It's coming. Iran is preparing. BE READY. Pray. Q

3  2018-05-04 by ffbtaw

Just found out my boomer parents are Q believers, I knew my dad supported Trump but this is getting un-fucking-believable.

My entire genetic line is tainted. I need suggestions of the most efficient ways to murder my entire family, there is a family dinner coming up. Poison?

They should have just named the Dunning-Kruger effect after my dad. We're not even fucking american, just nuke Canada tbh.


Tick Tock

On the bright side you won't breed thus this stain on humanity ends with you.

My family is quite large actually, Catholics. The blight isn't going away any time soon.

Sorry, Mormons have replaced Catholics as the reproduction cult.

It's unlikely you'll ever breed, as long as your parents are too you have any siblings?