’s called auto insurance, honey

They fixed that here in the UK. no more sexist car insurance.. Women just got price hiked to match men...

No, I'd just buy the cheaper version and not care what the branding says.

Companies try all sorts of stupid marketing tricks to get people to pay more for the same product. 90% of the time, you're better-off defaulting to the cheaper product unless you have a reason to prefer something else.

The Shaving Industry is a huge scam to begin with, so it's not really a surprise that they'd increase prices on any given product as high as they can.

Laughing like an idiot on my lunch break after that

Jesus man, xe considered having a family!

So then how is it something you need?

How do you shave your body hair, then?

Or are you one of those disgusting hairy ape-women?

I rarely shave. But on the bright side, it keeps asswipes like you away from me :-)

It keeps literally everybody who is close to a normal human being away from you. Enjoy only fucking people with a weird fetish for hairy women (and thank god not many of those people exist).

Do you skip showering, too? So that your BO will keep "asswipes" who happen to like women and not apes away too?

I actually only shower every other day. But no one has said anything about my BO. People usually approach me. So I think I'm good.

By "people" you mean desperate male feminists, right?

I mean people who aren't fucktards like yourself.

That's interesting, because you'd have to be mentally retarded in order to find a woman who doesn't shower and is covered in body hair attractive.

Are you sure you didn't mean to say "normal people" instead of "fucktards"?

No, I meant fucktards.

It's really funny how you use the word "fuck", seeing as you have never been fucked in your entire life.

Why is that a bad thing? And regardless of what has been done to my nether regions, "fuck" is just so fun to say.

It's fun to do, too, but I guess you wouldn't know that.

Again, not understanding the insult.

I'm saying you are a sexless virgin that nobody wants to fuck. Although virgin might not be accurate, as I have a feeling you lost your virginity to a vibrator.

Still not seeing the insult...

Damn, you're even more far gone than I thought. How can you be a woman and not seeing anything wrong with not shaving, not bathing, and not fucking? What's the point of your existence?

Right now, the point of my existence is to piss you off. It's quite hilarious. Great way to relax after work!

If you had any ability to comprehend the way a normal human thinks, you'd realize that I'm not actually pissed off - at all. I'm quite enjoying this, as I imagine you are - it must be the first time a man has talked to you in so long!

By the way, is being a raging alcoholic not good enough of a way to relax after work anymore?

Ran out of beer, so the raging alcoholic bit is out of the question. And I'm not really considering you a man; I'm assuming you are a whiny and pathetic moron who feels like the only good thing about him is his possession of a penis.

Oh, no, there are many other qualities about myself that I consider good. Having a penis just, by default, makes me better than people who don't. But anyway, we aren't here to talk about me, we're here to talk about you.

By the way, are you, by any chance, fat? You kind of act like a fat woman, and considering you neither shave nor bathe it would make a lot of sense. You also appear to be in possession of cankles judging by the picture of your socks that you posted - a picture I would normally print out and masturbate onto, but since you're such a nasty woman I've decided to skip that this time.

Really? My ankles look fat? Awesome, I've always struggled with gaining weight. I finally look healthier. Also, you don't honestly think I would be honored if you jacked it to a picture of my feet, do you?



Oh, sweetie, you're a lost cause.

Right back at you, sugar. Though I realized this long ago.

Why would you think the opinion of such a poor excuse for a woman as yourself would matter to me?

I don't. Why do you think your opinion matters to me?

Because even if you might not shave, bathe, or have sex with anything other than your dildo, you're still a woman, and the most important thing in any woman's life is the approval of men.

Actually, it's pizza.

Of course it is.

Do you have an actual personality?

Yeah, I'd say so. I'd ask you the same, but the answer is pretty obvious.

Considering you just admitted the most important thing in your life is "pizza", which is an extremely typical, predictable, unoriginal white girl answer, I'm going to go ahead and say that no, you don't.

Only white girls like pizza? Here I thought that pizza was universally loved.

Only white girls would say that pizza is the "most important" thing in their life.

Mayocide when?

Just fuck already holy shit

Well, /u/lady_laughs_too_much, what do you say? Want me to be your first real man?

You have to shave your legs first, though.

Well, it's very tempting, but I will have to politely decline. Mainly because you are probably the most disgusting thing to grace this planet.

