3 2018-05-01 by DistortedLines
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-01
Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-01
There's something wrong with this image tho 🤔
1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-01
What the fuck is wrong with her skin? Her arms look like a commercial for rosecia clinic.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-05-01
Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-05-01
There's something wrong with this image tho 🤔
1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-01
What the fuck is wrong with her skin? Her arms look like a commercial for rosecia clinic.