SRDines think pointing out that it was African people selling other Africans into slavery is hate speech.

94  2018-05-02 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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tfw my ancestors castrated their slaves and we don't have bullshit like this

r u a muzzie?

not anymore

good man. my great-great-great parents here in Greece (well, they lived in Anatolia) used to have to deal with Turks and their dick-chopping customs. not a fun time.

You should sue for reparations imho

too poor to afford a lawyer.

95% of the History Profs in the neighborhood will come tumbling after one another to assure the court that Muzzies dindu nuffin.

In Greece?

Greece had a Communist revolution didn't they?

Leftist academia definitely isn't something uniquely Western, we had 'eminent' historians here in India attacking and slandering the chief archeologist because his findings clashed with the agenda they had been pushing. It's actually quite weird, how widespread the phenomenon is. Almost makes me believe the KGB defector guy.

Greece is not super pro turkish though. I think even the leftists there feel some atavistic anger towards their neighbors.


I'm more of the "Make Turkey a smoking crater" ideology.

Countries where men typically wear mustaches are typically garbage.

I've met some nice Turks, though. They don't need to all be killed; just driven out of Anatolia and back into Scythia or wherever the fuck they came from.

I think their current borders (and general amorality) are the issue. They play everyone (become a market for ISIS to sell their goods, ransom NATO for access to their airspace, bomb kurds when they pretend to start strikes against ISIS, exploit migrants coming from the south...).

They either need an Empire, or to have their borders reduced by a lot (let's give all the people they like to fuck with and are trying to genocide their own countries). They maybe Turkish greed will be less tempted with all the smuggling opportunities.

They either need an Empire

That might be OK except for the whole mustache thing

They were doing ok as Ottomans. But as just Turks, it feel like the last of an inbred people.

Thanksgiving is coming, and soon The Turkey will go in the oven.

It’s still Anatolia dumbass. Turkey is the country in Anatolia.

Yeah, but Anatolia should not be Turkey

Turkey should be removed from Anatolia you mean, dimwit

"Remove kebab" is so much simpler than all this.

It's because its self-sustaining. It's like ideological natural selection. Successful ideologies spread and renew.

This is why libertarianism doesn't ever really make progress.

Can you elaborate on the KGB defector guy?

Yuri Bezmenov. There's some interviews with him on YouTube, see them. They're pretty interesting.

KGB defector guy

sounds interesting. who?

Got any links to that archaologist story? I'm assuming it had to do with Mohenjodaro.


I don't know why but your comment was auto removed. Try it again with different links. Maybe it was because of the blog.

Yeah looks like it was because of the blog. I wonder why, the guy isn't violent or w/e. He's just a regular Indologist, though he leans a bit to the right.

I never could figure out why some things get caught in filter and other things don't. Admins are confusing. I don't want to piss them off so I suggested try saying same thing again but without involving blog.

No, our archaeologists wouldn't get access to most IVC sites so research on that is sadly lacking. There's some genetic studies and whatever was done by our people and British pre Independence.

It was this guy.

There aren't any articles on it online because this happened in the late 80s, but basically some big wigs like Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib and so on called him a far right wing plant despite him rising to the top of the ASI in a country that had never even had a moderately right wing government. There was a movement dating back to the early 19th century to reclaim the land of a mosque that had been built by the first Mughal, Babur, over the destroyed remnants of an iconic temple.

It had been in court and ASI found that there were remnants of the temple under the mosque's foundation, putting a spanner in the works of a large group of historians, journos and assorted 'intellectuals' who had been trying to claim there had never been a temple there there by basically discounting all written sources as unreliable.

A bit biased because it's a blog but this provides a decent summary


Why? People these days pay good money to get their dicks chopped off

Even modern day turks are a pain to deal with anyway.

I've yet to meet a turk who doesn't smell like a public urinal

Turks natural smell like a toilet. And turkish toilets smell worse than classic toilets.

I'm fortunate enough to have never met a Turk.

Good. Now you're a good Muslim, unless you're an atheist. That's just as bad as being a muzzie. Agnosticism or humanism is so much better for you.

Chinese did this too

t. Atat*rk

My ancestor just provided fast, reliable and popularly priced transportation.

They did nothing wrong.

For me, mine was a unique situation, in that my testicles failed to drop as they are supposed to. I then spent my first 16 years as a visual eunuch. When they appeared they cause me great emotional as well as physical pain. My whole identity sort of shifted , and I hated it. I knew then that they did not belong there , at least for me.

Time passed and the poor condition of my testicles led to their return back into the inguinal canals where they stayed full time for years. While that was much more satisfactiory than seeing them, I still wanted them removed once and for all. In my mind I knew that I was NOT supposed to have them, they were foreign to my being. Some of that surely was related to my unique situation, but I can assure you that when the day came that they were removed, the relief in my mental state was amazing.

Each day I find that I revel in the body I have now, even with some of the dirty tricks that aging pulls. I do use HRT , so I can easily maintain my muscle and tone, and of course I am sexually active. There are differences in being a eunuch, some very subtle, others profound, but I relish all of them.

damn thats way more expensive than just breeding your own


Hot take: it's actually more racist to imply blacks are incapable of the same moral atrocities of whites as it infantilizes them.

Typical T*tsi post.

Hotter take: Burgers are so fucking racist even their anti racism is racist.

