Autist in r/againsthatesubreddits realizes he wasted years of his life unironically using Reddit

238  2018-04-30 by MERCYLOVER163


Several years ago TIA not only mocked a transman for posting on his tumblr about how how he'd managed to (finally, and without surgery or a funnel/other device) master urinating while stood up facing the toilet, but when pointed out to them that it was mocking a transman the top mod's response was "SO WHAT? WE DON'T CARE!!!!!"

Um...why would anyone give a fuck? The point is to mock idiocy.

Like trannies thinking some cosmetic surgery will magically flip X into a Y.

Don't you know? Through the power of Oppression®, Now it can!

TIA not only mocked a transman for posting on his tumblr about how how he'd managed to (finally, and without surgery or a funnel/other device) master urinating while stood up facing the toilet

I feel like "transmen" don't get enough mockery. MtF troons get all the limelight, but what kind of retard posts about shit like this?

I dunno, pissing while standing is pretty rad so I would post about it too if I did it for the first time.

It's also really hard to do accurately with a vagina. Legit skill tbh.

That's what funnels are for.

Yeah but then you have to walk around with a piss-soaked funnel in your pocket. Can you imagine trying to get laid while smelling distinctly of pee? "don't worry baby that's just my piss funnel" lmfao

You just have to find guys that are into the piss funnel.

Just gotta brand yourself as a watersports enthusiast and find some adventurous people.

tbh MtF trannies get the limelight bc they're almost universally totally fucking crazy, while FtMs are usually kinda quiet and chill.

which supports the theory that trannies actually have the brain of their opposite sex.

Not really. MtFs are loud and pushy and entitled and constantly threaten violence, and FtMs are quiet and unimposing. If anything, it indicates the opposite. MtFs are psycho men acting like female stereotypes, and FtMs are the reverse.

The actual reason is literally no one cares about or caters to 5’ dudes with pube beards but at the same time it’s Not Ok to dump on them, so they may as well be invisible.

I imagine (if hormone supplements are involved) it has more to do with the chemical reactions in the brain.

What's the ratio? is it actually like 50/50 or are there a hundred MtF for every FtM?

Surprisingly it's almost 50/50. FTM really stay out of the limelight well.

Where are all these qt androgynous tomboys? If they don't get bottom surgery I'd go gay for a ftm

I had a roommate who dated one. Other than the vagina he just seemed like a generic pudgy short dude.

Way too many of them are fat worse than lesbians

It is 4-5 mtf per ftm.

I don't remember the exact numbers, but I do remember that there's way more MtF than FtM.

Because people are triggered more by that.

I actually have sympathy for them. Cant the possibility exist that they do have more female brains from birth? I mean babies are born with tails and cleft lips and other mutations. That indian octopus 8 armed baby they worship like a god. How crazy is it to think a person can be born with the brain of a Bussy?

Cant the possibility exist that they do have the opposite sexes brain from birth?

Yes, but only if:

(a) gender is real; not a social construct

(b) there is a gender binary for them to be on the opposite side of

Oh the other hand, if you believe that gender is a social construct, then you believe that people are born genderless, and society writes a gender onto them. If that's the case, if there's nothing intrinsic about it, if it's entirely cultural, then you can't be trans.

The various messages of leftism are mutually exclusive, and this is the real reason that people gravitate toward the right. People like /u/2totwo fantasize that he's fighting a holy war against hate. But actually, nobody on the right wants to hate trans people. Nobody wants to deny them any rights. There's no hate for 2totwo fight - he's fighting against reason, and that's why he's losing.

nobody on the right hates trans

I agree about the gender binary thing but lets be real, a lot of americans on the right are anti-LGBT.

wants to hate

Important distinction in the 'look what you made me do this hurt me more than you' kinda way

Depends on your definition of anti-LGBT.

Personally I think trannies are mentally ill and need help. Is that really “anti” or more interested in helping someone I believe is genuinely delusional? Is it compassionate to let mentally ill people parade around or try to get care for them?

outcomes of gender reassignment are generally positive so idk what qualifies you to define "care". if you're disagreeing with the medical establishment the burden of proof is yours and heavy. granted some things trans advocates say are ridiculous (eg that you shouldn't choose not to date someone because of their birth sex) but on a website where most of the userbase advocates legalizing heroin idk why we shouldn't allow people to cut their dicks off regardless of this week's preferred operationalization of "gender"

Positive in the sense the patient feels better but suicide and depression stats remain insanely high. Along with regret.

