This sub is next on the chopping block

3  2018-05-01 by mukumukum

Some of you guys are okay, so a little (((bird))) told me that this sub is included in the next patch of hate subs to be removed with Reddit's new anti-harrassment and ethical content commitment policy. With this sub's history, it will be among the first one's to go when the firing squads land. Be prepared for a sub banned/qurantined screen when you login one of these days. And maybe think how you treat MDE rapefugees when you will soon become like them too.


Untrue and homosexual.

The admins use us as a barometer, trust me we're safe.

And maybe think how you treat MDE rapefugees when you will soon become like them too.

Lemme guess, you’re a Qultist trying to get some fear und respekt. And sympathize with the sad plight of the MDE mongs.

/r/drama ain’t going anywhere. They’ll take out /r/fitness for fat shaming before they take us.

whiteknighting for MDE rapefugees


It must be pretty sad to be mocked IRL and online. I really feel for you /u/mukumukum

Joke is on you, I don't have IRL.

Spez loves us


I don't know why we'd be banned. We are a loving people. All we want is for Mayos to be placed in protective custody camps.

It's a dangerous world and we want to make sure they keep themselves quite safe.

I'm eating pizza right now, responding to the people who can't see the redirect on the sub. It's a decent pizza; made it meself, dough and all. Bet you didn't think I could cook. Most people don't.

Things... Ain't good here. For the sub, either.

The conversation we are having with admins is not one at all, more akin to throwing stones against a brick wall. It's pretty clear to me their mind is made up, even if they say otherwise.

As mods, we have said all we can, some of us politely, others not so much.

Now it's your turn.

I need every single one of you - regulars, lurkers, all of you - to comment why you come to r/drama. What this place means to you. Don't go to a link and do your usual thing. This may not do fuck all to change their minds. Or it might. Do you want to be a voice for the community? Nows the time.

The people who have said this sub has changed their mind about mayocide? Now is the time to speak up.

The random lurkers who feel guilty about coming here? Now is the time to speak up.

The people who were here from the start, helping and observing the sub to become the amazing place it is today? Now is the time to speak up.

I'm finishing this pizza, and demodding myself from the 43 odd subs I moderate, with the exception of Tejmars user page (cos I can't work out how to do it) and a short story sub I've been working on for years. Gunna dump what I have there, demod, then nuke me account.

This is really good pizza. Made the sauce as salty as I can, capers, habaneros, bit of salami. That salt pun wasn't intended, apparently drunk me is wittier. Go figure.

That's what I'm gunna remember about this site. The taste of pizza.

Not the foul taste in my mouth the admins actions - no REactions - have left.

Anyway, speak up, cross post it where you can, make some Fuck'n NOISE, or unsubscribe. Now's the time, save the sub or abandon it. We tried.

I failed.
Like usual, I guess.


PS: A special fuck you for Vice: was only a scant few years ago you were publishing photos of peoples outfits and shaming them for it, and a distinctive article from a bloke photographing his turds after eating nothing but Creamed Corn. For a month. Heh... fitting, that last bit.