Tankie rages at liberals, gets in a slapfight

69  2018-05-04 by ToasterSympathizer


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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The holocaust never happened.

If you defend fascists, you are one yourself. That's how it works. All liberals are fascists if you scratch them. All of them need to be killed. Every single one needs to brutally die and their blood can be used to colour our flags. You too. Once we get the chance, all of you will fucking die

Post a pic of those forearms, u/justletmehavepeace lol


He labeled several subs as fascist including ours, the srdines, and

I dunno man, some 15 year olds just really need a leash now and then.

I thought we weren't allowed to kink shame in this sub?

implying the leash isn't kink support

Isn't that against reddit rules

You can't just ban someone for merely planning to become a serial killer, what are you, a fascist?!?

I'm talking about the doxxing. Isn't that against site rules?

You can't just ban someone for merely planning to become a doxxer, what are you, a fascist?!?

Only if they're ugly.

> asking for a friend

Depends on your politics

Tbh CA users need to be gassd.

/u/JustLetMeHavePeace has been suspended.


Once we get the chance, all of you will fucking die

Don't hold your breath u/justletmehavepeace - keep yourself safe.

Don't hold your breath justletmehavepeace - keep yourself safe.

Fucking #reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Stahp it already. You guys are extra retarded today. No "kys" even in "code."

It's all fine if we use it on one another, right?

It's iffy. This is how snally put it:

Remember not to ping anyone from outside the sub with blatantly insulting messages, unironically tell somebody to commit suicide, call for any sort of genocide in a manner that doesn't 100% clearly indicate that it's a joke, etc. It's unclear as to whether or not the rules about 'ironically' calling for mayocide or insulting other regulars has changed, so it's better to be safe than sorry if you're not interested in getting suspended. Restrictions facilitate creativity anyway, so take advantage of it.


The problem being that irony (or...unirony?) is in the eye of the beholder, so I'd recommend just staying away from it regardless if the person is a regular or not. Thankfully the admins did clarify eventually. So use this as your vague guide.

I've told several regulars here to kiss their sisters in recent days so I assumed I was keeping myself, uh, safe.

If no one reports it we probably never see it. Also I usually interpret all encouraging of incest to be sincere. And blazing hot tbh.

"Stay safely somewhere else than on a rooftop"?

Saying in code makes it automatically ironically though - and the 100% clear it's a joke only applies to genocide comments!

Not really. I think /u/Ed_ButteredToast got banned for telling /u/rachel_hazmat to kill herself, even though they're regulars and are practically incestual on this sub.

It's tru😯😔- the kys part at least😒😬

Woah, commies calling liberals fascists? What a shocking turn of events.

It's almost like commies are crazy or something.

They're extreme socialists just like the Nazis who were also crazy!

I'm just going to assume this is satire.

It was bayyt lmao

bayyt more like manzil 💯😂👌

Is water wet too? Sky blue? Huh? HUH?!?


Yeah, thats what I thought sweetie.

u/justletmehavepeace how much do you bench my dude, also how many fascists have you bashed

Curious about this as well. We need shirtless pics of this powerhouse.

More than pussy fascists like you pricks. You can meme all you want. One day you'll all be shot.

Oh no!!!!!!!! 😨😨😨😨😱😱😱😱

Post a pic of your forearm with a timestap

Lmao commies make up like 1% of America. Its not gonna happen buddy

Oh I don't want a revolution in America. I want America nuked off the face of the earth. Getting rid of the worst humanity has to offer within minutes.

Seething commiecuck.

Keep the insults coming little fascist. This account will be closed soon anyway.

How does it feel knowing your ideaology will always be a meme?

This account will be closed soon anyway.

Opinions so valid that they need to be deleted

Could you "people" stop downvoting the lolcow? Please

account is suspended, so downvote away!

They were such a nice person. I can't imagine why they got suspended....

high school sure is rough

One percent of the biggest pussies in America as well.

A startling high number of them are trannies too, so they got that going for them which is nice.

My personal information is online. Are you going to shoot me? :(

I feel like if you tried to kill me I would get in trouble for beating up a 13 year old.

Bruh, do you think we live in one of those shit holes that have devolved into socialism?

Trump is fixing everything.

Get a job, get health insurance and then see a doctor about supplementing your low T and derangement.

HAHAH bring it in you commie fuck! Actually here’s my address come and get me! 1060 West Addison Street Chicago, IL 60613-4397, I’ll be waiting, haha nvrmnd your just a fat neck beard who probably has his mom bring him down some tendies! Bet they are cold and nasty too!

user reports:
1: Uh yeah this is a bad idea

It is. One time both a mod and user both got their accounts suspended for joking abd posting blindingly obvious fake dox (gave the GPS for The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.) Sorry, no fun allowed, etc.

Awww but I hate the cubs :(

It's okay, say "Fuck the Cubs" with me, slowly.

One day you'll all be shot. Every single one of you and I hope it will be very painful. Watch out if you ever post any personal information online. You will be found.



What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking kulak? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Batista's cuban government, and I have over 410757864530 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire USSR armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet you ass munching fascist? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, whitey. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kulak. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred thousand ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Soviet Navy and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the earth, you little shit eating fascist insect. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn nazi. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kulak.

He was suspended



It does. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. When things get rough, liberals side with fascists every single day or even slowly become them. Fascism is capitalism in decay so it only takes times.

I forgot who said this because they deleted their account but...

Fascism > communism tbh

I mean fuck both (I legit mean fuck both) but at least fascists want humanity to succeed. Can't say that for commies.

I can keep my head down and probably do ok in a fascist environment. It'll suck but I'll live.

Can't do that in a communist environment where the emotionally incontinent morons in leadership keep changing who needs to be the latest scapegoat for their failing economy and decide to purge me.

This is about right. In Communism it's not if you'll die in a purge, just which purge you'll die in.

I can keep my head down and probably do ok in a fascist environment.

this is incredibly deluded

Emphasis was "probably". I'm upper middle-class, educated, and don't huff paint all day so if commies come knocking my ass is getting gulag'd. Also:

>taking posts in /r/drama seriously

Obvious troll is obvious

I don't know man, that guy has those talking points down.

Fascists aren't human. You're only saying otherwise, because you're in power and therefore define human rights. If we're in power, those will look different. Fascists literally are non-human and the only right they posses is the right to a quick and painless death. You don't need to be scared therefore. Your death won't take long, my little fascist friend.

Who is this' WE'?

People who take TV too seriously and own Harry Potter wands?

You're a traitor then. I will track you down as well and kill you if possible. Fascist allies will die with the fascists. Disagreeing with me means you're an enemy of the people.

This is where the charade fell apart.


Fascists literally are non-human and the only right they posses is the right to a quick and painless death.


Oh look, the account is suspended. Press F to pay respects.

It's only when you let evil and wrong people say evil and wrong things that you actually have freedom of speech.

But /u/BIknkbtKitNwniS, I don't want actual freedom of speech. Why do you assume that I do? Most people don't want it, if they're honest with themselves. I want freedom for myself and people who don't threaten me. Fascists, commies, and people who post on /r/gendercritical can all keep themselves very safe.

conservatives love fascists: i sleep

liberals love fascists: REAL SHIT?!?!

scratch a commie and a retard spazzes