Just because a mentally ill person “feels” better doesn’t mean they’re better. It seems logical that it’s better we acknowledge they’re unhealthy and get them help for why is obviously a mental illness.

Well it's the only way to treat gender disphoria. So while it's not perfect, what are the alternatives? Tell them to just stop?

Shock therapy?

Do I look like a counselor? I’m just saying I’d prefer they be treated and normalized rather than hailed as heroic and their fantasy pandered to.

Well psychologists/psychiatrists usually agree that sex reassignment surgery helps tremendously in reducing suicides and other side effects of gender disphoria.

I do agree with you on the whole gender is a social construct bs, though

They also agreed trepanning works.

They also agreed doing surgery to treat dysmorphia is bad.

So again, this whole thing is retarded.

Why is doing surgery to take off your leg to feel better bad, but doing surgery to invert your dick to feel better good?

I’d prefer they be treated and normalized

"...but not in the way that actually works, thats icky"

Lobotomy was the only way to treat mental illness.

What are you linking at?

If it's that one study that I think it is.

They did the census IMMEDIATELY after the surgery.

Of course people are going to be happy after getting what they want.

It's literally a bias.

How about surveying how many of them put a gun against their head and pull the trigger?

The rate was 51% iirc.

What are you linking at?

It's a virus that makes your computer eat puppies. Don't click on it.

m8, you're either retarded, and don't know how to link a site right

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. ><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Request has expired</Message><Expires>2018-04-30T17:21:51Z</Expires><ServerTime>2018-05-01T15:18:14Z</ServerTime><RequestId>74A1C85EE735172F</RequestId><HostId>qy1nd290QzFN27kf8XpGz6dM3LXyFWe2lvkpLzad1fC49jL2XhKKFlblpmfktC6+g7LCCzVFRJY=</HostId></Error>

Yeah, that XML says the AWS link expired. Not finding it again, deal with enough idiots as is

Do you at least remember the title?

Ok, better link:

Adolescents with gender identity disorder who were accepted or rejected for sex reassignment surgery: a prospective follow-up study

if the link is broken you could try saying "the link is broken" not "you must be retarded", I'll probably be less mad, lol

Fair enough I guess.

It's also not the study I was thinking about.

I'll look into it when I can remember how to get through paywalls when my college's thing isn't enough.

Is it compassionate to let mentally ill people parade around or try to get care for them?

Parades are awesome but fireworks are better. I feel like we should be giving them fireworks instead.

Emojis are ed's fireworks.

Im only anti bt

A lot of people are against the movement because they don't like how it's an excuse to have BDSM sex-fetish parades with children, and they don't like the idea of giving children hormone blockers to stop puberty. But that doesn't imply that they hate individual people.

It's a bit like how a lot of people are against capital-F Feminism, the ideology, because of the limitless bullshit that is done in the name of the ideology. But that doesn't mean they hate women or are opposed to women's rights.

>being this spooked by taxonomy

I love that they have some bizarre concept that the retard being a tranny means they're fundamentally unmockable forever for some reason. Like they're people lmfao, you can laugh when they're dumbfucks just like everyone else.

Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Imagine being so retarded you think you're saving the world by shitposting on reddit.

Trigger warning:

He's a mother frikin seriouspostereeeeeeeeeee

Well let's see. You're a the_donald poster so it would behoove you to mock me but honestly I don't even care anymore. This site is over to me. It's full of propaganda, manipulation, and assholes like yourself. I got about 10 dm's telling me to kill myself and ten more telling me to delete. So it's just what they wanted but I'm telling you, when good people leave and it's just assholes this place will be worthless. I am just a preview of what's to come. This place is going to fall.

Let me give an example from earlier, in care anyone thinks I'm just a whiny weiner. Here from worldnews. Now what is it about this? This post is praising the leader of Saudi Arabia, essentially praising him for calling out Palestine. I thought it was an odd statement of praise because the man little caused the largest outbreak of cholera in a generation in Yemen and their people are starving to death. So I was odded out by "I kind of like this guy.." so I looked and the guy is from /r/israel and /r/judaism. He was at about +32 and I called it out once and got downvoted -6. I was so annoyed that I did it again and it was reacted to. However if I had said nothing it would have been a top comment.

