/r/conspiracy makes a startling revelation: the CIA is on Reddit and their base of operations is /r/topmindsofreddit

51  2018-05-04 by IAmAN00bie


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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And i'm gonna come out and say it...call me paranoid lol... TMOR is run by COINTELPRO assets.

/u/cointelproxshareblue it's your time to shine


>implying they "people" of /r/TopMindsOfReddit have jobs


How convenient that their various enemies have all gathered in one place.

Thems the rules. You always have to group together and leave clues like you're a Scooby Doo villain. Just look at the totally real pizzagate! You have to hide little symbols and references everywhere.

The Eglin thing got a good laugh out of me, too.

I used to be an Air Force Intel Officer. I was at one time stationed at Eglin.

TIL I'm basically the Loominatty of Reddit.

I'm on to you (((chair force)))

/u/mastigia how's life going for ya bud? You as successful as you hoped you would be?

Would an unsuccessful person be spending his time fighting the deepstate by throwing posts that make Trump look bad into contest mode? Would an unsuccessful person cuck himself for a billionaire?

I'm guessing someone who's extremely frustrated with their mediocre life would latch onto delusions of self important, that's for sure!

I'm guessing someone who's extremely frustrated with their mediocre life would latch onto delusions of self important, that's for sure!

But not /u/mastigia, he has a very rewarding career of pretending that people who laugh at him are actually government funded cia black ops.

This has been extremely rewarding. We are fucking dying at all the screenshots. At how much you make a dumb sick like me seem to matter. Omg...just make sure you get my coffee right motherfucker.

Lol what are you trying to say exactly? We are laughing at screenshots? You definitely don't matter, that's for sure

We are fucking dying at all the screenshots

I love how you think "WE'RE GOING TO SCREENSHOT YOU AND LAUGH AT YOU IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH US!" is some kind of threat that's going to win people over to your side.

Only early-teens that haven't lived long enough to experience real threats to their well-being think that kind of thing would be damaging to one's sense of self.

We are fucking dying at all the screenshots.

Whenever anyone says anything like this there is a 110% chance they're alone.

Ya... i'm all alone. God, you people really don't know, omfg. I have wholly overestimated you guys.

Well, you can't say you're completely alone. The voices will never leave you.

No, they just keep me company while I wait to make a friend. Sooo lonely, sooooo soooooo lonely.

Don't get me wrong, I miss the lady tremendously. Like...fuck. i don't know you, but you are obviously in a worse situation than me, or you wouldn't be here. I honestly hope that never happens to you man. It was kind of shocking to me how many people have a shot about my loser ass once all that went down.

How many people will show up when your life goes bad?

Are you retarded?

Naw, i'm not actually subscribed to this sub.

So, totally retarded. Thanks.

So anyone not subscribed here is retarded?

Are you fucking new? That was the lamest logic trap ever. You suck at trolling.

Everything is a logic trap when you're a conspiracy mod.

nice one tbh

Sometimes I get lucky.

I'd buy that

Weren't there some indications in one of the wikileaks dumps that a member of some FBI/CIA/some-American-threeletteragency was posting in a My Little Pony subreddit? Or was it an imageboard maybe? I don't remember and suddenly doubt if this was even real or I just dreamed it up.

Please find this so I can kek at it. Tell me they were on ponychan or some shit.

the cia are full of bronies and incels and are 100% on reddit desperately trying to understand memes, but even theyre not pathetic enough to post on top minds

You post on top minds tho

These people probably think CIA is like some sort of James Bond shit.