That would be excluding yourself, though. I'm hideous and undesirable, yet you are still offering to fuck me...I'm guessing you haven't gotten laid in a while and are very desperate.

No, I'm just a nice person offering to help you stop being such a nasty cunt by fucking the feminism out of you.

Have you had success with this method before? Have you successfully fucked the feminism out of a woman?

Yes, actually. My first test subject was your mother.

Ah. The classic, "I fucked your mom" joke. An oldie, but a goodie. I honestly don't know why you think I would be offended by that.

I was hoping your mom was like, dead, or something.

Oh well, at least I tried! Which is more than anyone could say about you when it comes to your appearance.

Joke's on you, I don't even try!

Yes, that is exactly what I said. You don't try. As evident by your lack of basic womanly hygiene.

Wow. You totally burned me. With facts. Welp, off to my bedroom to cry!

Are you proud of the fact that you can't even put in the bare minimum amount of effort required to bathe daily?

Yeah, I'm pretty fucking lazy.

How sad.

You know, I started off just making fun of you, but now I'm beginning to pity you.

Congrats! You are the first person ever to make fun of me! Except for the millions of other times in my life. And I got over all that as well.

When everyone makes fun of you, that's a cue to take a look at yourself and ask "what is wrong with me?"

Because sometimes, people make fun of others for good reasons.

Not everyone. Just a few select assholes who find problems with every person they meet. The sentiment is correct, however. Have you tried applying it to your life?

People don't make fun of me, so no, I haven't.

Also, you don't have to look very hard to find problems with you. Look, I found three instantly: 1) you don't shave 2) you don't bathe 3) you're a woman.

People don't make fun of you? I find that hard to believe. Are you just that good at hiding your craptastic personality?

Not at all. Normal people just don't find my personality "craptastic."

Ok, so people do criticize you, but you don't consider them "normal", and therefore, their opinions aren't valid.

Pretty much, although my reason for not considering them normal has little to do with their criticism of me, and more with qualities like only showering every other day, or being a woman and not shaving your body hair.

Sounds like pretty shallow reasons.

No, not really. Normal people bathe regularly, and normal women shave their body hair. This is pretty much held as a universal truth.

Still not seeing how this is not shallow.

How is it shallow?

Because you're judging a person by their exterior. That is the definition of shallow.

So, what you're saying is, if I have a rotten piece of fruit, I should still eat it and act like it's a regular piece of fruit, because the inside might not be as disgusting as the outside?

The inside is rotten. You can tell it is rotten by cutting it up. Your analogy makes no sense.

And you can tell someone is disgusting based on how unhygienic they are.

You're still talking about physical characteristics. Shallow.

On another note: I am about to go take a shower. Because you have successfully shamed me. Or it's been two days :-)

TWO days? Jesus, I thought it was every other day.

As for it being shallow, maybe it is, but you won't make any men want to fuck you by calling them shallow when they act disgusted at your poor hygiene.

I took a shower on Saturday, and now it's Monday. That's every other day, or 2 days later.


OMG you two, just get a room

Nah, he already tried that.

Have showered today?

Just did!


but you stank it up, as always.

/u/candiancartman /u/lady_laughs_too_much

Release a sex clip, please. This belligerent sexual tension is getting to me.

Just stop already, mate.

No, let him continue, this is hilarious.

People don't make fun of me

I am.

You aren't good at it.

I know. I struggle with being too harsh, and realize that sometimes I'm dealing with fragile minds and am afraid of being too harsh.

I'll try to do better.

The only thing that guy has ever fucked is his hand and his pillow, maybe some drugged out other person, but that's being too speculative.

Why, Sir Fag-a-Lot, it appears you dropped your lance! Can't ride into battle to defend m'lady without a lance, can you, m'lord?

I'm an old hippie who likes women who buck societal trends and are smart enough to know when and when not they are clean enough, they choose to shower. Don't even get me started on bodily and hair oil science.

I'm not emasculated enough to not prefer a woman with dignity, intelligence and looks to choose for herself when to shower and what to shave. I actually prefer a woman who doesn't really care about shaving when they generally have lighter body hair anyway and perhaps do it for special occasions or events, but it's really not a big deal for a real man and woman.

But I know you barely qualify, and 95% of reddit aren't.