Yowza, that is spicy hot!

LMAO at /u/subsole unironically citing as a learning resource, and apparently not as a joke.

the root is a normal website

That's a low bar. It's abnormal in its lolability though.

this was a very amusing reply

and true!

Grungey, your brain is wrong and your opinions are all dumbed up

i mean it looks normal don’t it

I don't think it should matter if theroot has passing privilege or not

what’s more important than passing privilege?

Being an actual woman is more important than successfully faking it IMO

theroot is a normal website

Without context, that's quite true. Theroot is normal. But normal websites are shit.

Well ya, if you consider places like Stormfront normal as well.

Stormfront is for normie nazis

Wait till they find out Arabs owned black AND white slaves

owned own

Are arabs the real radical centrists?


Facts are hate speech now. Only acceptable, laundered history is to be mentioned from this point forward. Minorities are incapable of doing anything wrong or have ever done anything wrong. Only the satanic cis het white men have ever done or will ever do anything dubious.

Facts are hate speech

only sometimes

They probably shouldn’t talk about the transatlantic slave trade on that reality show

The Real Housewives of the Antebellum South? Why not?

I see /u/whiteymccrackerballs finally understands why SRD is cancer and why /r/drama is clearly the übersubreddit

I actually just unsubbed from SRD yesterday and subbed here. SRD is pretty ridiculous.

It's hard to reconcile being non-racist and admitting that the extractive institutions of Africa largely led to it's predicament. No wait it's actually really easy.

'Racist' is the only remaining vice that lefties recognize, so it is the only real character attack they can use.

SRDines think

That's where you're wrong.

tbh being sent to the USA as a slave was pretty much your best case scenario after you got captured and sold. your other options included such wonders as castration, mutilation, being worked to death, being used as cannon fodder, and human sacrifice. the miniscule fraction that made it to the USA during the centuries that the slave trade was really rockin' and rollin' were the winners in that shitty lottery.

Most of the 42 million black people in the USA are descended from 338,000 slaves. Those slave breeders sure got busy.

Most blacks have a lot of white blood, and most Southerners have a lot of black blood.

I'm pretty sure this isn't true, iirc the mortality rate for slaves in the early American colonies was incredibly high, it did fall but it was eye-watering even after the super high mortality of the crossing, conditions and nutrition were pretty horrendous, late antebellum slavery was also half terrible have improving depending on who you believe. Arab or african slavery was a mixed bag, some was better (especially for women if you're talking about living conditions but you had to bang your owner) some like the sokoto caliphate was easily just as bad, some was awful but allowed the possibility of high status, wealth and advancement etc.

It was better than south America definitely though, but still '""""lucky'""""" is extremely relative here.

all sarcasm aside, and forgive the seriousposting --

when you compare destinations and what we know about the slave trade, you're looking at around 3%ish of all African slaves that came over hitting North America. the bulk of them went to Brazil and the Caribbean, both places which worked them to death, literally, as disposable human labor. this wasn't really the case as much in the North American colonies, though it definitely did happen, along with castration, amputation, etc. -- though again, not nearly the scale as in other regions, like North Africa. and yeah, "lucky" here was a bit of sarcasm, but you had better survival probabilities than you would have had staying in West Africa or being shipped to the Caribbean, which was basically a death camp for slaves.

the whole "slaves in Africa were genteel servants" thing is also a huge misnomer. while it did happen, the nature of African slavery varied widely based on region. in North Africa it was chattel slavery, always was, and male slaves were routinely castrated, not for punishment, but as a matter of regular policy. those transported to Arabia and Asia were uniformly castrated, usually by Coptic Christians in Egypt, a process that could reach 90% fatality rate (they cut off their dicks and buried them in sand up to the neck). all West African states, such as Mali and Dahomey, had chattel slavery, and also practiced human sacrifice of slaves on a large scale, with organized sacrifice from hundreds to thousands of slaves in each single instance. in all these places, slavery could be hereditary, as in the New World. Central African states also engaged in these types of practices, and still do in regards to Pygmy populations, whom they actively hunt to this day (for meat and for magical ingredients as well as just for fun).

often, more attractive women were often used as servants of the powerful and wealthy, but the bulk did not fall into that category. again, it varied by location, government, and time period. they also were uniformly used as sex slaves by African, Arab, and Asiatic owners. eunuchs could, in some cases (such as the Mamluks) rise to prominance within the Ottoman Empire and it's descendant states, and Zanj (black people) were often used as enslaved shock troops.

people like to say that Ethiopian slavery -- the largest single slaveholding nation in Africa -- was primarily these types of servants, but that's not correct. field work, manual labor, and mining were the largest consumers of slaves within Abyssinia, and those people were literally worked to death. the impacts of the period are still felt, which is why many Ethiopian immigrants to the USA do not like African Americans. Bantus were the most common barya (slaves) in Abyssinia, though the other ethnic groups could also be sold into slavery, and Bantu-descendants they are still considered trash generally by Oromo, Amhara etc, none of whom consider themselves "black" -- they're "red" and that's a source of current friction between them and the African American population in the US.

Don't forget getting eaten by a shark and dying in your own filth.

TIL African tribesmen did nothing wrong.

Some of 'em.

It was mayos and sun walkers both. Why can't people accept this?