Vegan soyboy in /r/gendercritical unironically thinks that strong men are afraid of women who body build

196  2018-05-04 by YameteOniichanItai


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It's harder to abuse women who are strong and confident. This is why straight men like raping little girls.

Most men enjoy controlling and abusing women, so any woman who is stronger is a turn off for them.

same with the ones who insist they have to date "petite" women, except they don't actually mean petite, they mean "as child like as humanly possible"

Ok, what the fuck. Is that sub real?

They think most men are pedophile rapists?

Also funny how these retards think pedos diddle kids only because they're easy to overpower.

They probably think the same thing about people who fuck cars. They cant wrap their heads around the concept that people find cars sexy and cant resist the urge to fuck sexy automobiles. You ever run train on a Countach? Nothing else compares!

I have a thing for Miatas.

But isn't that why? Surely they aren't fantasizing about having a real romance with little Jayden?

Surely they aren't fantasizing about having a real romance with little Jayden

They actually do. Not a mature, equal partners type of romance. More of a Disney, magical, pure and innocent type romance.


I'm sure it's not really about the physical sex, it's probably way more a power thing.

It’s because to feminists, sex is all about power.

same with the ones who insist they have to date "petite" women, except they don't actually mean petite, they mean "as child like as humanly possible"

/u/YameteOniichanItai on suicide watch

lovely, didn't even catch that. Apparently having a preference for anything but butch dykes means you're a pedo now.

I honestly don’t trust any men who always prefer small and fragile women

That's nice. It's not like most men could overpower most women anyway, so you got to be really weak as a guy to be insecure about such a thing ... But it seems like they think that having a physical preference for smaller women means you want to be potentially able to abuse and control your partner, the fuck.

you got to be really well as a guy

Welcome to Reddit

Anyone attracted to women younger than 40 or weighing less than 200 lbs is a pervert and a rapist.

Wait, my wife is over 40, but much less than 200lbs, do am I half a perverted rapist?

sorry you had to find out this way. the police will arrive shortly

Welp, there goes the rest of my day.

Got one bois, case closed.

We done it, reddit.


I guess half is better than whole in this instance.

Aren't these the same people pushing for paedophilia to be legal ? also who wants to date someone that is 300lbs and could die of a heartattack at 30 shit aint healthy yo

Look up Gail Dines. That shit has “academic” backing.

Or just watch this for a taste

The left sure has some weird views on gender. I was told by a person on r/inceltears that men who desire virgins do so because they're actually pedophiles.

Wow, so dating short or skinny women is the same as being a pedophile?

What's "feminist" about infantilizing other women because of how they look?

the majority of the gc-posters are legitly insane or "woke". They hate men even more than the other "female" subs like trollx.

they also hate transgenders which make them atypical feminists.

We generally refer to this brand of feminist as a TERF, or Trans-Exclusionary Reactionary/Radical Femininst. /r/GenderCynical is a comparatively safe place to watch what’s going on in GC from.

they also hate transgenders which make them atypical feminists today.

I don't think that really most feminists outside of the echo chambers ones really give a shit about transexuals in any way.

Yeah like one of em in that thread says: "The guys who usually complain about fit women tend to be really fat themselves. As if they would even have a chance with those women!"

Like, what happened to that whole fat-shaming is bad thing? Oh wait, that's just if it applies to those hyper fragile women, men should just suck it up lol. Gotta love how even these chumps can't keep to their soyboy ideology.

For sure. I wouldn't be able to retrieve it now, but I once stumbled on a thread on that sub where they were legit hating on men, and people kept saying things like: "Just cut all men out of your life" and "Remember, it's okay to hate men". They were not circlejerking or being ironic either, this was legit a kind of man-hating support group lol. Imagine "hating" 50% of the world's population.

And by "American not fat" you mean a BMI under 30, right?

You know the funniest thing about bmi? It assumes a static percent of body fat. Hence the "blah blah blah heavy lifters" Bullshit. But it's actually more likely to be wrong the other way. As in, the obesity epidemic is actually probably way worse than is reported.

