Netflix- "The Rachel Divide"- WTF Rachel Dolezal DINDU NUFFIN?- Biological Mom and Dad (radical pro-life) adopted many black children they abused, Dolezal wuz a gud girl, she saved them, got custody.. They used media manipulation (cont.d)...

57  2018-05-02 by quityourbullshit777

Some shits come out, here I'll basically summarise some info that came out. Just scan read or w/e or downvote and move on.

Rachel Dolezal's mother and father Larry and Ruthane were radical pro-life bible thumpers. They felt a need to adopt children to save them from being aborted. They found white babies were so hard to adopt so they just started adopting black ones mostly and along with Rachel and her biological brother they had several adopted children several black.

Apparently according to several interviews in the documentary from her adopted brothers and sisters where they even showed the scars, Larry and Ruthane WHIPPED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. With fucking baboon whips in South Africa, with switches and glue sticks, it was fucked up seeing the scars.

Here's where it gets complicated. So the family lived in Montana? They adopted black kids, they didn't give a fuck about teaching them how to comb their hair, or learn anything about their ancestry, they decided to just raise them to be 'white'. They saw this had issues, so they allowed Rachel to buy loads of books from the library about the entirety of the black american experience, from slavery, Jim crow civil rights nadir of 1890-1930 where blacks where literally burned alive even a pregnant woman had her baby cut out and stomped to death Lynching of Mary TUrner. If you need more info on the fucked up ness see

During this apparently her biological brother (according to information from the interview of her black adopted sister) started sexually assaulting her. She was much younger than her non-bio brother as he was the first born and Rachel and him are already a lot older, holding the lot as toddlers in cases. She became the protector of her black adopted sisters from her mother and father and brother and they all totally love her and stand with her and she got custody of some of them as they couldn't handle Larry and Ruthane. It says a lot.

So basically. Her adopted sister was taking Dolezals brother to court for raping her. During this Larry and Ruthane saw their first born son as the apple of their eye and never would ever support the adopted daughter or Dolezal. The alleged pedophile brother hired a Private Investigator to go after Dolezal and totally expose all her lies and fabrications. This basically torpedoed the case. As Dolezal was due to testify that she was also a witness and sufferer of abuse by her brother.

So Larry and Ruthane. They basically did like 100s of interviews! Nobody ever stopped to ask why they were so fucking flamingly dead set and tearing apart their own daughter. My parents, despite the fact that I don't get on with them and live a separate life would never go on TV endless times and play up all my faults, They would never say "I can't see why she feels disconnected from us?" They played up being an innocent Lily white family abandoned by their self-hating coal burning daughter. It's a bit nauseous, you can actually see their smugness in a lot of the interviews about how they are totally fawned over. And another thing, when one interview gives a weak line "What do you have to say about the sexual abuse case against your son?" They drum up the sympathy "Of all Rachels malicious and destructive lies, this is her worst :(". While looking smug... Leaving out it is their black adopted daughter that is the main victim filing charges...

So in all this Larry and Ruthane found the perfect way to totally destroy Dolezal and save their son from prison.

But there's one last thing. Dolezal is at fault for causing the issues on herself in many ways. She never had to say she was black. She could have identified with black culture, could have been the "white saviour" people would even have liked her if she just talked about the story of saving her adopted siblings and spoke about black issues. But I feel that part of the mental trauma made her feel she had to become "black" to escape from Larry and Ruthane's world. And also to identify with a culture (excuse me being blunt, I'm being frank as a black person myself) that allows somebody who wants to feel engrossed in being a victim to get a fantastic ride. So it probably appealed to her. There is evidence she fabricated hate crime incidents and there seems to be an element of being a compulsive liar to her. Being suddenly able to become black made her feel she can just create and adjust the world around her as she wishes.

Her downfall is that she didn't just (couldn't because of ego and element of compulsivity) drop "being black" and just explain her background and Larry and Ruthane's motivations. She did many interviews but insisted "yes I'm black" and let the highlight be the black communities insurmountable rage at her perceived "white privilege". Her adopted sons are suffering, her biological son will suffer. Her potential success will suffer. (She is an INCREDIBLE ARTIST). Speaking as an artist, the artwork shown in the documentary shows such a breadth of talent that if she didn't "decide to be black" she'd have just been a successful lily white "hippie 30 something white local artist".

