The Redistribution of Sex - NYTimes Opinion piece gets everyone mad about incels.

67  2018-05-03 by itsnotmyfault


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le meme book of the decade, dae so prophetic?

Still waiting for trump to proclaim himself as a death eater/gamergater, nigga. #Huggpuff #Whatwouldharrydo #MasterchiefFightsMisogny #ProGriffindor

Top 5 reasons why Drumpf is literally Voldemort

The Handmaid's Tale: "Saving humanity from extinction by turbo-herpes is just so gross and unfeminist, ugh."

Most of these twitter users are unattractive, they should have sex with these incels to save society.

First, because like other forms of neoliberal deregulation the sexual revolution created new winners and losers

Soros, please. Give us the order already. The Mayos need to be dealt with.

did you retards even read the Oped ?

Honestly, I think I'm turning into the neoliberal equivalent of a tankie. The globalist mayo miscegenationocalypse will happen if we have to shell Budapest to do it.

nobody can decide whether that means we need purges or pluralism

How's Bolshevik-style social issue resolution even on the table?

Oh, it's NY Times... lol

The amazing thing is that guy used to write for National Review. The marxist bug infects employees at NYT fast these days.

I'm eagerly awaiting for an influential thot leader that believes that "health care is a basic human right" to make an argument that sex falls under health care.

Sex will then be announced to be a basic human right and then things will get REALLY interesting.

Let's see some hot comments on the NY

Do not make the mistake of symphathising,

So once again we have to direct our attention to the violent, petulant, angry white man and his problems and see if we can come up with robot sex slaves since owning women is thankfully now out of favor. I'm so tired of white men and their nonsense

While columnists may have a grand time with their intellectual exercises, they seem to be missing the real point of the incel: to subjugate and control the female population.

Where do you draw the line? I hate to defend incels as 99% of them are insanely retarded, but it's pretty insane that the same lard beasts who live in a cave of cats will constantly demand sympathy in HAES groups, trannies demanding sympathy, and furries demanding equal treatment.

I mean, all of these groups fall into the same pit. Socially awkward people with mental problems who lash out at society.

It's hypocritical to cuddle one but not the other. Despite the fear of an incel murder spree - I mean, isn't the prime venue of sexual assault normally come from the A-list people in college frat parties and high corporate drink gatherings? Seems like comments posted like above just radicalise an already osterized bunch of weirdos that much more.

In short - My conclusion is this: Mods here need to really get moving on dick sucking these dudes so I don't die from being hit by a nerd driving a car.

Thanks, and god bless.

Step one: mods announce a dick sucking mod position, so they don’t have to waste their precious time pleasuring fat retards.

Step two: /r/drama passed the “keep yourself sexual” act, mandating /u/neon_needles be the designated sexual liaison to the incels.

Step three: /u/neon_needles is drafted into the dick sucking mod position.

Step four: world peace. All at the cost of one sobbing drama mod whose sole duty is dick sucking fat lard buckets day in and day out.


ay were is my succ

Honestly, they should be sucking more dicks to keep themselves too busy to make bad pings.


wtf u say you little batch prepare 2 die

That one is better.

“So tired of those dastardly white men” - some absurdly privileged white woman

Amusing that they're fine with all kinds of ridiculous "human rights to free shit", but super angry at this "human right to sex" idea :)

Because in parts of Europe that's already a thing:

If you're disabled enough, the government will pay for your weekly brothel visit.

And who knows, maybe in the near future being an unfuckable incel will be classified as disability?

Yeah where were the worried think pieces when that vegan shot up Youtube a few weeks ago?

It's incredible. Not even 12 months ago, incels were this sub's favorite target. Hell, I personally got the sub to go private a bunch of times (under a different account) by posting insane shit they said here and getting them brigaded. Now the mainstream media is sperging out so badly that I actually have to defend these morons.

Congrats, NYT. You're currently crazier than incels.

There are theories that the middle east and africa are war torn shitholes because they allow polygamy.

For every man with 5 wives there's 4 poor, angry men with none who can easily turn to extremism.

Given the fact that america is losing traditional judeo-christan values and there's less of a social stigma on getting married I wonder if we aren't going to see the same thing happen here. There are OKCupid studies that show how the top-tier men basically horde all the women and the low-tier men are left with nothing.

