An incel is intellectually checkmated by an r/inceltears user

8  2018-05-03 by zucctheducc


/u/221701 its safe to assume you're life is not going in a positive direction?

Fuck off cuck.

Also, which comment is supposed to be the checkmate?

Just take a shower dude. I promise you'll stop being an incel.

Not gonna happen without a haircut.

Would you say you're angry because even hookers don't want to touch your shriveled little cock?

Is that some kind of an offer? Sorry, not interested. And be careful not to offend your wife's BF.

What's your life outlook looking like right now? Never meeting someone, working a shit job / taking welfare, dying of a drug overdose / suicide by 40?

Not everyone but I think we all know that Chads are not spending their time posting in some weird "drama" sub.

Lol you're a strange person. You're taking internet memes way too serious if you think "chads" don't get cucked

Not saying it's not possible, just that it's unlikely.

However, I can say with 100% certainty that betas like you are always cucked.

Now go suck your wife's BF's cock.

What would you do if people told you all the time "Its not your fault."?

Because I bet you would still be obsessed with bbc cuckolding and shitty, lol

Not interested in opinion of the people.

I disagree. I think you are.

Good to know.

Low IQ comment

Thank you for your input.

No self-respecting drama user would dare lay with a milko.

lol at a woman designing an AI

what's next, the easter bunny doing Japanese calligraphy?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the FUCK on. Gamergate was an actual problem with videogame journalism ethics that gamers cared about because we don't want dishonest reviews of games that are given purely because some idiot wanted to get his dick wet. Don't even fucking start conflating that ideal with the neonazis and Trumpsters. For fucks sake. The constant bitching about SJWs from them is because even though the initial enemy of GG was just dishonest journos, the SJW movement tried to make it about sexism. The whole thing where the GG people are pissed off at SJWs? The SJWs brought that on themselves. And I'm not talking about regular feminists, I'm talking about people who think all men are secretly rapists just waiting for the right moment, those kinds of people. People who think I can't criticize a woman without being sexist for doing so. Us here? The people who want real immigration reform to make it easier to become a naturalized citizen so they can contribute taxes and not take away from our salaries by doing jobs under the table for less than minimum wage? We aren't SJW's, no matter what the idiots at /r/the_donald say.

I'm not entirely sure I follow your logic.

Gamer Gate was, from the beginning, a concentrated effort by white nationalists to spread their values to what they perceived to be a valuable, manipulatable demographic of dejected young white males. That's not a theory, it's verified fact.

Enjoy your beta cuck life with your wife's boyfriend all you want but don't complain when incels are making fun of you when you actually manage to close our only sub.

Oh... no.... no.... not that... please... no...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we need to have someone else be the designated pinger instead of /u/JumbledFun. He is an embarrassment to himself and the /r/drama community and gets btfo by the cows he pings.