*most white men

*most Mexican men, IME

Imagine quoting someone but not giving them the chance to defend themselves.

/u/ArmchairValkyrie, the floor is yours.

They are are rad gems. So, uh, yeah.

Pft, if anything it's a fetish.

It's a offshoot of AMR, of course they do.

Is that true? Is it really an offshoot of AMR?

First time in GC? The only unusual thing about that comment is that it didn't end with somehow blaming trans people?

Didn't Anonymous launch Operation Titty Storm after Austrailia banned A-cups in porn by the same reasoning?

I think it's himself projecting. Most men don't think that, but he does, and he's technically male, so it only logically follows he assumes all males do without realizing it's only innate to himself.

So? Wgo the fuck cares. This r drama not shitredditsaysbutformanlets

That's what "toxic masculinity" means, it's the old "all men are evil rapists" with new words.

They think most men are pedophile rapists?

They think all men are pedophile rapists.

Including transwomen, most of whom have not been men for a long time. That’s the hate that really defines that sub right there.

pedophile rapists

Is that a person who rapes pedophiles?

TBH I find their honesty refreshing. If you dig enough you’ll find that at the base of a lot of feminist nonsense when it comes to restricting male fun in one form or another.

“Men are twisted monsters and if you leave them to their own devices they’ll rape and torture women.”

Maybe he lives in the middle east

Boring agenda post but.... Wanna know how I know this fucker is skinny fat and doesn't lift?

it doesn't mean men win every fight or that women can't tone up and do anything.

"bruh I don't wanna like get hella buff I juss wanna get toned ya know?"


You're right, I actually like my women S T I C C

Even a skeleton looks hot in a sailor fuku

Wanna know how I know?


I didnt know what the sub was deep into the comments of like "man am I in a circlejerk subreddit?" then I read the sidebar and was like oh, it all makes sense.

when i was into gymming like crazy (and still have friends that do) I have never met a guy that gets intimidated by a girls strength. they admire it/think its hot.


Is that some eurotrash term?

fuck if i know, its what many of my friends call it. West coast rural usa for what its worth

tone up

The language of Broki.

WTF, the top comment in /r/gendercritical is defending men? Did I step into some bizarro universe?

The OP was literally so dumb that it forced them to defend men

You might not believe this, but when women sre amongst ourselves own and aren't under attack we are able to engage in mistake theory of patriarchy.

Note that thinking that patriarchy was done by mistake is r-worded.

lol nobody is gonna read that, hun

It's an interesting little post! A bit over simplified but it cuts into the heart of the different ways to tackle the patriarchy.

It's actually a great read. Basically explains the difference between people who REEEEEEE about power differentials and those who think the people REEEEEEEEING are simply mistaken about the facts, when in reality, the REEEEEEEEtards aren't interested in facts -- they're interested in power dynamics and CHANGE.

I'm not gonna read some female incel's agendapost.

dis sum gay shit

Oh, poor women CONSTANTLY UNDER ATTACK by MEN EVERYWHERE they go! 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Women need to feel safe outside of the male gaze. We need to feel secure, and we need space to simply exist. We are considered a minority by many because we have been through oppression and we are still having to fight for equality. The same reason PoC get their own organizations and their own spaces, women get women-only spaces because of the discrimination we face on a daily basis.

I’m sure someone else could word this a lot better, but hopefully that helps put things into perspective.







I kind of expected you to say that women already have a safe space- it's called a "burka".

that too

Good link (even if biased, the bias is obvious and thought-provoking), but really irrelevant when speaking of GC in general. While GC has some nuggets of good theory, it is overshadowed by the zeal component.

The most important thing to realize is that everybody is a conflict theorist to a large degree. The only way to be a mistake theorist at all is to admit that conflict theory is the dominant part of your own mindset, not merely the mindsets of others - or else to debate things with absolutely no real-world implication at all.

I disagree. I noticed that lots of people approach all feminism as if it's pure conflict theory, even though my experience as a feminist has been mostly about trying to work out the "whys."

