Kanye has overdosed on red pills. "Slavery is a choice, prison unites the human race"

249  2018-05-01 by Oh_hamburgers_


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Snappy, I love you dude, but come on. FFS we talkin bout slaves an shit here. Fuck! Have some respect for the loser slaves, who were too stupid and poor to have their own ass smasher dildo. Some of those fuckers had to share. Sad.

Dont tell snappy whats hot and whats not, OK pal? Snappy is her own being and no one can do nothin about it.


Listen here shit stain! Of the 76 real and totally not made up gender pronouns available, I am most certainly sure that "her" just doesn't suit Snappy.

. . .no woman could hate-love me like snappy does.



'When you hear about slavery for 400 years. 400 years? That sounds like a choice,' stated Kanye during the interview 'You were there for 400 years, and it is all of y'all? It is like we are mentally imprisoned,' he went on to state He later declares that 'prison is something that unites us as one race. Black and whites, one race'


Honestly it’s hard even getting worked up over that because it’s just so amazingly retarded. I can’t even discern what his point is exactly. It’s like a 4th grader doing a 500 word count book report without ever reading the book.

Gotta shill for that album yo. Needs maximum eyes on him.

spectacularly retarded

And look who he chose to be a fan of. A guy who word vomits like no one lol

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.*

Wow you're salty.

About what? Kanye is giving us loads of autistic drama to enjoy. Pls don't be ungrateful.


why did you delete your comment after a couple of downvotes?? I notice you're a fan of donald so is that why you didn't like my comment?

Doing the Lord's work, Ed

<3 DADDY <3

But nothing about how he had to tie an onion to his belt, which was the style at time...

You're so cute when you serious post.

Dr. John Trump was given the task of documenting and analyzing all Nikola Teslas incompleted work and theories after his death? Weird.

His point is that he can't believe no one would have changed their circumstances. It's ignorance of slave revolts coupled with the power of his own celebrity to make huge things happen on his own whim.

Think Sparta and its ridiculous slave to citizen population though. Slavery is as much about controlling minds as controlling arms.

They have mind control fetish

No one ever thinks Sparta when it comes to slavery. It’s the one non-sex thing that was worse than our chattel system, to remember it would be to diminish the struggle

spectacularly retarded

well thats why he loves trump, they are both like this

it's not even true either, kangs and mayos are not and never have been united by prison

Blacks make up 13% of the population but are are incarcerated 5 times as often as whites, so they make up 40% of the prison population.

Blacks and whites are VERY divided in prison

I have to wonder if he's just high recently? His Twitter doesn't make much sense either.

T.I., is that you?

Good song tho. You represented the people.

I suppose in a sense hes trying to say something to a mean that, slavery, subservience, or poverty is a mental thing and is sort of a "choice" to give up.

Perhaps there is some truth to that but generally sounds retarded

400 years? That sounds like a choice.

...but how

...but how?


2 options;

  • Blacks are retarded, don't have the intelligence and attributes for self determination. They're easy to dominate.

  • Blacks liked slavery

Pick one.

Oh FFS dooood come on. I watched almost all the episodes of Spartacus, it was awesome, it showed how clearly easy and without any possible negative consequences, space revolts truly were.

So if the lazy blacks, who obviously benefited from the more protective aspects of slavery, had ever tried to revolt they'd easily have succeeded.

I feel so gross now, like some cunts actually believe this shit

Everyone who claimed to be Spartacus died, too.

space revolts

The Martian and Lunar revolutions were truly magnificent.

Space slaves are the worst, always trying to overthrow their masters. Poor little Jabba, only wanted to run a peaceful gambling and slavin ring, gets his worm ass strangled by some skinny cooked out thot.

Shit Lucas was Red Pilled AF

Shit Lucas was Red Pilled AF

True. It's a shame that the Star Wars trilogy overshadowed his magnum opus:

SpaceCels Episode IV: A New Cope SpaceCels Episode V: The Fempire Strikes Back SpaceCels Episode VI: Return of the Virgi

People bitch about The Last Jedi being ruined by the feminazis. When in fact it was the charming story of an angry incel, who gets red pilled, kills all the betas round him, then realizes that females just can't get red pilled. Has something to do with ovaries or something.

srs: none of the problems in The Last Jedi had to do with the weird roles of the women, it was just a happy coincidence

also it was fine. even though Johnson clearly had no idea what he was doing in general and an Empire knockoff would have been more satisfying

The biggest problem with the new Star Wars movies is they don't have a clear direction.

The Marvel movies are all mostly planned out, 10 years in advance. So even the less important movies (like Ant-Man) still feel like they have their place.