TL:DR Anyway. That's my summary of the documentary for those that don't have Netflix. If you do, just watch it yourself and form your own conclusions. Basically, there is a lot more to the story. Her parents are psychos. Her brother is likely a pedophile. They manipulated the media to torpedo the case the black daughter (one of many black children they adopted to 'save from abortion') had against their biological son as Dolezal was supporting it and also a minor witness. They lie and manipulate a lot and seem to leave out the complex family issues, how all their black adopted children hate them and they whipped and left scars and instead just act smug and say "I don't know why she does this". Also Dolezal is her own worst enemy and could have greatly avoided and stopped all these issues.


I'm not reading this wall of trash.

shh it's k bby.

TLDR: retarded fruit grew on retarded tree

Repost this with less filler and maybe someone will read it.

Are there any video games based on this? I ain't gonna read all that

Cheers for the effort but annoying to read, paragraph it better

Get the fuck out of here with this victim card nonsense. Jesus christ the larping black is now metooing, whoodathunk.


- Rachel Dolezal and her brother were raised by their birth parents,Larry and Ruthane Dolezal, in Montana.

- Rachel's parents were extremely religious along with being strong advocates for the Pro-Life movement.

- The parents believed they could retroactively stop abortions by adopting children (I think). They originally planned to adopt white children but were unable to afford white orphan stock due to higher bidders. Her parents later found that the orphan market sold black orphan stock at a much more economical price so they bought those in bulk.

- The proud owners of newly adopted black children didn't realize their new children may feel out of place in a state filled with neo-nazis and anti-government militias. Rachel's parents also mistook the naturally coarse hair that grew on their heads as an act of godless rebellion. The children's owners punished them for their hair growth by whipping them with "baboon whips" (See OP).

- Rachel, the family literate, was assigned the simple task of teaching an African American Studies course to her newly adopted siblings. While creating a curriculum for her siblings, she also educated herself on African American history and culture. One could say that she had become awoken to the plight of African Americans.

- At this time, Rachel's older brother, the family pedophile, was busy molesting his new siblings.

- Rachel, a child burdened with very adult experiences, was unable to stop her older brother from robbing the small slice of humanity left in her siblings.

- The little white girl with blonde hair and freckled skin shriveled up like a raisin in the sun. She could no longer fight against her parents' stupidity or her brother's evil deeds. But just like a dream deferred, little Rachel exploded and reformed into transracial Rachel and got the fuck out of Montana.

- One of the adopted girls eventually sued Rachel's biological brother for sexually assaulting her. While Rachel was becoming the best transracially black woman that she could be, her brother hired a private investigator to out Rachel in order to discredit her as a witness in the upcoming trial.

- When the extremely vital news story was published, Rachel became known to the world as a big fat phony.

- Following in her parents footsteps of wise decision making, she also adopted black children (but was nice to them) and doubled-down on her blackness when interviewed by NBC. She was quickly fired from the NAACP for being a person of not-color which also meant she was now unemployed. Soon after, her husband left her to raise their children on her own and she soon saw the irony of her situation.

- Her parents, forgetting about everything Jesus taught in the bible, went on a media circuit to discredit her even more without giving any explanation as to why they were doing it in the first place. When asked what they had to say about their son's sexual assault allegations, they responded by saying Rachel lied. They also didn't bother to mention that their adopted daughter was the main accuser. So the Dolezal's chose to protect their pedophile son from litigation by making their daughter and themselves national embarrassments. Smart thinking once again.

- Rachel, now an unemployed single mother, decided to sell her story to a documentary producer in order to pay the bills and try to save whatever is left of her image. And this is where we are now. I suggest watching Wild, Wild Country.

I forgot to add that OP mentions he is black and that he didn't get along with his parents.

His name is /u/quityourbullshit777 and he is this generation’s Jack Kerouac.

Thanks for typing that up better than me.

Good post. I knew the Dolezal story was going to have a lot more to it.

It's good if it's true, but I'd like some sources. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day except I wouldn't because that's retarded, so something to back up what OP is saying would be nice.

I hope you can look out for some sort of *hint hint* non-netflix way of watching the whole thing. I'm sure you will draw a very different conclusion from the one the medias ridiculous one sided crusade.

Not saying she is perfect.

Yeah, I'm going to check it out. There's obviously something seriously wrong with her, but the way that the media characterized her always struck me as unethical. They treated her like a sideshow and made no effort to look into her side of the story or investigate her history because that'd spoil the outrage bait.

It's just more of her lies though

If people can change genders, why can't I change races?

You can.

wow that's crazy. gonna check it out when I can

Sounds like a crazy fucking story where everyone is fucked up. The Netflix special goes over everything you said?

Yes! Watch it if you feel like, or find *cough cough* easier way to watch it.