The only way to be a mistake theorist at all is to admit that conflict theory is the dominant part of your own mindset, not merely the mindsets of others - or else to debate things with absolutely no real-world implication at all.

I don't think "mistake theorist" or "conflict theorist" is really a thing, they're ultimately different approaches and everyone uses both sometimes. For me it depends on my mood, environment etc (see this comment) and whatnot, but I would say I usually approach stuff with mistake theory unless I feel threatened.

mistake theory unless I feel

Sure, everybody uses both sometimes. But that "unless" should probably be "until", thus I said conflict theory is "dominant".

Further: neither theory is necessarily "good" or "bad". They are simply true facets, useful for analyzing our approach to problems.

Further: neither theory is necessarily "good" or "bad". They are simply true facets, useful for analyzing our approach to problems.

umm you're kind of patronizing

But that "unless" should probably be "until",


Not in the sense of "you made a typo", but in the sense of "it would be more accurate". Because people get tired or otherwise pushed to their limit all the time.

umm you're really patronizing

Thanks, but I prefer "pedantic".

Patriarchy's "women are weak and need defending" is what powers feminism. Feminism can't exist without patriarchy, which is why feminists talk a lot about fighting the patriarchy but secretly uphold all the parts of the patriarchy that benefit women.

I'm pretty sure most feminists really wish feminism didn't have to exist.

That does not seem to be the case.

Yes I'm sure all those gender studies professors, diversity officers and Jezebel columnists would just love to lose their jobs.

Face it, women uphold the patriarchy. Most women want to date men who make lots of money, are big and strong, are manly in stereotypical ways. And then pop feminists act surprised that men prioritize salary over job satisfaction, want to be strong, want to be manly? It's literally sexual selection in action that causes the wage gap, the strength gap, the gender dimorphism.

If women only dated soyboys we'd all be soyboys and women would be the dominant sex. But they don't so we aren't.

But women are always under attack by the evil patranarchy. That’s why we have to eliminate all male fun from the world so that it becomes one big safe space.

^ This girl is a subby bitch

at least women are finally admitting they made a mistake about some theory they came up with

getting a woman to admit they're even wrong is almost a miracle itself


When a woman admits shes wrong, it's like something from the bible

>Jesus rise from the dead

>woman admits she wrong --you are here

>moses and the red sea

I honestly don’t trust any men who always prefer small and fragile women

That's some incel-levels of sour grapes.

Fatso REEEing because superficial men prefer small (dogwhistle for non-fat) women? According to them these guys just aren't man enough to handle a proud +300 lbs landwhale.

In all fairness it takes a lot of muscle to handle that much weight and don't expect the landwhale to do anything other than lie there in bed. They don't have the muscle mass to contribute.

Imagine. If you will. Getting lost in that ocean of fleshy softness. Being hypnotized by the waves of folds dancing back an forth, the sound of your bed springs crying, and the light but strong aroma of aged bodily humors. And top it off with the enriching arousing 30 chin stare. Who wouldn't want to experience that? 😌

His posting history is full of homophobic comments. Don't waste your time lol, there is no way to convince someone who's already full of hate to agree with us.

u/edie_carm hows the transphobia coming along over there? Also, when every third comment you post is about how everyone is full of hate against you, maybe, just maybe, it's not about them.

I thought terfs were generally pretty homophobic too. I definitely remember reading some radfem talking about how gay men are all misogynist for not wanting to fuck women. Kinda ironic given there own revile for trans women particularly among the lesbians there.

Terfs hate gay men but love lesbians

TERFs are pretty consistent in their hatred of men. They hate men, anyone who has ever been a man, and anyone who wants to become one.

No disagreement from me there

I need some sort of flowchart to understand all this.

Man = bad.


ELI5 please?

There are complaints there about gay men but not for that reason at all

My experiences have really changed my old perceptions. Thanks to “right-on”, “sensitive” lefty dudes outing themselves as raging misogynists in recent years, while at the same time I’ve had neutral or positive experiences with “meatheads”, it feels like my worldview has been turned upside down.

A woman with a preference for meatheads over "sensitive" men!! Amazing.