Meanwhile the new Star Wars movies seem sorted disjointed and unrelated. They're not bad, certainly better than the prequels, but they're lacking something. Which is too bad because I love the cast, especially Rey. She's awesome.

  • Boba Fett eaten by giant, sandy vagina

  • Anakin “seduced by the dark side” in the form of Natalie Portman being rich, attractive and not a monk

  • Leia kisses her brother

  • That chick that turned out to be a Nazi in Last Crusade

checks out

Whenever people bring up Spartacus as an example of why slaves should revolt I like to remind them most of the revolting slaves got strung up and crucified along the Appian Way for their trouble.

They fed the slave children to digs and made the slave mother's watch. Yeah the Romans didn't put up with slaves bs.

Just stop being a slave lmaoooooooo

Just Walk Away Nigga Just Close Your Eyes Haha

He's gone full Jayden

How can albums sell if he stirs up his fanbase in an uproar causing them to rebel and boycott the album....


Well he doesn't need to worry about offending black people, really. They only make up 13% of the population. Hip hop artists are successful because a fuck ton of white people are buying their music.

Let's be realistic, Kanye fans aren't smart enough to understand half the words of your sentence let alone a politically charged diatribe. They're buy his music simply because WAVY.

I'll boycott it by streaming it on Spotify like I've done with all his albums.

> I will combat your free thought with my free thought,

It sounds like he's been watching the goofy classical liberal YouTubers who livestream with white nationalists

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

about anyone

but himself






Looks like he has something in common with Chuck Schumer and the DNC.


That might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen someone say.


I think he might be making a valid point but went about it all wrong. If he's saying that black people in America are enslaved by a certain mentality (not all but some), sure, there are black people who share a certain mentality. And, the fact he includes whites makes sense too--look at how white people think of themselves and their black neighbors. But he used slavery as a starting point and that's what set people off and rightly so. I think people thought he meant blacks chose to be slaves, clearly that is insane. However what it appears he did mean is people choose what they want to be, prisoner of a mental prison, and that hasn't changed.

When your one and only passion, skill and job in life is putting together lyrical melodies and beats, you say things like this.

which is completely fucking wrong because prisons are sharply divided along racial lines.

This but unironically. Everybody has kept blacks as slaves. Guess it's in their genes.

prison is something that unites us as one race. Black and whites, one race

I’m not sure Kanye has ever been to prison in the United States. That statement couldn’t be any farther from the truth lmao

Grand Cyclops Kanye. Oh how the turntables.


nah, this just makes him a shifting market

he’s gonna take over InfoWars after Alex has his heart attack

Does reptilians like (((black)))(((music))).

ofc, how do you think it came to be globally dominant over a few decades?

/u/AnnoysTheGoys, could you answer please?

he ded

Did the space nazis got him?

What do you think all that Illuminati shit is about?

Implying that someone know what the Illuminati do.

what you mean like 15 years ago

Pleiadians don't care about earth people.


Ye already hit the iceberg before he went all Twitter dumb.

Remember when he tried to shill Tidal?

Remember when he tried to shill Tidal?

LOL. Do you think that I care about the life of a random prick?

Well you post on /r/drama.....


You do realize he's actually just creating controversy to hype up his new album. He's taken a 9000D baccarat lesson from daddy.

I do. Causing controversy is the basic drill for washed up celebrities.

Nah man, if anything his album is going to walk itself off the shelves.


Can’t see it happening though. He’s huge and influential already.

I can be a slow decline fueled by his own retardation or something like this might happen.

lol But that’s WAY more likely to backfire against whatever has-been 90’s “gangsta rapper” said that (and the “crips” lol. what year is this?) than it is to affect Kanye and his private army of heavily armed security living in his walled compound.

There is a lot of ways to kill one person, pal. Being a well know retard might force even his family to try to kill him.


Tards are slippery though. They cling to life.

😘😘😘 LUV U TOO 😘😘😘

Sadly this guys career sticks. If he isn't appealing to one mass of idiots, he'll find a way to appeal to another.

A shepherd can kill his entire flock of sheep, and still be a shepherd to another. Such simple-mind creatures don't know any better.

Such simple-mind creatures don't know any better.

So you're saying it's slavery of the mind? They have a choice but they don't know it?

No, he'd have to extend his own logic and claim the holocaust was a choice on the Jew's part. That'd sink his career.

He must do this.

this is literally the craziest thing he’s said all week

Am I missing something? What's not real about it?

i googled the quote and it came up two Daily Mail’s and a blog

that’s fake enough for me

Well I mean it's on video but I guess your method of verification works too.

how am i supposed to watch a video?

especially one with sound?

Mummy doesn't let me watch anything but gifs :(. She says videos are too bad for the internet and she doesn't like the sound of anyone or anything from outside the house. I wish to see the outside someday... Someday mum will let me. I just know it :)


(((Deepthroatstate))) shenanigans I bet. Q predicted this.