So this place is so so so manipulateable and if you think that doesn't matter, I don't believe you, as the_donald knows better than anyone. So I just honestly don't care anymore. I think conversations should be fair and real and I just have seen vividly how much lies can live here and I'm creeped out by it. No matter what stripe you come from, you must be bothered by it. I am bothered because I think it can be used to make people like you OP. Radicalized fuckshits who just get off on generating lies and being dumb dicks.


"I dunno but I think trump is a pretty good president people are just salty 😂"

Christ you're 15 aren't you.

Cool meme bro, you really actually are 15 though aren't you? It's obvious. Anyway, I didn't write that for you, I wrote it for anyone who cares to understand some things that I think are important to get about how this website is broken.

If you didn't right it to me then why'd u reply to me lol 😂

okay maybe 13

Ur 12.

I win.

Have some self-respect and do it in the open.

I had to fit into his persecution complex.

You realize you're implying you're older than 15 and post on subs like againsthatereddits right?


tbf he is older than /u/MERCYLOVER163 . He's rich as fuck, what the hell you do for a living /u/2totwo ?

Literally nothing on this website is important, fam. Zero point zero percent. I can't imagine what would possess someone to take themselves this seriously about a shitty meme website.

He told you to keep yourself safe. It’s a dangerous world out there and we want our lolcows to be safe.

Only children use age based attacks because only children think age correlates to anything important.


Keep yourself safe friend.

So this place is so so so manipulateable

Are you literally shaking?

Can one shake all that much, nailed up to a cross like that?

While you're prancing about in the street with your tiki torches screeching about being replaced by "Joos" a burger flipping robot is actually about to replace you. And the thing is, this robot has more soul than you and your ilk will ever have. You will not be missed.

nice paragraph retard

nice tears fuckwit.

good retort smoothbrain

I would expect someone like you, whose only dating options are in fact retards (and the occasional trap), to be more respectful of them.

Oh and go fuck yourself with a soldering iron.

not wanting a big tiddy fash trap gf

imagine being this gay

You must be new here, because we are in favor of the Jewish plot to gradually consign the white race to irrelevance. Please take a glance at the sidebar.

way to celebrate minorities losing their livelihood . Good job

You should see what kind of job I do when I celebrate a dead nazi then.

Please don't quit reddit, this is fantastic.


Reddit sucks. The only solution is to delete your account, make a new one, join us here, and learn to laugh again. Think of these last four years as a learning experience.

you were fine with the propaganda as long as it was mostly the left doing it

It's all about ethics in email servers 👌👌

"Rules Are For Thee, But Not For Me" -- (((the globalists)))

arms teachers to protect kids

takes away guns to protect the christcuck VP

t. inbreeder gunfag nonsense

are you stalking me?

thinks he's important enough

Don't flatter yourself you retard.

you seem a bit obsessed, when's the last time you went outside?

trying to deflect this hard

Sorry to see that seeing reality made you this mad 😢

"Ed? Oh he creepy af."

Yeah he's legit creepy.

Ed, the person who gets so triggered by the name "ProgressiveFragility" he has to go into their post history to find wrongthink just so he can validate himself. Get a grip, dude.

into their post history

Are you retarded? Of course you are. Tell me where does that link send you. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself this time lol.

not being a globalist

Is this fresh pasta?

It is gone now.

I guess he gained a modicum of self awareness. Only took him 4 years and 1 million karma.

Alrighty, then Picture this if you will

10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes In my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51 Contemplating the whole "chosen people" thingy When a flaming stealth banana split the sky Like one would hope but never really expect To see in a place like this Cutting right angle donuts on a dime And stopping right at my Birkenstocks And me yelping... Holy fucking shit!

Then the X-Files being Looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan With Isabella Rossellini lips, and breath that reeked of Vanilla Chig Champa Did a slow-mo Matrix descent Outta the butt end of the banana vessel And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw And my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip And all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't notice That I pissed my fuckin' pants."

So light in his way Like an apparition, that He had me crying out "Fuck me It's gotta be The Deadhead Chemistry The blotter got right on top of me Got me seein' E-motherfuckin'-T!"

