Dankest Timeline confirmed

259  2018-05-02 by respaaaaaj


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Set your clocks for the impending drama shit storm this is sure to create! Personally I cannot wait.

Set your clocks for the impending drama shit storm this is sure to create!

RIP Reality

Of course he's peddling his snake oil when I click on it.

So excited holy shit

Like the dankest shit I've ever heard

/r/Kanye on unironic suicide watch. Someone should probably post the Suicide Hotline number.

Do they take requests?

Kanye decides on his album cover after appearing on infowars:


if his album cover is anything besides this I will boycot him into the ground.













Bottled it

I am going to shove a bottle deep into your ass, baby. 😘😘😘

It's interesting how /r/kanye is trying to come up with every theoretical situation imaginable in which he's just some misunderstood/machiavellian genius.


Reminds me of a few other communites πŸ€”

Apparently the reality that he's an attentionwhore playing the drama card instead of joining the victim olympics to hype his album is too much.

Kanye is a true radical centrist: He manages to alternate offend trumpies and lefties

A true radcen would offend both at the same time.

how is this the first i've heard the term victim olympics? magnifico

I just read the same points just repeated over and over? I felt like I was having a stroke reading that.

I can't believe that is upvoted and gilded. They're more delusional than TrollX posters.

Whoa, let's not get crazy now

/r/relationships wohld like a word

Big alt news TV appearance

New album dropping

Red hat.


-Q anon

I can't understand having been at any time a fan of Kanye West the person. It's like feeling betrayed by the whore you paid $5.

This is honestly pretty legit and gave me a ton of respect credits to Ye but I think they might be running out. That, and the george bush doesn't care about black people. that shit was awesome.

He can be a flat earther for all I care as long as he keeps pumping out great music. Serious mental health and groundbreaking music go hand in hand.

I pretty much aggree 100% I just really want him to get healthy and be happy. His music has given me so much that I hope he ends up ok eventually..

It's interesting how /r/kanye is trying to come up with every theoretical situation imaginable in which he's just some misunderstood/machiavellian genius.

Well, except the blatantly obvious one, which is that Kanye is acting outrageous to drum up publicity for his new album.

I mean, things can be interesting and also true. If you don't think he's a genius then well I guess nothing really changes which makes this comment quite pointless so.. I said good day, sir!!

member that one day they were sure he was trolling. i member.

No, get the local aquarium's number. Alternatively, put cops around every seafood place.

Look they’re not going to go gay for every fish they see. Much less necrogay.

You're implying Kanye has taste.


Have you seen Kanye's famous inlaws?

Why do you think he decided to marry into 'em?


Not for me numbnuts. Go post it to /r/kanye.

Be careful, you might get suspended for that.

so be it.

Slow down Kanye, all this popcorn can't be good for my arteries

Dramacoin is going to the moon



The amount of Dragon Energy contained in that one room is going to cause the universe to collapse on itself.

Poor Benji.

Holy shit those replies are stupid

it's twitter, everything is stupid


You and me, we're gonna fight

Sounds like

i don't know if it was recorded today but they're definitely showing her right next to Alex talking to him, right at the moment I'm typing this


Disrespecting any platform watched by millions is silly? I suppose she's fine with PressTV?

We're experience woke levels that shouldn't even be possible

I'm glad I invested in redpills and throwable tendies at the ground level.

As if this whole thing couldn't be better. Is Kanye, dare i say it, our guy?

No, /u/xnotch is.

But we should mod Kanye.

Knotch should commision Kanye to make a Trump hype album

Dreams can come true

If we are already able to suck our own dicks, I like having Kanye "drop" a Trump Hype track once-a-month until a story ark ending in 2020 as Trump announces Kanye as his new VP on Novemember 5th

There we go: Alex Jones says Candace Owens will be on Infowars talking about Kanye, but doesn't say Kanye himself will appear.

1) I am not on Infowars today. Alex why do you lie to me?

fuck, the lizard jews got to them before alex could!

πŸ’―FπŸ’―UπŸ’―CπŸ’―KπŸ’―IπŸ’―NπŸ’―GπŸ’― πŸ’―AπŸ’―

Fuck, my blood pressure can't handle all of this salt.

Please don't let this be just a dream.

I'm afraid it is.

Kanye has surpased Enimen as the best white rapper.

best white rapper

Those words don't belong in the same sentence.

Lol wat

Some dramanaut predicted this. No way lmfao


Replying to @RealAlexJones @kanyewest @RealCandaceO

Funny how white nationalists always fall all over themselves to defend black people

Yeah. Funny.


lmao it was all bullshit, alex fucking jones

This is amazing. 2018 is going to be remembered by White Nationalists as the year Kanye transitioned from "just another fuckin' monkey" to "one of the good ones.Β©"

Wat a time to be alive, unironically! I might even tune into the infowars for this. Though I don’t want that shit on my isp user history tbh

either we going on alex jones or I'm going on alex jones