Are you kidding me? fake?/ Its all over the Internet, including CNN, its spreading like wildfire

tfw news sites have gossip sections

lol NY Daily News isn’t news either, but at least it’s American

Yeah it’s tabloid trash but it has the transcript which is nice because I sure af didn’t want to watch the video

It's real. I watched it all fold out on TMZ live today. I even made popcorn. I did not even have to leave my couch to get some decent rubbernecking in today. Life is good.

Damn. That's a hot take.




Go back to your watercolors Dubya.

One member of the newsroom, who TMZ identified as Van, then retorted that he believes that West's behavior lately has actually displayed an "absence of thought."

"There is fact and real-world, real-life consequence behind everything that you just said," Van told the rapper, who looked serious as he listened on. "While you are making music and being an artist and living the life that you earned by being a genius, the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives.

”We have to deal with the marginalization that has come from the 400 years of slavery that you said, for our people, was a choice," he said. "Frankly, I'm disappointed, I'm appalled and I am unbelievably hurt that you have morphed into something, to me, that is not real.

Imagine getting BTFO’D by a TMZ contributor

This Van needs his own reality series.

I wish I could be that composed ethering Kanye West

To be honest if i was black i would be pretty pissed of with kanye as well, siding with the party the deliberately courts the "muh south shall rise again" demographic because they cut your taxes is pretty low for someone who is supposed to be an artist.


black people should vote at all actually, its electoralism which is a bourgeois ideology designed to uphold white supremacy

Only a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries can truly represent the people.

More 👏 black 👏 bolsheviks 👏



Kanye used to be a business but now he's just a business man

Let's be honest, Obama calling him a jackass probably played a role as well. He's just that fucking petty.

Imagine the world today if Obama didn't piss people off.

Obama should've been half white instead of half black.

You'd think Van would have caught on that there was something wrong about Kanye when he got caught beating his girlfriend bloody, long before he started pretending to be a white person and pandering to Trump-senpai

he got caught beating his girlfriend bloody

When I just googled that the only quasi relevant result was a media takeout article claiming that Kanye pushed his ex fiancée amber rose into a bush after she caught him looking at naked pictures of Kim on his laptop.

Alexis(Amber) was understandably disgusted by her fiancée looking at naked pictures of her close friend and asked WTF he was playing at. "They went outside, and Kanye pushed Alexis into some bushes with ALL HIS FORCE. She was wearing a t-shirt and she got cuts and scratches EVERYWHERE and was bleeding. She was crying. But he just left her there. He got in his car and drove away."

That really doesn’t match your big lettered claim that he got caught beating his ex girlfriend bloody. If you have another incident in mind than by all means I’d love to see it.

He's probably confusing Chris Brown for Kanye cause all blacks are the same donchyaknow


Oh boy...

Kanye is very talented, but why the fuck would the interviewer pander to him by calling him a genius and then immediately say he's "disappointed." It's like who fucking cares.

West's behavior lately has actually displayed an "absence of thought."



"have to deal with these threats to our lives."

”We have to deal with the marginalization that has come from the 400 years of slavery"

yeah I'm sure the guy working at TMZ dodges bullets erday getting to work. The man is an example of someone stuck in a mental prison.

TMZ employees don’t suddenly have bodyguards and shit lmao, racist violence is almost always random. Even avoiding low income areas doesn’t affect racially motivated violence statistics that much.

Please share the statistics on "random" racial violence please.

What racist violence?

by being a genius

The similarities between Trump and Kanye are so stark it's hard to believe. It's like half of the nation thinks these guys are geniuses and the other half is wondering what the fuck they are talking about.

Something something Emperor's New Clothes.

Frankly, I'm disappointed, I'm appalled and I am unbelievably hur

Saying you're a little pussy ass bitch, hurt at every corner because of bad words...now that's what makes you likeable in the U S of A.

Please China take over when?

Imagine not having enough self awareness to BTFO yeezy without noticing your own legacy of faggotry.

I mean fuck man, they're the source of the whole avicii cut himself to death thing.

The two aren’t mutual exclusive ya know? They can BTFO yeezy while also being the home of trashy celebrity gossip.

This is what happens when you mate with a Kardashian.

Look at Caitlyn Jenner.

Look at the previous Kardashian patriarch.

You'd be better off hooking up with Cthulhu.

Just fyi, one of the alternate spellings Lovecraft mentioned was Lulu.

Lulu is an OK FFX character. Emo chick with tiddies hanging out.

although she and Wakka named their daughter Payne. YUCK!

