U/shitpost953 advocates doxxing
3 2018-04-30 by stllnujstce
Be careful.
Advocates along with u/zadocpaet
Edit: u/shitpost953 will modify this to try and show he does not advocate it even though he defends an active doxxing individual across media platforms. Will do anything to discredit claims and will make excuses.
Jerry, all you had to do was prevent active doxxing across platforms. But you encouraged it instead.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-30
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1 DistortedLines 2018-04-30
Calm down
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Fuck you. I trusted you.
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
Very uncool, DL. All the people agree. No way should you have betrayed his trust. Do you get off on this? Only sick people could do something like what you did. When will you learn? Never betray a sacred bond like what you had with him. Be a better person. You should strive to improve yourself. There are places you can go to learn things that will help you ascend to a better person. Honor is an extremely valuable currency that can't be easily earned once spent. Earning it is an exercise in valor. Real people would understand that. I hope to one day achieve the ascendency of honor that allows me to be truly free. Very few can say they attain this. Even the monks from Tibet need to work hard at this. Reality will catch up to you soon.
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Really doxxer? Back for more? Oh no, youre gay, you can never have enough cock nothing can “fill that hole” because your body, stress, life, tells you otherwise.
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
If you read the first letter of each sentence of the comment before Dennis' it spells a phrase! Is Dennis QANON?
1 DistortedLines 2018-04-30
I didn't send your pic...
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Youre actually full of shit.
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
Full of shit! Full of shit! Seen his dick, now sit on it!
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Lol, did my gay comment get to you
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
I'm just a lonely boy who wants to see a penis :(
Why won't you show me Dennis. That's extremely hurtful. What did I do to you? I didn't spoil The Avengers. I didn't share your pic. I didn't start a conspiracy against you. All I did was find out where you were parked so I could send you directions.
If anyone here is your friend it's me!
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Aww man, i dont want to insert the daddy rape thing because that would be fucked up. Sad part is, none of this affects you because you already think youre broken.
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
i want you to break me, daddy :)
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
How does it feel never being satisfied in life
1 Babypenis69 2018-04-30
terrible! :(
1 Delkseypoo 2018-04-30
Dennis come back to discord I miss you
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Its funny because the potheads i left in highschool were losers too. After i left them, they started to see it.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-30
Delete your account
1 stllnujstce 2018-04-30
Why, it seems im a bigger troll than you.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-30
No u