Yeah that was the real Bizzaro comment I saw in that thread

When even feminists proudly dislike male feminists

Should crosspost this to menslib really.

When even feminists proudly dislike male feminists

Granted, it was almost a million years ago, but if my college experience is anything to go by, this has always been the case. The number of "feminist" liberal art majors I shagged who had submissive or masochistic fantasies was so skewed it's hard for me to imagine there isn't some sort of correlation.

The standard M.O. would be - get into a conversation with them at a party, they'd pick a fight with me, then 2 hours later I was back at their dorm railing them while they screamed "choke me daddy!" into their pillow.

My theory is that they intentionally seek out the "Chaddest" looking dude in a group to start shit with because it gets them hot since it's so "taboo" to their stupid religion ideology religion.

they intentionally seek out the "Chaddest" looking dude in a group to start shit with

And then when that doesn't work out, they hit you up?

There's a reason it's a stereotype that most feminists are laden with massive amounts of daddy issues.

i thought all posters on /r/drama were incels though? 🤔🤔🤔

/r/incel definition according to /r/inceltears is not fucking for 6 months, so it can be both I guess. That subreddit is for fags though

Of course it’s always been the case, but they generally aren’t open about their hypocrisy

user reports:
1: imagine lying on drama like this, not to brag about sex, but to make a political point

I dunno, sounds real to me.

Why does anyone think that a person who puts in the time and effort to get buff is going to be an idiot?

Biggest idiots I know are the degenerates who don't have a job at 30.

Also the guy that consistently goes to the gym, puts in effort, and pays attention to their diet probably consistently shows up to work. It’s the skinny fat male feminist that smokes pot and plays video games all day that is the dumbass.

Not to mention most of the time, gym is only a supplement, a lot of gym bros do sports.

And a lot of sports requires hand eye coordination.

Which is literally a type of intelligence.

Tbf, types of intelligence are bs, they're just used to describe any skill

tbf quantifying intelligence without including skill is retarded anyways.

Men are just stupid in general.

This guy gets it

"We are born of the soy. Made men by the soy. Undone by the soy. Fear the old soy."


"...Soyboys all over the shop... You'll be one of them, sooner or later..."

May the good soy guide your way.

Idk about you guys but healthy, athletic and women who are physically strong do it for me.

Bench me

I would argue that girls with abs are master race

There is nothing to argue about, this is a fact.

Thing is...thicc thighs are also Master race so ???

Get yourself an Instagram model with both

totally possible since a good chunk of those are just escorts anyway

The this manga is for you.

Top comment

Fawning over her Perfect abs? This man has good taste!

I uh...already read it.

I had a sneaking suspicion that might be the case but I had to be certain as no true ab man should miss out on it.

Bless you for looking out for a fellow enthusiast

I prefer scrawny, weak, small women who have to ask me for help when trying to open a jar of pickles.

I don't trust you.

Reddit co-founder's preference has warped our sexual tastes. I ain't even mad.

The extreme examples aren't super attractive but /r/hardbodies is the shit.

Not to mention women with a hobby and dedication to it.

After workout sex is best sex yo.

OP, you post too much anime to be calling other people a soyboy.

I see soy, I call it.

Also he's literally a soyboy, he's even a vegan.

I think men can get too big though. Vegans with lean muscle mass I think have it nailed down.

I mean, he wants to be made fun of, really.

Also there's nothing unmanly about watching anime about highschool girls hanging out, eating cake, drinking tea, and occassionally making music. Your masculinity must be very fragile, Zachums.

My masculinity is so strong that I had to get a meme dog to balance it out.

>Not getting a samoyed

SRD and Drama mod

So you're saying I'm an expert at being able to tell who is/isn't a soyboy.

Takes one to know one, I guess

yes, that's what my last sentence was implying.

jesus fuck where did I see that dog before

resigned Drama mod


Truly the ultimate centrist

Imagine having a dog that can't fly on euro flights

I can imagine that very easily.

Your dog is an abomination and you should feel bad for continuing the suffering that is its life.

