We lost one of our own last night. He will be missed. Please post your fondest memories in this thread. He will not be forgotten. He was driven away by those who were evil monsters! Discord will never be the same.

25  2018-04-30 by Babypenis69


Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Dude looks like he needs some Benadryl.

There's a lot to choose from, but I enjoyed this episode

he didn't explain his lips there

please come back, my beautiful baby


You're my beautiful baby boy and i wont lose you to the dangers of living on the streets. you have no idea how violent the homeless are. they will tear you apart :(

Dont be mad because i wont stick my dick in your ass kenj. Just business

if you dont come back im going to be very angry. im going to hold my breath until you come back and if i hurt myself it is your direct fault. you have control over this.

I think the word that tags moderators is kill your self?

:O that's not nice! daddy, please stop!

Bad bot

Ai is learning

he looks like a bogdanoff with no chin

but the chin makes the man


Look at the DSL's on that Bussy

Those some prime cock sucking lips!