"Lighter" body hair is still too much body hair, sorry gramps. I know granny is starting to get a little bit of a lady-beard, but you can't expect us young people to find that attractive in a woman.

It basically doesn't matter what you find attractive silly, because based upon what you type and your words, you're not got gonna get any of it anyway.

Alright grandpa, I think it's time for you to take your blood pressure medication. Don't get too worked up now.

Yes, yes yes. My medicine is important. And thankfully I have access to legal, properly vetted substances that are safe and true and tried.

I'd suggest you do the same.

What a shitty hippie you must've been, telling people not to do weird and exotic drugs.

He was probably there for the hairy unwashed STD ridden women so that makes sense. Who knows how many of their boyfriends he narced on? u/3E4K3RWRGZPR970NVH28 got any estimates?

Tick Tock.

Jesus Christ that username.

You're crossing a line that needn't be crossed. reddit the internet needs to shave you. Or perhaps your parents should be taking a more active role in raising you well and limiting your internet access.

Why would I kill the mayonnaise? Don't personally care for the stuff, but other people enjoy it. That would be pretty mean of me.

Mayo confirmed

It's a euphemism for the wh*te race.

This is honestly embarassing; imagine being worse at bantz than someone who doesn't shave or bathe regularly.

Holy shit. You're amazing

Marry me you sassy Yeti. I would crawl through mounds of hair to be in the presence of such a savage :D Great argument you got going on here.


Still not seeing the insult...

I know you're not. That's the problem.

I used to think it was impossible for a female to be an incel, but hats off to you for breaking the glass ceiling

I'm not involuntarily celibate.

There aren't many wookiesexuals so I don't believe you

So you're takeaway from that is that I get laid? I don't care about sex. So it's voluntarily celibate.

All volcels are incels in deep denial

Ah, ok. So glad a complete stranger has better insight to my psyche than I do.

I'm also glad about that. How much do you think you've saved by not buying razors and soap? I'm thinking of not taking care of myself anymore, as well

Probably not that much money, in the long run.

Enough for some weekly nuggies, surely

Why is that a bad thing?

So it's true? I wish I could say this was surprising, but it isn't. We already know TrollX users are literally female incels, one of you admitted it earlier.

Nice consistent use of ableist language, m'lady.

She doesn’t shave or shower, and she still won’t let you have sex with her. How does that feel?

Pretty good, actually. If she'd wanted me to fuck her, then I might seriously rethink my life.

Two Canadians in heated debate - shouldn't you both apologize at this point?

Also, I know a woman like this. I now order her to shower before sex or avoid oral. Awkward moments were had.

a white knight

how adorable

/u/canadiancartman on suicide watch

keep yourself safe my dude

So basically you're like a smelly wookie with low self esteem and a drinking problem?

Sounds like you shouldn't worry about human asswipes at all. Instead, buy some literal asswipes so you don't start growing sourdough bread in your ass.

You’re pretty much me except I’m an Indian guy so I have to shave my face or I risk getting assaulted at a gas station by a trump supporter

You're right. I saw pictures of a woman that was FULLY unshaved. My god. Women have just as much asshole hair as men and hair on their ACTUAL ASS not around the crack. And if they are greek, could you imagine how bad that must be? Like some greek women have more arm hair than me and it's thick.

Look at porn. Look at the woman's ass around the crack area. They generally some stars often have loads of bumps around their bum crease vertically. That's all from hastily shaving off the hair every 3 days with a razor. If they don't wax or laser the hair, they'll have the bumps.

I can't think of any guy that would handle a woman with the hairy ass and how thick it is, we're not just talking of the crotch hair.

You're right. I saw pictures of a woman that was FULLY unshaved. My god. Women have just as much asshole hair as men and hair on their ACTUAL ASS not around the crack.

That was a trap

Nah it was a picture of a downsyndrome woman naked for some reason. Just search "down syndrome porn" it's weird, theres some random down syndrome woman naked and in one pic she's un-shaved. It was linked from 4chan.. My god... You cannot forget the new understanding of womens bum bum bumps.

Will you faggots stop downvoting the visitors.

They'll never learn.

Mods should just start flairing it onto people who comment in most threads so the noobs see it, otherwise we're going to keeping running out the talent.

To be fair your lolcows die within 24 hours anyways.



We want them.

