Sometimes I think about how stupid people are and it honestly makes me want to kill myself. I'm not sure how to deal with this feeling except to sleep it off whenever it does come up.

13  2018-05-03 by gw65kg


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Who cares if people are dumb?

I do because I live amongst them. I'm forced to interact with them and they're allowed to vote.

Who cares, you and they individually don't matter. I think intelligence would show itself generally by making the best of a situation, not necessarily having the best outcome overall.

It's a downer because they cause so much unnecessary suffering. I hope eugenics makes a comeback.

You probably cause unnecessary suffering too in ways you're unaware of too. But who cares?

But I cause less unnecessary suffering than they do. And I care because I'm capable of empathy and I can't help but think how much better the world would be without them.

Why would living a life in a more empathetic world be more fulfilling?

Because it would hurt fewer people less. Why does harm reduction matter? Nothing does but, since we have to be alive anyway, we can at least not cause unnecessary suffering. If I don't try not to cause unnecessary suffering to others, then I can't expect others not to cause unnecessary suffering to me, and I don't want to live in a world where I suffer unnecessarily. If I have to be alive, don't force me to suffer unnecessarily on top of that.

Ur gay

A eugenicist and a JBP fan, interesting combo.

Did you just called me a Memerson fan? How dare you!

Not everyone, just ... 2/3 or so of people.

If you are being honest I would suggest to stop using the internet for a week or so trust me there a bunch of idiots online but not outside.

Have you not visited r/talesfromretail?