It's dramadan again! South Korean President says Trump should win the Nobel Prize

63  2018-04-30 by Neronoah


I’m in love with this timeline.

Except the part where /r/drama took in some MDE retards, the CTH rejects, and the SRD idiots. Some, I assume, are decent shitposters who will integrate with the natives. But they all must go back.

😩😩We should have build a wall 😩😩

And we are going to make MDE pay for it !


With what? Their parent's credit card?

I propose an autoban for anyone who uses the '/s' to denote sarcasm to take care of srdines and banning anyone who doesn't unironically support mayocide to ban MDE.

Which would create a bigger drama, him getting Nobel Peace Prize before or after him getting impeached in the States?

I don't think any of those would happen, but at least I can have a blueprint for my perfect dream.

Both at the same time, 6 hrs after bombing Tehran, then claiming sanctuary in Sweden

Did you see that Trump and Israel are freaking out over Iran right now (again)? Goddamn I hate this this shit, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the USA are the real axis of evil in the middle east tbqhwy

Seriousposters OUT OUT OUT 😡

يحيا الملك تحيا الأردن

🇯🇴 🇯🇴 🇯🇴

Nice try شَرَّ الدَّوابِّ

I'm on to you (¯﹃¯ԅ)

اخرجْ يا شيعي ريييييييي

S*udi detected. 🤢🤢🤮

Fighting words

I always thought the Y-axis was pretty bad.

Shut up goy

Should not have been making your secret nukes, Iran.

fyi its just the jewy part of america

and also saudis think theyre jews


Iran can't get over sectarian differences and finances violence in Iraq and Syria to protect Karbala and their pipeline to Hezbollah respectively. The government of Iran is a backwards fundamentalist nuclear obsessed shuhda worshipping plight on progress in the middle east and their flexing their muscles internationally directly leads to destability.

Snally I still love you but your hot take sucks.

Seriousposting has killed more people than Hezbollah


Fite me cuck

What's truly spectacular is this: the Korean peace talks have literally not moved his poll numbers. Like, at all. Unless Americans are actually getting shot, maimed, or beheaded on camera, the rest of the world does not exist in the eyes of the American public.

I don't know about others, but I am not about to celebrate until it actually happens.

True but I also think Moon gave some credit to Trump just out of courtesy after he asked him to. Better to flatter than to antagonize the unstable president of the most powerful country and ally.

  • Wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • Impeached
  • Americans so mad Congress kicked him out "just to have their way" that they elect him again next time.

Why not? I mean they gave it to Kissinger

and it was well deserved

If anything, Trump probably hasn't dropped enough bombs on people to qualify for the peace prize.

Muh Arafat!

Best thing I can say about the Drumpft president so far is that he hasn't been too hawkish.

I wonder if Moon knows what he's doing to us


He probably doesn't know or care, he's just buttering Trump up to get what he wants. Which looks like US military withdrawal.

Conflicting reports. Heard at least one story quote denuclearization did not imply complete US withdrawal.

lol no

vvvv good for drama coin 👌👌👌

Make Moon mod.

He's going to have the biggest crowds at the award ceremony. Believe me, folks!

This like when Trump got elected president all over again.

The fires are widespread and glorious

The fun part is it's just starting too, that and the massive lack of media attention.

I'm going to enjoy the gradual walkback from the Trump supporters.

The best part is what he was actually saying was that he doesnt care about the prize, and to just give it to trump.

He wasnt praising Trump or saying he should get it. He was saying he doesnt want it lol

Its hilarious watch these people do so many gymnastics to demonize Trump on this.

Some of these fucks even go as far as to support North Korea.

To be fair he was saber rattling on Tweeter. The fact that things went well makes this the dankest timeline.

I consider Trump quite literally the worst president in American history.

Sure, some of them supported genocide and slavery, but did they have two scoops?