Some illiterate JavaSkid rage

8  2018-05-04 by PurpleIcy


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,*,,

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At what fucking point did I fucking mention a story, you fucking projecting fucking uptight fucking asshole fucking dickhead fucking reading fucking what you fucking want to into the fucking situation.

If Google cache of pages isn't working for you (you see a blank page), try turning off JavaScript for them.

At what fucking point did I fucking mention a Google cache, you fucking projecting fucking uptight fucking asshole fucking dickhead fucking reading fucking what you fucking want to into the fucking situation.


Dude, if you think that's copypasta, you don't know what the fuck copypasta is. What part of that looks copy/pasted you fucking angry hackneyed troll? You really are one of those aren't you, sad little man? I was directly mocking your bullshit angry post. You are pathetic.

Great pasta here, ty /u/daemon-electricity

This is really all you have, isn't it, sad little man?

Yes I'm so sad. 😭😭😭

Pls, don't leave me, I feel so alone.😞😞😞


At what fucking point did I fucking mention this is all I have, you fucking projecting fucking uptight fucking asshole fucking dickhead fucking reading fucking what you fucking want to into the fucking situation.
