A slapfight between two /r/zen masters devolves into a war of instinct vs intellect after a world-class pasta chef enters the fray.

13  2018-05-01 by snallygaster


Here's the pasta for you lazy cretins. One of the finest I've seen in a while.

It always makes me chuckle when the denizens of /r/Zen are uppity; makes for wonderful irony

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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The /r/zen slap fights are one of the more delicious for me. All of this people accusing others of not understanding and not being enlightened, while just skirting the line from admitting that they think they are enlightened.

Funny thing about that too, /u/wrrdgrrl, is that intuition is often wrong about a lot of things, and stays that way until intellect comes around and straightens out the corners a bit. If anything, intuition is intellect's mentally disabled sibling.

Awesome! A fan club. I'm flattered. :o)

I disagree that intuition is "less than" instinct; but I have learned a bit since that squabble about the difference between the two. So far I have come up with, instinct is something that one is born with, and intuition is something that is developed through learning and experience. My whole venture into zen is to de-throne my intellect because I don't think it deserves the praise that people (me) give it. In other wrrds, I'd rather go by feel than go by a manual. I look back at that exchange now and cringe. Your post has been a lesson for me. Thanks.