Reddit detective goes back 8 years through a users history to... prove some sort of point about toxic masculinity?

45  2018-05-03 by Power_Incarnate


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Wow that is some serious dedication to being a shitheel. I applaud him

Thanks I was a big fan of this sub before the teenage Trumpeter normification.

Trump is based! I love Trump! I love Israel! I want to die for their interests!

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Good bot

/u/NoobFaigot is the most boring archaeologist alive

way harsh tai

Toxic masculinity? I thought it was funny someone from ~incels~ MGTOW was gatekeeping what it meant to be masculine instead of encouraging "cutting through collective ideas of what a man is" (lol that's just precious btw).

Didn't you guys try to move to voat or something? Lol voat.

Lol XD

Lol that lady in the freakout video has a very deep voice. I bet she has a pretty feminine penis to match tol.

The penis makes it cuter

Great drama here

/u/Monkeyfeng did you know most American fascists are manlets? Why are you making a big deal about literally little things?

Lol at the T_D poster complaining about having a "scarlet letter." I think I know what was on someone's reading list last semester

I like this thread tbh. It's actually pretty fun.


What do you think it is in the video? Looks like it had titties and like a somewhat female form. Weird

idk i assumed it was a gamergrrl so i came instantly and didn't have to actually watch it

Okay we are on the same boat then

im just a Man Going Their Own Way...through someone post history don't judge me

How about we judge you anyway?

excuse ME for cutting through collective ideas of what a soyboy is

I think your intentions were noble enough and all, but you proved exactly how not to cut through the collective soyboy idea.

le beta cuck manlet soros amirite

So ... still cutting through collective ideas I see.

Ugh more serious replies? Zzz

Lol you think I was being serious

it's just a prank bro

So I...was "cutting through collective ideas" now? I'm confused.

This is hilarious lol do you think you just did something witty? You are exactly the type of person that would dig through 8 years worth of posts.

Ok genius let me explain what just happened because you're not getting it. I said that sarcastically because you did the opposite of "cut through collective ideas"

You honestly thought I was complementing you? How dumb are you?

Wait, that made you so mad you replied twice to the same comment? I think my work here is finished.

Cool story

Is this the first of several replies to that parent comment? Lmao.

Thanks for the unintentional comedy gold. You tried so hard to feel intelligent but poe's law fucked you up hilariously. Better luck next time bud.

Didn't think you'd be able to answer lol.

Whatever makes you feel better 😉

Thanks yeah, it actually was pretty satisfying to see you get so emotional

Emotional as in omg this person doesn't know what sarcasm is

Emotional as in raging so hard you replied to the same comment twice.

Raging = calling you a dumbass. Gotcha.

I like how you left a wall of text first, but it didn't really get it out of your system.

Still raging, you clicked "reply" again and typed "Better luck next time bud" and said to yourself "that'll show 'em!" Fantastic. This is what this sub is all about.

Who's raging now? There's no redeeming yourself now. Take the L ;) better luck next time.

Ah the old "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?!" Lmao. Except I never replied to your comment twice so that doesn't really apply does it? Oh man so fun to watch.

Hmmm more italics .. hope that makes you feel better. That's sarcasm btw

Yep, was pretty sure you'd have to dodge everything I said...because I'm right.

Hope that makes you feel better. ;) but I doubt it.

Yeah I just said it actually was pretty satisfying to see you get so emotional?


Unironically using soyboy on this Reddit? Just comment on the linked thread

y’all scared of one person.

Must be terrified of the 5”6 tranny with a limp. See how they shake, lay down their bikes and beg for mercy.

I watched that whole thing to watch him get blasted in the face.... you’re a monster op. I wanted justice, not some weirdo yelling nonsense.

ok, now this, this is epic. thanks, /u/Insert_Blank.

Is anybody else mad somebody didn't shoot that pasty ass white boi? Also, the guy in the video.

You can try and laugh this off like it was some quirky joke but truth is this obsessive behavior is a sign of deep underlying psychological issues stop it get help

Thank you, /u/WiggityWatchinNews. There truly is nothing pathetic than someone trying to put on their joking mask.

It wasn't a joke tho? I really thought it was funny.

thought it was funny someone from incels MGTOW was gatekeeping what it meant to be masculine instead of encouraging "cutting through collective ideas of what a man is"

Good thing I'm neither MGTOW nor an incel. Also, "Cutting through collective ideas of what a man is"? Sorry, I don't speak faggot, what does that even mean? The only thing you're cutting through is those tendies your mom made.

Right, I'm referring to the subject of this post. If you click the title it will take you there. Looks like that went over your head a little.

I still have no idea what you're trying to say. You didn't prove shit except how desperate you are to prove a point, and that you have no life.

8 years? Seriously?!

I still have no idea what you're trying to say

Really? I quoted it above. If you click the title it will take you there. Looks like that went over your head a little.