r/battletech takes a break from its rock-em-sock-em-robots in order to exchange alpha strikes over "they" pronouns

39  2018-04-29 by xjapxn


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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What a bunch of fags

i was just happy i can have a woman as commander and am not forced to have "white dude #875", so i do understand, this is even better

This slowpoke really wants to be femdom'd.

Also lol at people crying about some dumb gender shit in vidya. "Oh no, I have the option of sounding like a internet trannyy waaaahhhh"

Space travel, scientific breakthroughs and discovery, enlightenment.

Yet the most backwards religion on earth is still predominant.

Which one is the most backwards? Can't remember a single one that isn't.

Zionisms manifest destiny could be pretty useful in space

Also lol at people crying about some dumb gender shit in vidya. "Oh no, I have the option of sounding like a internet trannyy waaaahhhh"

TBH I can't remember a single game with xir shit that was actually good, so that's a bit disappointing if you like tactics game and were hoping for that one to be fun.

two scoops, two genders, two terms /#MAGA

I hate mods who are to fucking lazy to do their job and actually moderate so they just lock everything.

I hate mods that do either of those.

I hate mods

Wow, that thread got brigaded really had.

I mean really, who doesn’t like to tuck it back, throw on Goodbye Horses and ask themselves if they’d fuck themselves, every once and again? Honestly though this is kind of sad. Can you imagine not only being so mentally ill you want to mutilate your own genitals, but also being actively encouraged by those around you to not get help?

Good thing the diversity bullshit is the most superficial token effort ever so it doesn't actually intefere with the game in any way. Doesn't stop KIA and Ghazi both sperging out as usual though.

My god I'm agreeing with KiA's viewpoints, end me already

Join us.

Gamergate did nothing wrong.

You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

Fucking fighting robots video game. Lowest caste of video games

Really it's wrong for a video game to allow users to choose their own gender. You should be assigned one at the beginning of the game and stuck with it forever, just like in real life!