SRDines argue that to preserve freedom of speech, we must take it away.

79  2018-05-04 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


u/BenIncognito are you so afraid of the "nazis" because you think a tiny number of diehard nutters are suddenly going to become powerful enough to take over America, or because you unironically think Trump and his allies are "nazis" and that your heroic internet comments are the only thing keeping him from opening the concentration camps?

Imagine being a white college male who believes his gay internet posts about freeze peach and how communism totes rules is helping fight off the looming threat of fascism.

It takes a ton of effort to pretend to be that retarded.

I really enjoy when these soy boys finally make it into the work force so that me and my ilk (i.e. old people in charge) can slowly crush them.

They are just another drone in the pipeline. But keep on pining for the fjord.


Get a job.

He's trying

his gay internet posts about freeze peach

miss me with that shit

No u

he just likes being a smug faggot on the internet and thats a lot harder if people are allowed to refute what he has to say


This is what they are arguing

Guess how I know that none of them, nor yourself, have ever read Popper.

Paradox of tolerance

The paradox of tolerance was described by Karl Popper in 1945. The paradox states that if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Popper came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.

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Im not agreeing or disagreeing since the drama i had posted to srd had to do with the fact the user brought freedom of speech into a discussion that had nothing to do with it. Its not a topic i claim to be well versed on hence why i dont spend time arguing it. This is what i see people who discuss this topic link to often so i figured the wiki article would describe it better than the other user was.

TBH I can't even get mad when you're honest about it.

Yeah tbh its not an argument i get super heated about cuz i see the point of both sides. Suppressing voices is bad and can lead to what happened in england with the pug dude, but people spreading genocidal rhetoric is bad. So i like to see others talk about it haha i was more or less trying to further the discussion rather than end it. Op seems nice ive been upvoting most of his comments.

Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

From the very link posted. Now and always, SRDines were a mistake.

I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument,

mmh... sounds like basic bitch SRDines! Yeah, /u/BenIncognito, so...

If you don't give Nazis freedom of speech, you don't have freedom of speech.

If you give Nazis a platform and they become powerful enough, you don’t have freedom of speech

What you did there is called a "slippery slope argument", which requires strong justification in order to make it not a fallacy.

Karl Popper, who coined the "Paradox of Tolerance," doesn't exactly seem to agree with your view.

Imagine being so insecure about your beliefs that you're scared of a bunch of losers saying "Kill all jews...again it'll totally be cool this time, promise" and converting all your friends.

Imagine being so inept that you can't think of a good argument against these idiots and instead want to use violence to keep them from speaking.

Imagine being so inept that you can't think of a good argument against these idiots and instead want to use violence to keep them from speaking.

I think that would make me a SRDine, so I'd probably kms.

“restricting obvious calls for genocide will lead to all out censorship”?

its kind of obvious how theyd abuse it when theyre calling random comments "obvious calls for genocide"

I don't think you read the second bolded point clearly.

it applies to srd more than the people they actually call nazis

whos trying to punch people in the street instead of having a discussion

lol had to stretch a little there

want to go one for one posting people being punched for nothing i think ill win

Yeah, I love it when people misquote popper so I can say this

tfw Popper was a liberal centrist but you want to pretend he’s a tankie because you saw on the internet that he said fascism was bad

How dare you! I remember him and his penguins.

cmon man they flicked through it at some point and it definitely says just call everyone nazis

, have ever read Popper

point me out fam

/u/BenIncognito if you give communists freedom of speech and they get powerful enough they take it away, see Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, etc...


What is it with freeze peach warriors and their insistence on the slippery slope fallacy of “restricting obvious calls for genocide will lead to all out censorship”? Sure, you can argue about what’s consider hate speech, but literal fascist ideology? Do they fear that they might get arrested because they sound too much like a Nazi?

Dear u/HottoKenai I don't know if you have seen the news recently, but people today are in panic mode about incels - The most pathetic people to ever live. Now, considering you have an anime name and seem like a pretty big doofus, I am going to assume you are part of that group. Due to you being a mouthbreathing perma-virgin loser, I think it's in the best interest of all to limit your speech.

Be the change you want to be in the world and limit yourself first, imo.


:O yall are allowed to START the drama for your karma? Thats like printing money! YOURE GOING TO RUIN THE KARMA ECONOMY!

Allowed, yes, but most of the people who do it here aren't funny, unfortunately

Yeah I feel like this thread wasn't too funny but neither was most of my thread lmao. And the part I personally thought was the funniest no one is commenting on cuz they all wanna talk about the nazis.

And better sources of lulz than the drama they started anyways.


Man very interesting hearing /u/BenIncognito talking about how important preventing violent speech is when he PM'd me instructing me to "scoop out [my] eyeballs"

aww man I don’t remember you at all


Just think about it, if free speach was canned he couldn't have hurt you like that :(

And when you're in a mass grave with the other commies, no one will remember you.

scoop out your eyeballs

How predictable to learn that your slimy, hypocritical dumbfuckery extends to being against free speech.

hey man, how’s it been? still harassing people and defending racists?

Hey shit for brains, how's it been? Still wetting the bed and screeching RAY-SIS all day?

lol this dude

lol this fragile little ponce.

This is why the day of the canning cannot come soon enough

Wew, weird how the second they don't have eyeballs on them they instantly turn into scumbags that have a fetish for violence towards anyone that doesn't agree with them.

The willful obtuse attitude of redditors trying to stay on the "right side" of issues is laughable at this point. All hope for logic in any debate on this site was lost several years back, it's only agenda driven zealots now clustered in their own echo chambers down voting opposition to oblivion regardless of context.

This dude just said the Donald claims to be a bastion of free speach:

A bloo bloo bloo.

Lets be frank here, he said what he wanted. No one has "Silenced" him. As much as folks want to pretend that freedom of speech is just the ability to regurgitate whatever you want and not being judged by their peers. Asshole says something, asshole gets called out. I say dumb things often, I don't claim my voice is being silenced because someone calls me a fucktard I just get unduly argumentative.

It's not that. If mods and what have you ban them, it's sort of their thing because shock of shocks reddit isn't the government.

I mean I wouldn't go to the donald, an just screech and screech about how terrible a president he was without expecting to be banned (Though, they are supposed to be a bastion of freedom of speech.) You can say quite a bit legally, just don't expect not to be judged by your audience.

I hate how freeze peachers resort to slippery slope arguments. Now let me tell you how the nazis are going to take over and upturn all of our laws.

We can't have freedom of speech because is the nazis take over we won't have freedom of speech

If you're the nazi

discount eddie murphy taps temple

You can't be taken over by nazis

Reminds me of altrighters who say we can't have freedom because if the brown people come over we won't have freedom

OP you dumb, freedom of speech isn't an absolute. Right to bear arms isn't an absolute. Property rights aren't an absolute. None of our rights are absolute.

U have the right to remain silent. Like u personally.

what about our right to bussy?

checkmate incel

Libs status: owned

Nazis have freedom of speech - the government isn't locking people up for being Nazis. If private people want to kick Nazis off their property or hit divits out of their skulls for their opinions, that isn't a free speech issue.

Then why all Reddit Liberals, Western NGO, and media are pissing off when 'Putin squads' (Chechen, Cossack, Babushkas volunteers) beat Fascists in Russia?

hit divits out of their skulls for their opinions

besides the pathetic lack of knowledge of golf spelling (probably due to those noodle arms not being able to swing a club), the commensurate lack of self-awareness is hilarious.


"Yes let's set a precident for the largest neutering of the first ammendment in history under the watchful and fair eye of the Trump administration and Republican Congress."

-Progressives apparently?