Your parents didn't rightfully euthanize you, I think Kevin'll do just fine!

They sure did try!

Your dog on the other hand couldn't continue breathing without modern medicine.

Oh, you're the expert on my dog's health, I'll defer to you! My b.

My professional opinion is that you should let if live the rest of his life without medical intervention and buying something not the result of Zoroastrian levels of incest next time.

They live an average of 12-14 years, and my vet said Kevin's one of the healthiest he's ever seen. Healthy owner, healthy dog! I'll probably get another one named Geraldine tbh. Love those gremlins.

Seriously though, please don't get another pug.

I definitely will. I'll go to the most irresponsible breeder, too. Probably start a new instagram account just to document their adventures, fuck yeah.

Well I guess that's your right. I prefer to torture animals by eating meat myself.

Sure but watching anime has been proven to drastically decrease testosterone. So much so that they're thinking of replacing surgery with a season of Attack on Titan as a way for men to become women. No longer will you have to invert your penis, just watch enough anime and you'll lose all traces of masculinity.

Nothing unmanly about watching anime, nor eating soy or being vegan. No need to call names about either too.


Using their logic rape would be an all time low because of hambeast epidemic. Is obesity a Gender Critical self defense mechanism to help them survive in society against the rapist half of the population?

Rape IS at an all time low. Damn, the TERFs were right all along.

I think men can get too big though. Vegans with lean muscle mass I think have it nailed down.

Lol. I think someone is feeling emasculated, and is seeking assurance that he isn't just a whiny bitch with noodle arms.

I'm not "afraid" of them, I just don't find muscular women attractive.

Frankly, anyone who spends large amounts of time in the gym is probably narcissistic and not pleasant to deal with anyway.

Wow that sub is amazing. Manhating transhating female incels basically.

They are afraid of being raped

Are there any female-dominated subs that aren't almost entirely femincels? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

I'm sure there's a few. Some of the beauty and makeup ones probably at least.

Female-dominated? That's pretty easy, you'll want to look at the various makeup subreddits. /r/childfree also has an above-average concentration of women.

Every feminist subreddit is full of female incels, though. Every single one of them obsessively censor comments that go against the narrative. Treating women like helpless children comes with the territory of feminism, it seems.

/r/childreeeee is definitely dominated by femincels, my man.

Normal females are much more common on pinterest or other websites.

I bet they’re still all tranny dudes like every other sadbrains “progressive” community on Reddit

Lol /u/squaleene, My 2 women crushes is Kayli, and Ashley Svendbye both of which are strong than most people, and their Olympic lifts are better than mine. You probs just suck

Op is an mlp fan. Enough said.

Most normal people who actually exercise stop hating on "meatheads", generally the people who do that cannot do a single pushup so convince themselves that those who are physically fit are somehow morally worse than them.

Leg day everyday bro.


Exactly. The same way women who aren't attracted to scrawny feminine men are suffering from some seriously fragile femininity. No dear, you don't need a big strong man. Not all men have high T.

/u/LeftIsRightOk maybe those women are simply attracted to larger men and it has nothing to do with fragile egos? Plenty of strong women want a strong man in their life, both physically and mentally.

u took the b8 m8

Wow you are so smart. Please enlighten me more o great and wise one.

Those canon arms are really just water retention


Those canon arms are really just water retention

lean muscle mass

Let's call it soy boy science

Tbf have you seen women who bodybuild? My gym has a bunch and most look like they’re in their 50’s when they might be in their 30’s due to excessive tanning and the wrinkles coming from it.

They’re pretty chill though and give good pointers tho

I just don't get it, I mean I do. Muscles aren't in favor of one sex, they function for ease of movement.

/u/MALayhee1993 do you believe muscle mass is a social construct?

Wew lad, so much sourness in that thread.

Women who natural body build are hot.

Women who do roids look like men and are hot if you like women who look like men.

LOL imagine ancient men refusing sex with ancient women who didn't weigh 100lbs. Humanity would have gone extinct early.

Pretty sure that's a fetish over at r/hardbodies