So when I don't shave and start growing a neckbeard, should I just adopt the same mindset?

I bet you don't wipe your ass either. Nasty.

oh yeah, I'm sure someone like you would love to avoid getting asswipes.

Well, that and everything else about you.

Why would you come here and do this to yourself?

so you were just bullshitting over at twomanychromosomes?


I thought you were retarded, but I didn't expect you to be THIS retarded.

Reminder that /u/pizzashill is a notorious woman hater.

No u

Reminder that /u/pizzashill is a woman.

Gross no I won't remember

That's how she gets ya.

That’s what he just said

u/luckylizard why are you womancomplaining about mansplaining? Is it because it goes hand in hand with manbeingcorrect?

Lol, I love how her argument for "the pink tax is real" is that women are too dumb to stop buying pink shit.

Of course, the idiot goes to her safe place where other idiots will comfort her and make her feel less dumb.

I love when people who know literally fuck all about economics, politics or political groups try to lecture others on subjects involving all three, it just makes it so obvious that they're talking out of their ass.

It's easy when you're a socialist who feels superior to everyone else around you!

Tbh i wonde if the real “tax” is the cost to dye plastic pink

Kinda like how blue dyes and paints in the past were expensive cuz they were costly to make

mongoloid is such a great insult


If someone sucks at debating it means they have no valid points to begin with and can't survive outside of a cult like circle jerk.

So your typical redditor?

And tack on smug and retarded to boot.


Yes, he's absolutely right. I worked super hard for my money just so that I can overpay on things that I need. Makes perfect sense.

If it costs that much why not just buy the mens version?

between tampons and razors, how many hundreds of dollars are women spending a month?

The freebleeding legbeards of that sub probably spend around zero.

Don’t you mansplaining shitlords understand that these women have a RIGHT to pink razors and therefore pink razors with lavender butter and glitter should cost the same as razors straight out of the injection mold?

The "MRW" posts on twoX after someone disagrees with them on Reddit is peak sub degeneracy.

Women's products tend to be marked up because women are stupid enough to pay extra for a product that's pink, or bright.

Not to mention that the stuff marketed at men is also marked up. Those MANLY ASS WIPES? Yea, those were over priced.

Is it just me or is r/libertarian becoming more right wing recently?

Is this real life?

Do they lack any understanding whatsoever of politics?


Internet for the masses was a mistake.

This is the same retard who believes women are as powerful as men.

A company is going to charge exactly how much they think they can get away with charging you. There aren't a bunch of fat mayos in the back cackling at how they're stealing woman's hard earned money by tricking them.

Imagine not spotting that fake from a hundred miles.

/u/pizzashill you're a God amongst men

/u/lady_laughs_too_much the guy who holds up the gun to my head whenever I start reaching for men's razors will usually look the other way if I slip him a few bucks

I took one look at the inflated pink razor costs and signed up for Dollar shave club. No one knows, my legs are smooth as shit, and I don't have to go out to buy them.

I feel warmed that my post inspired metadrama

Porn is degrading. Just because women agree to do it doesn't make it justified.

Oh fuck off, u/r3l0j3r0.


Oh okay it's not because that's all that is fucking provided to me and it's unacceptable to not wear pants in public.

Yes it is, they are called skirts. Or kilts.
Or, maybe, just buy a pair of pants because you like them and feature things you find convenient, like pockets, without being confined by the chains of gender stereotypes? Or is that impossible because the gender police arrests you at the til when you want to pay for them?

It's not that women want to pay more, /u/r3l0j3r0, it's that women are too stupid to realize that a razor is a razor and you're free to buy any brand you want.

Wow, not sure who's more retarded; the retard who tried to hijack the conversation by switching from "the pink tax" to "porn is degrading", or the retard who spent like 8 hours arguing with her.

It’s a struggle to even find pants that fit comfortably in every way (waist, hips, crotch, thighs, even knees and ankles can be a pain) plus being a flattering color, a suitably home care material, and not having ridiculous supposedly stylish stuff added to them,….. Doesn’t matter if a whole list of stores had pants that fit me well previously, pants shopping always takes me at least 3-4 hours.

Meanwhile, guys just buy what ever fits and is on sale. Gee, I wonder if women's stuff costs more because women are picky as fuck?

you could >buy >mens >razors lol