Drama patron saint Metokur dropping some serious drama. Deranged woman live streaming outside Twitch streamer Ice Poseidon's home demanding he be swatted. Apparently IP likes to pay little (21) girls to be humiliated like the THOTs they are

62  2018-05-01 by Mother_Jabubu


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apparently he was banned from Twitch. IDK but either way this is some choice Grade A drama

I've been watching the Metokur stream for about half hour now I've no real idea what's going on. What caused the woman to kick all this off? Besides alcohol and a shit load of drugs I mean.

I missed the beginning but I think you hit on it. his old washed up THOT was too off the handle so they had to kick her out. Then she slowly worked herself up into an angry delusion outside, first calling for them to be swatted, then lying to police about what happened.

Oh lordy this "context matters" shtick.

ice isn't the smartest guy on the block is he.

Counterpoint: He wouldn't be at all this rich if he was smart

you should watch her stream. LA needs to be nuked

Suggesting that I watch anything by metokur.

Just off yourself.

that man has been burning up the internet for over a decade and is a cultural treasure.

She's a coked up wino thot.

She's doing her own stream about this live now as well.


Lol, she gave her phone number out and she's taking calls and facetimes on stream.

quick rundown

ice_p put her in handcuffs 'its just a prank bro'

she sprayed him with shaving cream

he threw her out

she called for them to be swatted

filed a semi-false police report

She says they took her iPad... and they did! literally on stream they have her iPad and say they aren't giving it back, Baked Alaska says to sell it on eBay (ruh roh raggy)

she decided to not have him arrested because she was also going to be arrested based on stream footage

she's talking about going all in, getting Gloria Allred to sue him

Thanks for the run down and updates because there is no way I'm spending the next three hours watching this mess.

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I am.

My absolute favorite part is when she is kicked out she gets in a car with her camera man, and they're driving down the road. She's streaming, ranting about how Ice abuses women and is terrible, and right in the middle of a train of thought rant she just goes "OOH CAN WE GET SLUSHIES?!"

And everything she was ranting about is gone from her gussy-toxic mind, and all she talks about for a couple of minutes is the fucking slushie she wants.

On one hand, this woman is insane. On the other hand the world would be a better place if Ice Poseidon was in jail or dead

Honestly I'd prefer it is we got a sex tape involving all three of them.

wanting a sex take with gussy in it


She actually claims that she has a sex tape involving them

Metokur, IP and her?

Metokur only fingers Asians.

Jesus, why do you hate ICE so much. Wishing dead on someone is not cool bro

irl πŸ‘ streamers πŸ‘ aren’t πŸ‘ people πŸ‘

Well, he is white.

23 percent Jewish you anti-semite!

You should hop on Ice’s stream and keep yourselves safe.

Ew you even have a nick-name for him?

If it's wrong to want to see someone's legacy come to an embarrassing end at the hands of an excruciating horse cock perforation, then I don't want to be right.

Fried Baloney and Lice Pose-I'm done. LOL

The combined IQ of the people in this room is still a negative number.


Hang yourself.


inb4 suspension

streamers were a mistake.

Ice Poseidon

That name legitimately non ironically and reddit-literally triggers me all the way to PTSD and back. When browsing reddit via a workphone I never log in to anything. For some reason I do not know, my entire.fucking.feed. is filled with some garbage about " Ice Poseidon" None of it ever makes any sense. I've no clue who that guys is and None of it seems fun, interesting and relevant. OP you have made me feel upset and I demand you do something about it!!!!

Seeing any of his streams will also trigger you

Seeing any of his streams will also trigger you

He's made a career out of doing terrible things with awful people. It's The Real Housewives of YouTube, basically

The absolute state of 3Ds

"Mister Metokur" or "Jim" or "Internet Aristocrat" or whatever is such a god damn nerd, but he tries way too hard to pretend he's not.