Also OJ

Or Lamar Odom

honey, deary, darling...

the kardashian clan are professional beards.

every single woman in that family is married to a closet knob gobbler in order to milk them for every cum stained dollar.

kanye spends more time in his walk in than every one of those armenian wookiees and bruce combined.

just look at him, he's the mincingest little faggot nigger I have seen since milli vanilli.

Did you watch Joe rogans Netflix special?

You'd be better off hooking up with Cthulhu.

Tentacle that bussy.

Imagine the reaction when it turns out this was all promotion for a new album.

arent some of his fans rebelling by boycotting his album/merch though? seems like a risky click tbh

Suffer massive lows to reach decent highs. I call it Kanyecoin.

That would be solid material if there was /r/drama for black people.

He then went on to say: 'You can live through an a** whipping. Probably the idea is to beat sense into me. But when you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice.' 'You were there for 400 years, and it is all of y'all? It is like we are mentally imprisoned. I like the word prison because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks. It is like slavery, holocaust. Holocaust, is Jews, and slavery is blacks. 'So prison is something that unites us as one race. Black and whites, one race. It is like we are one with the human race, we are human beings and stuff.'

People say that Kanye is bipolar so often that it's kind of a cliche, but this interview honestly seems like he's going through flight of ideas.

"I am hungry. Does my dog need to go for a walk? I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow. What is the purpose of life? I should learn to play canasta. My mom should lose some weight. Wait, I forgot to pick my kids up from school."

Sounds like Daddy talking about, well, anything.


Daddy is a Very Stable Genius!

he told me so himself, so it must be true!

fucking stupid liberals

Wasn't he diagnosed with schizophrenia or something?

Oh fuck, I think Kayne been watching some of those "anti-sjw" videos on YouTube. Shit he's probably subbed to Dave Ruban and Steven Crowder now. There's really no helping him.

Kanye's gonna be so sad when he realizes that the alt-right nutters can't let him into their little hate club. I means rules are rules.

As one myself, I'd happily let people like him in the club.

You an SJW?

You an SJW

Far far worse, I'm Canadian. Shit even are most far right ass hats support universal healthcare.

I feared the worst, but nothing could have prepared me for that.

Doesn't Kanye do this everytime he's got a new album? Making as big an ass out of himself as he can so all the media's attention is on him? Like, once this album comes out he'll drop current level of retardation back down to his regular level like usual right?

WTF is with these comments?

The absolute state of /r/drama

Enemies of America are the only ones who find MAGA offensive. Trump is not just fighting for the working class America people, He is fighting against the liberal elite , media and establishment that want to see the country destroyed


The future of the UK is lost. The replacement of the white British man foreigners from Pakistan, India, the middle East and Africa will destroy the UK

Whites are already a minority in the big cities. Brexit was a response against the multiculturalism that the EU promotes, but it's probably to late at this stage. The UK is a dying nation.


WTF is with these comments?

The absolute state of retardation

Keep yourself safe friend

Holy shit that’s the most retarded hot take of this century.

Well, at least of this week, and it's just Wednesday.

Conye been swallowing Grandma's red suppositories.

Anybody know why the r/videos thread got nuked? I don’t see anything crazy in the comments.

"Slavery is a choice, prison unites the human race"

There's no way this quote is anything other than a Jaden Smith tweet.

I'm trying to suss out just what the fuck he meant, because it's obviously not literal. I'm coming up mostly empty, but my best guess is that he meant blacks didn't resist colonial era slavery in America hard enough, because they had a poisonous frame of mind that it was hopeless, and they convinced eachother to not do anything about it.

He’s also correctly pointing out that it was a tiny, tiny fraction of black people who were actually enslaved, and their free compatriots didn’t do a very good job of galloping to the rescue. Pasty, pale Mayo Dutch guys didn’t launch dastardly expeditions into the Congo and throw kids in burlap sacks. They just went to the ports and bought slaves from the black people who kidnapped them.

Just making up lies

Lol which part is a lie?

imagine getting angry at kanye saying crazy stuff like that hasnt been his whole career

people are faggots

You mean, it might be a mistake to listen to celebrities' political opinions? You say they don't necessarily know what they're talking about? I'm utterly shocked.

He’s dropping two new albums soon so... He’s now part of the Kardashian machine. It’s unfortunate that he’s this insecure with himself that he feels that he needs to stay relevant in this way. I feel bad for the guy, this is just embarrassing.

Kanye West doesn't care about black people.

ITT: people caring about things lmao

Radical centrism where?

Like for real, how you get enslaved by stick throwing ooga boogas, shit flinging arabs and then finally whites. And for 400 years. Get your shit together.

wow this is like the Malcolm X movie

....does he know Malcolm X was a real person?

Alright alright, he's earned a modship, just give it to him.