And after calming me down With some orange slices And some fetal spooning E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose He said, "You are the chosen one The one who will deliver the message A message of hope for those who choose to hear it And a warning for those who do not." Me. The chosen one? They chose me!!! And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school

Then he looked right through me With somniferous almond eyes Don't even know what that means Must remember to write it down This is so real Like the time Dave floated away See, my heart is pounding 'Cause this shit never happens to me

It was so real Like I woke up in Wonderland All sorta terrifying I don't wanna be all alone While I tell this story And can anyone tell me why Y'all sound like Peanuts parents? Will I ever be coming down? This is so real Finally, it's my lucky day See, my heart is racing 'Cause this shit never happens to me

You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I've just said! See the Dead ain't touring And this wasn't all in my head See, they took me by the hand And invited me right in Then they showed me something I don't even know where to begin

Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position Such a heavy burden now to be the one Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending To write it down for all the world to see But I forgot my pen Shit the bed again ... Typical

If you put a banana in the refrigerator, the peel will turn dark brown or black, but it won’t affect the fruit inside.


but it won’t affect the fruit inside.

It affects the taste in an awful way.

user reports:
1: it verifiably doesn't you fucking moron

not being able to say it to his face

what a pussy

user reports:

1: ed you have the most disgusting dick so maybe reserve your judgements for your inferiors fag

Story pls

I am just a preview of what's to come.

Thou art the Harbinger.

Thou art the Highlander

The can be only one

i see we are honoring the lolcow upvote philosophy today


I think conversations should be fair and real and I just have seen vividly how much lies can live here and I'm creeped out by it.

welcome to life in the simulacrum faggot 😂😂😂

This should basically be the top comment.

So to complain about alt-right you have chosen an example where you at first failed but then with a little more subtlety succeeded to rouse reddit rabble into antisemitic frenzy? Huh.

So it's just what they wanted but I'm telling you, when good people leave and it's just assholes this place will be worthless.

By what metric do you consider yourself a good person?

There was that time he looked back to find an 8 month old reddit post and call someone 15

Reddit's main news subs are already indistinguishable from any other rigth wing news site. This is the last place on the internet with the exception of NeoGaf (?) to get actual news and information any more.

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits, r/Circlebroke2 and r/GamerGhazi are the only subreddits I use, ban one and you lose me as a user, and many, many more users.

These Nazis don't have the balls to do it, cause they know that it'll alienate a large section of their site's userbase. We'll move either to Raddle or some other alternative, and this shithole will slowly go the way of digg and myspace.

Ur mom gay

Rude, you take that back!

going to neofag for news


Tbh, I think NeoGaf might be the least retarded page i mentioned.

Its a gaming focused forum lmfao.

Thatd be like me saying i get my news from mmo champion

Broaden ur horizons my dude

MMO Champion is usually my secondary source.

people downvoting this obvious satire


People are eating both this and the Voat original.

But I still like the recipe 😤

I think they don't really give a shit about some Saudi bloke, they just think Palestinians are retarded. Which they demonstrably are.

>fattest people on the planet

damn right they are

oh no we gotta stop these nazis

You're the lolcow we deserve, please don't leave us! Your angry little tears and huffing and puffing about whatever moral panic has your kind with their panties in a twist is the spicy sriracha sauce that makes reddit so delicious.

Well let's see. You're a the_donald poster

Wow you were so upset that you even traveled to another sub to whine about it? Dude I SAID THAT HE WAS "growing in me." You know what that means? It means that he's heading in the right direction. I had to tell you two times that isn't a validation of every god damn thing he does.

Top comment? I was no where near becoming too comment on that thread anyway. Then you deleted half your posts.

Do white people like you even realize what you say?😂😂😂

Bitches like you are the reason this country will collapse. You vote against your own interests to help my own (I'm Hispanic lmfao)

Wait what, what does race have to do with any of the above? Did I miss something?

He complains about the alt right, hence the original post. The alt right is all about American whites having their own homeland yet he's fighting against them by shitposting on reddit

Is this unironic?Please please tell me it isn't

are you actually unironically coming from against hate subreddits and telling other users that they are manipulatable. Maybe the guy from r/Israel just isn't a fan of Palestine since he supports Israel. What is wrong with that? Do you think just because someone has an opinion you don't like that they are being manipulated and you need to call them out?

