Woman makes a post to the 'gmail' Livejournal community complaining about amassing 1GB of spam email, proceeds to get ridiculed and berated in the comments.

46  2018-05-04 by snallygaster


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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Good stuff

The sheer number of replies those two people got is hilarious


What the hell

i knew gmail was a horrible idea. long live my isp!



Can you get nostalgia for insults?

i knew gmail was a horrible idea. long live my isp!

Wow, that comment didn't age well.

Can you get nostalgia for insults?

Yes :(

I'm not sure, but I think I have an install CD for Juno somewhere back in the family homestead.

The post was made in 2004, back when less people than today used the Internet. Facebook was starting out at that time, I think. Now, Facebook is everywhere, and all businesses must have Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and YouTube to compete. It's old, old, old news by now. The OP used the waybacktimemachine to find that specific page.

The OP used the waybacktimemachine to find that specific page.

Indeed I did, Caulisoup. The fact that it's so old is what makes it fun to me. It's like exploring the past.

can you get rid of taytay now pls i dont like all these newfags


What a great year. That was when my uncle and I first started playing 'hide the salami'.

Snally is a drama bloodhound.

Newfags who can’t appreciate snallydrama gtfo pls

Newfags who appreciate Snallyposts™ are way better than MDE refugee newfags.

2004-08-11 19:45 (link) Goddamn.

Please turn off your computer.


The 2004 internet’s version of kill yourself.

2004-08-11 19:45 (link) Goddamn.

Please turn off your computer.


The 2004 internet’s version of kill yourself.

you faggot keep your e-mail stuff clean

Glad to see things haven't changed.

I recognize ruxpin_exe as on my friends list when I used live journal but I can’t remember why

You're a treasure, snally. Also: lmao, the days before mass adoptance were truly a blessed age.

Mmmm an archive of a LiveJournal where people are bitching about early Gmail.

That's some well aged and toothsome drama, snally.