/r/politics regular takes to PoE gaming subreddit to make sure everyone knows TotalBiscuit was a cunt before he got cancer. His reason for hating TB: The cataclysmic event known as GamerGate.

54  2018-05-02 by Eternal_Mr_Bones


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I believe that we are now living in the Year 4 AGG



Gamergate DINDU NUFFIN! Gamergate was a vvvv good BOYE!

He's also done a lot of bad for The Gaming Community though.

I'll never forgive him for supporting gamergate.

Fuck, I refuse to identify as a gamer anymore because of that fucking movement. Too embarrassed to be associated with what GamerGate turned being a gamer into.

Now I'm just a guy who occasionally plays games.

3 ACY lmao


Who the fuck identifies as a gamer who isn't a terrible person anyways? Like it's literally the same thing as introducing yourself as a Brony. This is entertainment you consume, it should not be such a large part of your identity that you use it as an adjective for yourself.

Then again these are the people who unironically buy Funco Pop Vinyls.

Anyone who identifies as anything other than their profession should, hypothetically, be slowly mushed in a shrink cube. Hypothetically.

Hello nice to meet you. I’m a r/drama user.

Bullshit I identify as a Spinosaurus! Try smushing a dinosaur 🦖 and see how that works out for you!

Oh shit, am I regular now? Sweet.

Also, I have a lot of reasons for not liking TB; his supporting GamerGate was more like the nail in the coff...wait is that too soon to make that joke? Its probably too soon...

GamerGate was the straw that broke the camels back! There we go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the FUCK on. Gamergate was an actual problem with videogame journalism ethics that gamers cared about because we don't want dishonest reviews of games that are given purely because some idiot wanted to get his dick wet. Don't even fucking start conflating that ideal with the neonazis and Trumpsters. For fucks sake. The constant bitching about SJWs from them is because even though the initial enemy of GG was just dishonest journos, the SJW movement tried to make it about sexism. The whole thing where the GG people are pissed off at SJWs? The SJWs brought that on themselves. And I'm not talking about regular feminists, I'm talking about people who think all men are secretly rapists just waiting for the right moment, those kinds of people. People who think I can't criticize a woman without being sexist for doing so. Us here? The people who want real immigration reform to make it easier to become a naturalized citizen so they can contribute taxes and not take away from our salaries by doing jobs under the table for less than minimum wage? We aren't SJW's, no matter what the idiots at /r/the_donald say.

Fake [Video Game] News is a real issue Ed.

It's about ethics in boring triple A reviews. Or something.

I'm not entirely sure I follow your logic. Gamer Gate was, from the beginning, a concentrated effort by white nationalists to spread their values to what they perceived to be a valuable, manipulatable demographic of dejected young white males. That's not a theory, it's verified fact.

I get the impression that this is a 4chan like circle jerk sub and not for serious discussion


This better be an irony post or youre gay

Oh shit, am I regular now? Sweet.

I can't be arsed enough to look past the first couple lines of a user history so I'll guessed "probably."

Also you brought up gamergate unironically in 2018 which is normally a pretty good indicator.

I mean, I do post to /r/politics a lot, but it's where a lot of the juicy stuff is to chat about, yknow?

but like I'm also post a lot /r/cooking, the blizzard subs, the news subs, /r/advice when I'm bored...I guess my point is that if I'm gonna be like a 'regular' then I want some custom flair or sumthin.

And yeah, I hold such a grudge over GamerGate for a number of reasons. I'm still kinda shocked that it's a thing that actually happened and went on for like...I dunno was it like 2 years? Anyway, it's also interested cause it was like a "proto" alt-right movement and I think I'm still sorta kicking myself for not piecing that together before the fact? Just a missed warning sign of how dangerous angry young men on the internet can be when you weaponize that shit.

the fact that you're here lapping up that polygon bussy and attempting your dog whistle smear bullshit means you were probably one of the dogmatic idiots GG was after. They didn't go far enough for my tastes, more bullying was clearly called for.


Stop being such a faggot plz

Anyway, it's also interested cause it was like a "proto" alt-right movement and I think I'm still sorta kicking myself for not piecing that together before the fact? Just a missed warning sign of how dangerous angry young men on the internet can be when you weaponize that shit.

Yeah, I'd say it started even earlier, with Anita Sarkeesian.

It's a pretty basic human psychology. Imagine that you're in a crowd and some guy says that you stepped on his toes and asks you to stop. You will of course apologize and try to be more careful.

Now imagine that you're wearing a green shirt and some person tells you that some other guy in a green shirt stepped on his toes and could you greenshirts be more careful. Now you can't apologize and promise to be more careful, you see, because you suddenly realize that your green shirt enthusiast community isn't a real community because it lacks ability to enforce community norms (such as no stepping on toes). So if you promise that greenshirts will be more careful with that guy's toes, you have zero ability to prevent someone else from stepping on his toes again, but then he comes to complain to you again and by promising you have already taken responsibility for that.

So naturally you tell him that nobody stepped on his toes, don't be ridiculous, and also that people get stepped on their toes all the time and he should stop whining, and that he deserved to get stepped on his toes for his whining and lying and maligning your community.

That's all pretty much instinctive human reactions when pinned against a wall like that, and you have to have a lot of experience and understanding of social dynamics to not respond that way. Which young males are notorious for not having, so if you target them with an accusation against some pseudo-community they belong to, they are guaranteed to respond in all those contradictory and aggressive ways, so then you go "comments under any feminist article prove that it's right about everything" and collect that sweet Patreon money. Or was it even Kickstarter back then?

