yo wtf is wrong wit Caucasians lol

263  2018-05-02 by sk33tasaurus




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Surprise! Some people are polyamorous.

(((Username checks out)))




I wouldn't call these things 'people'

Surprise! Everyone else on Earth thinks they're still just cucks.

👏 mayocide 👏 can't 👏 come 👏 soon 👏 enough 👏

I see a yellow in there, but she might be native which is close enough for the cide, imo

Kewpiecide when

Spiritual mayos need to go to


Shut the fuck up

His wife looks like Markiplier



I thought she looked familiar

That guys smile creeps me out something fierce

At least he's not doing the weird open mouth thing that they always do.

Leshaun sounds like a girl's name. Get Quaddarius or Devontrey up in that bitch, maybe even ol' Jo'nathan (pronounced Joe Nathan). Leshaun just doesn't have that BBC ring to it

I bet he gives the same look to all the 11 year old girls at the neighborhood pool party

Resting cuck face

How is he the cuck if he's the one fucking someone else's wife?

Does cucking someone else make you less of a cuck?

I mean he is literally making a cuck face.

The fact that he is keeping company with a bunch of cuck nerds is just additional degeneracy.

its ok to admit you got something wrong, the mean internet people wont bully you

he is literally making a cuck face.

That doesn't mean anything lmao

primate fear-grimace, typical of cucks and soys

I have you tagged as pizzashill's prison bitch

flairs, how do they work?

On top of his flair I have him tagged in RES

the mean internet people wont bully you

I absolutely would have bullied him, does that mean I'm not mean?

Shut up and sleep with my wife you bitch

This is why when you read about people's poly adventures you don't need to feel jealous. Most of them look like this.

Is there a sub full of these sad degenerate stories?

Probably r/polyamory

their photo thread is wonderful


literally pinned there

literally? or figuratively?


"I'm the pink mohawk on the left" shocking.

10 fags and a hag. Perfect

I can smell the diabetes.

Good God


That guy looks like he's about 1 look of disapproval from going full elliot rodger on those "people"

Tbh the old guy at the foot of the table (probably his dad) looks the most dejected and disappointed of all.

Looks exactly like Larry David.

Lol one of these dudes has to be the "1 guest".

Probably got invited by a coworker and didn't even know he was a degenerate.

Mfw I try really hard not to build gas chambers for be unwelcoming toward these people but they still insist on bringing a child to their orgy parties: 🤦‍

lol who This is proof alone that Poly relationships are an abomination

It's funny how the older family members have such disappointed expressions.

"I didn't fight the nazis for this"

Nowadays they probably fought gooks instead of Nazis to be fair.

There is like 1 woman..... and she doesn't look like she can pull multiple dudes.

Lol looks like just a bunch of gay dudes and family members who look extremely uncomfortable and some even look angry ha humanity was a mistake

That second one. This is why we need FPH.

the second one looks like it could turn into a crime scene photo very quickly

One could only hope.

...due to the ensuing argument over which flavour of Linux is best Linux.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

So tell me, are you the guy on the left or the right?

did you just eat the pasta?

Pasta usually fills me up. That was more like week old Chinese.

Might want to add a dash of Stallman and maybe a pinch of Raymond to that for good measure.

The problem with wearing skintight shit is tat everyone can see your pot-belly and thin arms then.

Is the first - 2 girls and 1 guy or 2 guys and 1 girl? I really cannot tell.

Functionally, it probably doesn't even matter. They probably all do weird shit with each others holes indiscriminately.

T-F-M is my guess.

r/fortniteBR is better.

I wish that screenshot of the "got my tubes tied, got a switch!" was real, then we could shutdown the sub.

I judge grown men who play exclusively Nintendo more than I judge grown men who play video games.

Yo, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional video game. Being a self-described "gamer" on the other hand is grounds for getting the gas as far as I'm concerned.

Be careful when you insult gamers… or else

you say we have no life but we have lived many lives and honed many skills as well… as we know the way of the blade and the gun and our numbers will surprise you…

Lol fucking gamers, I enjoy gaming on occasion, but I’ve had a few tell me they are better with a gun then most Spec Ops even though they’ve never fired a gun in there life except on COD

I prefer gamers to tourists.

I judge grown men who like losers like Michael Westin who are too sissy to just torture and kill a guy when the situation calls for it.