The best part about the whole sexbots thing is how riled up feminists get whenever it gets brought up. The threads on this stuff on /r/gendercritical are really funny as well.

This makes me excited for a potential intersectional crossover between incels and trannies that believe anyone that denies them sex is a trasphobe.

Followed quickly by 4chan x tumblr shipping and then bussygate 2.0

I hope you are already excited because that crossover arrived years ago.


See: every internet tranny

There are actually a lot of Internet trannies who are actually pretty cool. They're not all deprived leftists.

There are actually a lot of Internet trannies

This should not be a thing in the first place.

I’ve spoken to a few that are cool with people disagreeing with them and aren’t uptight about being considered a certain gender.

Speaking of those trannies.. I think the best solution is to find a way to transport their brains into female(possibly sex Robot) bodies.

Did you completely miss the "cotton ceiling" drama?

I've definitely seen that attitude on /r/relationships before. It's not super uncommon among the low functioning autistic set of transsexual folk.

It's probably my favorite low-hanging agenda drama because it's such a small deal and the anger towards it is both huge and completely impotent because nobody can stop people from developing/buying sexbots.

You'd be angry too if you saw the depraved shit I do to my Snallytron 9000.

nobody can stop people from developing/buying sexbots.

Vladimir Putin can.


Sexbots aren't even going to attract that many buyers when they're rolled out. Half the fun of roleplaying depraved shit with a partner is the feeling that you're sharing a naughty secret with someone. Unless we see sexbots who are at the level of Jude Law's character in that dogshit AI movie, they're going to have zero sociological effect.

AI is a good movie >:(

that dogshit AI movie

fuck you too buddy

Also we aren't even close to making an AI that can really appear setient, let alone making it commerically available.

RAPE should be LEGAL!

A week ago I approached a woman on the street. She was 6/10. Kinda too much make up. But I thought I still had a chance to make love with her. I WAS VERY POLITE. But she still rejected me. I punched her and tried to rape her. She screamed for help and tried to fight back. And some random guy came and knocked me out of my counciousness.

I didnt have sex that night and I stayed virgin. What I want to say that it is by far more harmful to say no than getting raped. When you get raped you might actually enjoy it. But if you say no to a nice guy, the guys self-esteem is completely destroyed and he might even end his life.

Also the girl probably went to a night club and got "raped" by some chad while being intoxicated.

TL;DR raping should be legal and saying no to an offer to have sex should be illegal. Because the counsequences are way worse.

But if you say no to a nice guy, the guys self-esteem is completely destroyed and he might even end his life.

One can only hope

Pretty easy solution to the incel problem tbh

The gummits comin' ter take mah pussy!

Are these people so self absorbed that they can't see the degenerate slobs everywhere around them that are getting laid? There is no social or physical deformity you can think of that isn't 1. someone somewhere's fetish or 2. negotiably fuckable on a cash basis. If you're an incel, you aren't trying to get laid.

True tbh

But nobody wants to fuck a 2, not even another 2.

2s are fucking, I promise.

I agree, most of people's complaints about a lack of relationships today are a standards problem. The people who are ugly, socially retarded, and/or evil can get laid, they just go for what's available.

Let me guess Twitter is reeeing hard over this one

Pre-natal testing for micropenis would probably prevent a lot of rapes/trannies

I'm starting to feel actually sorry for Incels. I mean these articles and comments are such shit.

So Government Gets Girlfriends was right all along...?

Sex robots will cure incels. It's nothing to be worried about.

It's just hogwash from the same girls who fear being replaced by Fleshlights. But dildos aren't the same thing, no no


This television has a poison on its breath. This counter culture of both wicked lies and death. It makes my eyes bleed everytime I turn around. How will they all feel when I bring them to the ground?

And I'll say.

I walk for miles inside this pit of danger. A place where no one follows me, I walk alone.


I'm sick of all these people talkin' out their heads I've never understood a damn thing that they said From words to actions never knowing what they're about I guess I'll have to chew them off and spit them out

And I'll say

I walked for miles inside this pit of danger I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders A place where no one follows me, I walk alone

Yeah I walk alone Oh Yeah Yeah

I walked for miles inside this pit of danger I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders A place where no one follows me, I walk alone

I walk alone Yeah