I wonder if Anita still thinks that the money was worth being one of the reasons Trump won.

I also wonder what do you think you could do differently if you did piece that together before the fact.

Have you gotten laid for finishing drumpfy yet?

How many women have you raped?

Imagine even thinking about gamergate in CURRENT_YEAR. What leads someone to care about a several year old internet war between neckbeard 4chan users and developers of shitty indie games that nobody event remembers the name of.

It's relevant I think because it ties into the rise of the alt-right online and I think overall the radicalization of young men in internet communities.

Scum like Yiannopoulos saw it as an opportunity and they took it. GamerGate was a right-wing, anti-feminist movement from day one and a lot of the people who you saw posting in KotakuInAction are now posting in the_dumbass and other alt-right subs.

No normal person cares about this. Most of the people I know probably don't know what gamergate is. I would have had no idea what it was if I didn't listening to all the reeeeing from reddit. I probably wouldn't even know who milo was, as I don't consume garbage tabloids.

Anyone who actually still cares about gamergate, whether pro or anti, should take a serious look at their life and what happened to it to make them care about something so irrelevant.

Question: Why did this become about GamerGate? Not that I don't relish fighting about GamerGate on the internet, but my original post was about TB dying of cancer while himself tweeting at someone to "get cancer and die"

As for GamerGate itself, it made the mainstream news (I mean, shit someone called in a bomb threat on a plane), it was a constant topic on /r/gaming for like a year and a half to two years, and Milo Yiannopoulos was in the news quite a bit for GamerGate and just in general being an asshole until the pedophilia thing broke and he was fired. I'm not saying you're wrong in that it's kinda passed into irrelevancy, but it wasn't exact a minor deal at the time.

Like I said, I don't mind going on a rant about GamerGate because I followed it pretty closely when it was happening, but I only brought it up as one of the many reasons I didn't like TotalBiscuit, apart from him generally being an asshole, telling people to get cancer and die, ect.

The fact that you enjoy going on rants about gamergate is the sole reason you're here. Nobody is disagreeing that 99% of gamergaters were neckbeards who hated women, but anyone who still talks about gamergate is a lolcow. And lolcows must be milked.

If it makes you feel better, you'd be here if you wrote rants in support of gamergate, too.

And lolcows must be milked.


Lolsheep mustbe sheared, milkosmust be milkocided.

I'm too old for this shit

But Father TIme isn't.

Father time is an asshole who can fuck right off.

You tell that son of a bitch that I want my ability to drink until 3 in the morning and then wake up without a hangover back

You hearing this, Grandpa?

Gg was a meme, you have been poating about gg for like 5 years.

You have been on the same meme for 5 years.

Gamergate ended roughly 2 years ago. Not five years ago. It was from roughly August 2014 to April of 2016. It pretty much died out after the verdict in The Gawker case

Thx professor

It literally doesn't fucking matter because what caused it is over. And if you wanna talk about Milo or the Salt-Right talk about them, you look like an idiot bringing it up 3-4 years after it happenes.

And a movement of mostly men was against a movement that's been ruined by raging cat ladies saying men are all terrible people? Wow.

So wait- your reason about why we should care about 4chan losers fighting indie dev losers is because some pedophile "journalist" no one cares about made money off it back then? I'm pretty sure his book tanked, he's cooked. And as much as 4chan and Pedopoulos like to take credit for Trump I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure the real reason was a combination of apathy about Clinton and angry Blue Collar workers. 4chan just likes to get high on it's own farts and you've chosen to buy into their nonsense.

No, my reasoning is that it was a warning sign of things to come. That the right wing was moving to redicalize young men and capitalize on things like anti-femenist sentiments to drive young men to the right and the left didn't respond

OK I'll bite- how should the left have responded?

I mean, any number of things. Doing their own coordinated efforts? Perhaps appealing to left-wing values associated with young men, like secularism?

I feel like the left just rolled over like it always does.

To be fair TB is an ass and was one long before his cancer. He harassed people so much that it actually caused a admin to do something. He would delete accounts when people would say something he disagreed with. God only knows how many reddit accounts he has made and deleted. He created his own subreddit because the mods of original sub refused to ban people he didn’t like.

TB was a sell out cunt before cancer though. I'm still salty about the planetside 2 event.

What did he do?

He heavily promoted ps2 on his channel and then Sony did a staged big event where his side won despite not really winning and gave him a trophy for being a shill and cash I'd assume.

TB drank thekoolaid hardcore though.

Also traps are gay

gamergate and anti geebler ghüüblers both come with so much pure hatred towards this guy that TB really must have done a great deal of things just right. if ppl so shitty and technically far apart end up sounding so similar when speaking of your terminal cancer..you seriously sit on top of some great truth. what in hell did he do to piss them all off anyway?

From the people commenting seems like he initially supported more ethics in game journalism, then said he didn't care about all the weird shit KIA started to care about like getting asshurt about minorities and women.

Radical centrism was his downfall.

Imagine caring about some shitty culture war between internet neckbeards and random indie game devs in 2018.

IDK I'm pretty sure /u/pitterpatterwater has got it right here.


GG,Guazi and TB all deserve their cancer

PoE is so good, literally makes me about 3k a week just botting exalts on new leagues and GGG pretty much doesn't care as long as you rotate accounts. Anyway someone should ask TB if terminal cancer is more gay than traps.

3k a week? Unironically?

Yeah dude. Exalt prices are extremely high especially at the start of new leagues. If you use a bot, Hierophant can place totems literally out of sight range and is extremely safe.

That tweet about get cancer die wasn't an insult he was ask what his plans were after retirement