Only people who dont hate Israel and their masters are working for the JIDF

Or Israelis and other Jews throughout the world. Or just most of the entire developed world in general

Israel is cool. Palestine isn't even a real place.

your serious posting is hilarious to read

/u/MERCYLOVER163 Absolutely fucking ripped apart.

HOLY SHIT you're a fucking loser. ITS REDDIT YOU PUSSY. You're not saving the world, you're not doing anything. You're just a delusional dumbass with a false sense of self-worth

Dude. We all know you aren't going to delete your account and stop using reddit. You think karma and reddit gold actually mean something. Lol

It's full of propaganda, manipulation, and assholes like yourself.

So every website, literally ever?

Babby doesnt realize shat propaganda is 😭😭😭

It isnt an propo if they are on that side

behoove urself

You've been on reddit for 4 years and you're still on the default subs? No wonder you're posting such retarded shit. The defaults are to reddit what Facebook is to the internet, and the fact that you haven't found smaller subs/communities to join just tells me that you really are retarded and/or autistic, you have no interests or hobbies (besides posting shit on reddit), or you're just too unlikable and/or repulsive for a small community.

So this place is so so so manipulateable

and yet you barely made a dent


Are you even real? Everyone has a bias hahahaha and everyone wants to push an agenda


You are taking internet way too seriously.

Duder, if you want to enjoy Reddit then use it mostly for hobby discussion. I dropped the news subs last year because they’re all just full of idiots who think they’re in a popularity contest. Good discussion is hard enough to find in real life but finding it on political subs is night impossible.

I checked his post history you guys. He's a T_D posting nazi Drumpftard (I swear I'm not ableist) in pepe's youth so be sure to downvote his entire post and comment history and report him to federal authorities since (((spez))) won't do anything about it. Also make sure to not read anything he says in case he starts making sense.

Oh god.

God can't save you now. Prepare yourself for a milking.

B00 nigga👌👌👌

Keep crying nigger.

suck a bag of dicks

Improve your bantz faggot

Oh hai!!!

Improve your bantz faggot

Yeah he should probz dump a few paragraphs about how he isn't angry

Or maybe resort to virtue signalling right after condemning seriousposting

Or he could be mildly interesting.

In theory he could be, but I wouldn't expect much from "Keep crying nigger."

He could have said it in hieroglyphics or something. That'd be pretty neat.

I guess since he wont, I will.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I clicked on it expecting something mildly creative

This is why Father O'Malley touched you

>expecting anyone in this sub to be creative

Fucking newbooties. There's a less offensive meta sub that way.

virtue signalling

But I'm an /r/drama poster. I don't have any virtue.

come to /r/drama

be THIS triggered by being called racist


IDK how you manage to be more thin-skinned than SJWs, but it's like you faggots have some kind of autism superpower.

Man we asked you mde retards to leave what are you still doing here

There's literally none of us on SRD.

We promise we won't follow you.

It’s funny bc I was talking to Sam and on ur lil safe haven years before you knew what it was and it’s hilarious what it’s become now.

I don't even know who sam is or what you're talking about

What I do know is you're achin' for a good smug-jerk and I think SRD woukd prolly be the place for that

My nigga. Are you actually holding enough of a grudge about looking like an idiot in /r/drama that you're following me around whining about it? Imagine being so insecure you get triggered by dumb copypasta in the retards playground that is this subreddit.

using virtue signalling unironically

Redecorate your drywall with a 12 gauge and your brain matter

Imagine being so far gone that you think "improve your bantz faggot" is a virtue signal lmao

Replying to wrong guy mate

Nah I was just agreeing with you that this dude should make his safety his highest concern.


You should move to middle East asap.



Imagine being so retarded you think you're going to be replaced by "Joos" as you ignore the burger-flipping robots that are about to actually replace your dumb inbred ass.

Are you talking about you or me? Because I don't think any of those things and it's literally my job to write the automation that will replace me some day. So jokes on you for caring about stuff.

Cool job

Hope our robotic protectors look favorable upon it

Aaaaand...they're still posting 🙄

Hi. I'm actually waiting for something. Further I never said anywhere I'm deleting that moment. worries. I said my good-byes a month ago and I'm still here too.

Guilt by association isn't valid you moron.

Further I never said anywhere I'm deleting that moment.

ah, the ol "teknikally i didnt ackshually say, guys"

I'm actually waiting for something.

