Trans drama in TrollX

23  2018-05-02 by TakeMyVerySoul


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Wow bunch of TERFs in that thread. Look at what this TERFy bitch u/vanillamasala is saying:

A trans-woman does not have the same biological experience as a someone born with a female body

So you're saying trans-women are not real women? I'm guessing by your standards trans-men aren't real women either? Disgusting.

So u/vanillamasala, you're saying trans-women are not real women? I'm guessing by your standards trans-men aren't real women either? Disgusting.

A trans-woman does not have the same biological experience as a someone born with a female body

Disgusting TERFism.

/u/LilSebs_MrsF sorry sweaty, TrollX is a terf free zone, luckily we have /r/drama to curb any rampant transmisogyny

Those are YOUR words. I said the exact opposite. Nice job trying to pick a fight though. Maybe next time work on your reading comprehension skills before calling me names. You’re part of the problem. You choose to believe whatever you want regardless of the actual facts.

You're actually part of the problems. You're getting offended and screeching about words.

Thanks for correcting my terminology. I apologize for that. I was trying to use biological terminology which was inappropriate and inadequate for the situation and sorry if it offended you, I’ll correct that in the future.

Someone actually said this with full sincerity and no hint of sarcasm. Humans were a mistake.

That person's essay to educate her about her language basically proved the point she was making in the first place.

Proof positive that China needs to nuke the west ASAP in order to save the human race from virally transmitted mental retardation.

Wtf is actually wrong with these people.

How do you even survive throughout daily life when you're this triggered by a lack of space between two words. Ten years ago we'd call that a spelling mistake, now it's apparently a micro-agression.

It requires bags Cheetos, buckets of full fat ice cream, and copious amounts of “feminist porn”.