He doesn’t torture because it’s been proven time and again in the real world to be unreliable. He doesn’t kill in Miami because murder investigations draw unwanted attention. He does it plenty in later seasons when he’s with the CIA.

He doesn't torture or kill because he's a big stroppy baby and dead people make him sad.

Erm excuse me fucko, Nintendo are the only video game company these days who actually still give a shit about gamers. When was the last time you saw a Nintendo game riddled with microtransactions? When was the last time you saw a genuinely revolutionary console idea that wasn't first done by Nintendo?

I laugh at your pathetic existance for daring to doubt Nintendo.

Now excuse me thundercuck, I'm off to play Mario #59


if it's sad degenerate stories you're after, /r/stupidslutsclub is full of nasty old men masquerading as hot young women and telling rape bait stories that so totally happened

Wtf that sub has 81,000 subscribers.

81,000 subscribers thots



I did some tenant improvement work for a warehouse owner. Common stuff like some steps and a new emergency exit and a couple of walls. At the end of the week, I got a call from the landlords that the new tenants were a "sex positive society" and that they were eager to move in LL-would it be a problem? Me -no, I bet they are all sex godesses. LL -haha you'll see.

Short story: Wow, these types have these kinky clubs exactly because they are unattractive and no good looking person would allow their fetishes...if they would lower their standards in the first place

I can smell the soy from here.

Somebody is doing the nasty in that van. But who!?!? 😯

Danger hair and spindly-armed manlets. Go figure.

All these incels cry about the bulls either being Chads or Tyrones but every time a numale posts one of these, the bull or "boyfriend" is always a fellow numale.

Because attractive people don't participate in shit like this

Lol @ people who believe this. The hot ones got driven out of the clubs by people like in op.

Am I blind or something? The wife's boyfriend looks surprisingly human-shaped.

you’re conflating cucks with incels and it is NOT OK


who are you quoting?

The OP, those people are from California

The OP, those people are from California

Here's the Quora profile of the person that's referring to himself in first-person in the picture. He's Canadian, so it's a safe bet to say that they all are.

A California and Canadian crossbreed specimen, not really interested in further investigating that tbhwy, already reading a horror novel at the moment

What kind of man uses the word 'crush' when he's old enough to have a hairline like that? The kind who has an 'adventure van' and whose wife has a boyfriend, I suppose.

Can the apocalypse come any sooner?

What kind of man uses the word 'crush' when he's old enough to have a hairline like that?

Someone whose identity and lifestyle is primarily dictated by sexual shit.

Can the apocalypse come any sooner?

This is nothing new...

This is nothing new...

exactly, god is clearly long overdue on this whole thing, he needs to get his ass in gear

WELL our bastion of hope has seemingly pussied out and decided to denuclearize his starving communist country, our only hope now is Russia starts shit

The same manchild who gets giddy like a girl over the new Zelda game or Funko toys

Idk what funko is but I really liked the last Zelda and will probably be very excited for the next. Pls don't lump me in with pictured people.

do you want to be my wife's boyfriend?

He can do better than her.

What I really like is that this guy took a picture of his crush and put it on the internet publicly identifying her as his crush. So, she either knows he has a crush on her and voluntarily went into his rape van with his bro and their 56 morbidly obese wives, OR she's about to happen across this image somewhere and get to have an extremely awkward conversation with Monsieur Pedostache the next time she sees him.


he’s fake

This is fake and gay as shit

the kind that probably isn’t real

He looks like the joker but with normal skin.

His wife looks like an Asian dude in drag.

That's his "crush", not his "wife".

Don't you ever talk to him and his wife's boyfriend like that again.

Asian dude in drag

Nah we tend to look better than that

Just the fact that he has a thing called the "Adventure Van" makes him worthy of defenestration

Irony aside, literally no group of people is like this except white people. And they always look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome or got ran over by a steam roller.

What is the only group of people that fucks animals? White people.

What is the only group of people shooting up schools? White people (with one or two azncels)

What is the only group of people who are unironic cucks? White people.

I genuinely think the world would be better with less white Americans.


Blacks and hispanics. Go to any high school in a major US city.

Jews and low tier whites (Irish, slavs, etc.)

Dont fall for the (((propaganda)))

Black and Hispanic high schoolers are not fucking dogs.