One more mean PM? Your wife's boyfriend? Our lord and saviour Chtulu?

they have a plan to purge the hate

The subreddit should consider it. Your protest would be much more effective if you left and went someplace else, because believe it or not, Reddit is just a link aggregator; there are other sites on the internet. What subreddits like /r/AgainstHateSubreddits and /r/stopadvertising are doing is akin to protesting a McDonald's while standing inside and ordering a BigMac.

He thinks posting on reddit is “starting a discussion” or some dumb shit

It only took me 3 months to realize that there's no point in trying to engage with anyone seriously on this site. I guess that makes me 1/16 as autistic.

Everything on the internet is a lie

There are no girls on the internet

That's pretty much all you need to know


(He's a drama regular so this is כּשר)

You ok?

So are you saying kill your self?

Kneel, you slave

It means keep yourself safe, friendo

Please do seek some mental help or something. Or at least get a better hobby than whining about reddit moderators. Even if you sat in your car fapping all day it would be more productive

If you didn't right it for me then why did you reply to me dummy 😂

I think we need some sort of new illness in the DSM–5 for people who have these delusions of grandeur about their social media hijinks. If anything places like Tumblr and Twitter have proven without a doubt that we've embarked on a strange new frontier of mental dysfunction.

It just feels like we haven't quite caught up to it enough to put our fingers on it, but I'd be willing to bet that most of us know exactly what I'm talking about even if we don't have a trendy name or awareness campaign for it.

Grandiose delusions (GD), delusions of grandeur, expansive delusions[1] also known as megalomania[1][2] are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients suffering from a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders.[3][4] GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful.

Comorbid with bipolar and schizophrenia. Typical reddit.

I almost attacked a junk yard pit bull while walking around in a mania in Florida at 4am. I was convinced I could tear him from limb to limb.

Being in Florida is the most most shameful part of that story

must be bipolar

schizo is an alpha disorder

I'd also add narcissism and hero complex too.

Just cuz this shit is that bad.

4 days ago, this guy wrote a post in French on /r/France thanking Macron for his wonderful speech in the US.

Now I live a nonstandard lifestyle and many of my friends do as well, so I like to consider myself open-minded of what people do with their spare time, but Jesus motherfucking Christ, the whiny, faux-worldly millennial bullshit stinks to high heaven.


This is exactly what the "alt-right" want you to do. They want decent people to leave so they can take over existing subreddits. By staying here and oppressing their hateful views, we are making our time at reddit worthwhile.


I called them names maybe it will fix everything

Imagine having a moment of clarity and removing the shackles of this hellish website.

What a fag.

Imagine expecting people who you never met irl to care about what you say unironically.

I see how you feel. I wish there was an alternative that we could all go to

They should try Voat 😂😂😂

But they also allow LITERAL HATE SPEECH on that site

Doesn't matter if mods of subreddits can decide how they moderate. If it's not everything under the same domain name, it's just not good enough.

Edit: and then I get responses like this (which is really going all in isn't it?) and this and this and I'd report it, but we don't get reports back do we?

"i DEMAND that the manager speak to me"

Eh, royalty is one of the few demographics that don't need defending. They're immoral rich leftovers of historical monarchies. Sure, I don't wish death on them, but joking about it is pretty harmless.

Are you fucking serious?!?!?! Joking about wanting a baby to die of cotdeath is NOT FUCKING HARMLESS.. Tell that to parents who have lost a baby to SIDS. It’s fucking evil.

/u/BelleAriel maybe, but its definitely funny, and thats what matters

look at how much time she spends on reddit. shes a mother. 99/100 chance shes an ipad parent.


May I share a story with you that's a good parallel? I'm a fur. I've been a fur for a long long time. In 20 years I hadn't missed a single of the local fur con.

At the end, I was burned out, pissed at the other con-goers for getting the con shut down and just all and all ready to give up. The only reason I kept going was inertia.

I heard there was a new local con last year. About a month before it was held, far far far too late to go there.

And I feel totally refreshed because now I can say "Do I really need to be there?"

And the answer, just like "Do I really need to be on Reddit?" is no.

TL;DR Taking a break or leaving is not a bad thing.

Is this a copypasta?

It's from the OP thread

You have to go back

/u/Biffingston You have to go back

this guy thinks the alt right does lynch mobs. seriously there must be something in the water

Oh that why wiki article was linked. I thought maybe something aboutbefitbor the jews

Pretty sure the diaperfurs have already taken over if what happened in Rainfurrest is to be believed.


I work on the theory that reddit is a honey pot. They allow all these degenerates free reign to say what they will, with the intention of tracing and cataloging who they are.

Reddit's warrant canary died in 2016. This is about the same time the alt right moved in. Slowly but surely, no matter what tricks they use to avoid detection, their real identities are being determined and they're all being put on a list.

A list you say! And then the good comrades such as yourself will eventually go through that list, checking it twice, making sure to find out who's naughty and nice, right? Put the mean reddit people up against the wall? You're the reason you get picked on.

"Spez built this site as a lane for the far right". Hanz get the rope, a retard escaped again.

being this fragile


This is exactly what the "alt-right" want you to do. They want decent people to leave so they can take over existing subreddits. By staying here and oppressing their hateful views, we are making our time at reddit worthwhile.

Thank you for your service soldier

I feel bad for this guy. Taking everything so seriously he can't enjoy the quality shitposts Reddit has to offer. /u/2totwo I think you should take a few deep breaths and start browsing /r/prequelmemes. Perhaps you'll finally have some fun.

This is getting out of hand, now there are /u/2totwo of them

u/2totwo you really need to cut back on the soy my dude and get your testosterone checked

Lol they praise and love reddit but only if the people they don't like get banned? Just pick good subs and don't go on the default you mongs. I wonder why they're getting abuse when you post combatively on subs like /r/AgainstHateSubreddits

Good job upvoting the lolcow this time boys.

He deletbitched out.

u/2totwo see you tomorrow

Reddit is an alt right breeding ground


I don't think many alt right neckbeards are breeding tbh

Spez and ilk built this website to be a vehicle for the far right. a website created by and for the promotion of white supremacy.

Ugh AHS posters all have a Christ complex. With every keystroke they believe they are literally saving the free world.

They are the last stand of the rebellion in Trump's America

I don't get this constant need for activists to identify as losers. AHS, SRS or whoever have got numerous actual hate subs banned over the years, and they pretty much own all the default subreddits, and there's no content anywhere on Reddit that's close to being alt-right. But they still want to be the last desperate vanguard of a lost cause.

Hint: it is because they are losers.

What you see on Reddit are people which take joy in others misery. The good thing is, they’re cowards. It’s just a lot of subhuman Shitstains, who PM people and call them nigger and faggot. Same thing will happen to me most likely, but I don’t get mad at barking dogs so I don’t get mad at them.

Cool story fag

Lol. That’s funny.

If somebody PMing you "nigger and faggot" after you made a long whiney post actually makes you miserable, you should probably re-evaluate your life, or at least remove yourself from the gene pool.

Just so everyone knows, it PMed me. I think it’s funny, it wrote a whiney post accusing me of being whiney. It thinks it’s equal to me, and I find that to be hilarious.

I think it's funny too, glad we finally agree on something friendo

By the way /u/NicholasPileggi you quite literally just used the wrong pronouns for me as an attempt to strip me of my identity and piss me off, and compared me to an animal.

Did it feel good? I bet it did. You behave the same as a TERF or neo nazi, but you tell yourself that's okay because you're on "the good side"

I bet you flip your shit when you see someone calling transgender people "it" or referring to black riots and looting as "chimp outs" lmao. Just admit you're full of shit and stop pretending to be a moral crusader. You love flinging shit as much as everyone here and you know it.

/u/2totwo Imagine thinking you're accomplishing anything by posting in /r/againsthatesubreddits.


/u/fuckgays_ is a new account. Literally three days old. 🤔🤔🤔

Other one got banned

Some quality contributions you've been making, thought I think a few comments aren't following proper rediquette

Huh weird, I wonder why

According to his profile he's still commenting on r/politics to this day

I fully support anyone who posts on AHS leaving Reddit

The Nazi white supremasict u/spez should just delete their accounts

It's giving them deep psychological damage

Oh look autistically screeching in a medium full of angry loud noises 24/7 doesn't change anything.

Who would've thought?

I will never understand how people can get so upset over people typing words on the internet that it affects their actual lives or even gets them mildly stressed.

He could literally just not go to a sub dedicated to finding "hate" on the site if it bothers him so much just stick to r/aww or whatever.