I answered your questions in the order you posted them, degenerate

Maintaining order is a tool of the patriarchy.

offended mayo

How mad are you yt?

Look here whitey, none of your feeble protests are gonna stop the mayocide. So why don't you do is all a favor and get it started early

This is just California, though. Nobody else is this white.

They're leaving California tho, for the "Blues Dancing Retreat" trap we set in southern Oregon.

Like herpes leaving an open sore.

Lol, we're coming for you, and we're bringing ((DIVERSITY HIRES)) *zombie noises.

Um, I already live in this faggot-ass state.

Try not to POZ any other states, please. I need somewhere sane to retire.

Oh, no way! What part? I get my air imported from the north but spend most my time underpaying immigrants in the south.

Immigrants earn the same as everyone else.

Not me, I’m actually skilled.

As I said.

Still the Designated Shitting Coast.

perhaps you’d be interested in one of the following states!

  • Oregon

  • New York

  • Ohio

  • Connecticut

  • Alabama

  • Tennessee

  • Louisiana

  • Florida

  • Atlanta, GA (where even the blacks are in on it)

  • Missouri

  • Michigan

  • Indiana

  • Maine

  • Montana

  • Nevada

  • Utah

Is this a list of states in which your husband has serviced the bull?

What is the only group of people that fucks animals? White people.

Arabs fuck goats.

Arabs are white

that's where
you're wrong

Too far

there's a vice documentary on some south american culture fucking donkeys.

There are a lot of documentaries about the the Southern Americans fucking donkeys.

they’re offwhite


I genuinely think the world would be better with less white Americans.

The site you are posting this on was made by two white men lol

I genuinely think the world would be better with less white Americans.

Fucking other peoples girls and fucking other men when your man annoys you is a core part of nigger life though, just coz they dont know how to pronounce/spell 'polyamory' doesnt mean they arent like that too.

Yeah, black dudes will pull out their dicks and fuck the same girl at the drop of a hat. Black chicks will fuck a guy and his best friend like nothing. White people are just less slick with it so it reads as cringey.

Eh, Islam allows for four wives.

4 wives, but no cucking

>believing that this is real and not just a random photo someone captioned.

It wouldn't be surprising, but given how a lot of poly lifestylers act, it wouldn't be surprising if this were legit either.

Nah, it's real. This is Quora. And that faggot is Franklin Veaux.

Don't ask me how or why I know.

How and why do you know this.

I used to go there. Back in 2012-13

The adventure van?


Quora. Used be bretty good. Sorta like stackexchange but more personality. Too many leftists faggots and sapiosexual Indians ruinined the site.

quora like, the website?

Yes, here's the faggot's profile

Vancouver, BC

Day of the rake when?

"See we have lives. We are swingers. This Isn't just a rush to pick up our dumb teenagers from the jail in the next state."

imagine thinking your race is superior when pictures like this exist

Jews aren't white

then what the fuck are we supporting mayocide for

Remove the columns and the temple will topple.

One of these people have a scat fetish

poo in boo

I know some hot poly people. Most aren't but a minority are. The hot ones are more fucking batshit insane than the ugly ones.

For some reason there is a lot of overlap between the blues scene and polyamory communities. Every dance lesson is peppered with 200 'make sure you get consent before doing a different move or changing holds' which gets tiring pretty quickly. That's why latin dances are so much better. They'll still talk about consent but not excessively. White people ruin everything smdh.

they want dat BBC 🍆


Is dancing a sex act now?

Why is this a surprise? Do you not ask permission before shaking someone's hand?

I shake people's hands very intimately.

the blues scene


White people ruin everything

this sub in a nutshell

I have nothing witty to say. This is just depressingly dumb.

seriously. wtf. selfies while driving are dangerous!

Please take the time to read this post, it has to be a memepost.

Why did you do this to me

I know some of those words

I feel so good about my love life now, thank you.

I'm switching back to dairy.

If you inverted the image it would like like an evolutionary chart showing Markiplier evolving into a soyboy.

man, I used to have those glasses. I probably looked like a dipshit

Don't mix caucasians with the american liberal soyboy please, there are not the same.

The american soyboy, generally west coast liberal spending 80% of his time in front of a computer screen, is a special kind of degenerate.

This isn’t real...

Degenerates like these belong on a cross.

Ave, true to Caesar.

Awe. We shall see how cucked they are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, their bodies facing west so you may watch their world die.