Is there a word for when people all simultaneously lose the ability to read, but still manage to write thinkpieces? Also, lol, incels

75  2018-05-04 by itsnotmyfault

So some guy wrote a piece on NYTimes. I won't tell you what it is that he said exactly, you'll just have to either read it, or guess based on the title and your feelings:

The response pieces.

First, a tweet that puts it all into place:

Spicy pieces that completely mischaracterize:

Paste Magazine: Begins with:

A specter is haunting America — the specter of incels. All the powers of the world have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter: chad and volcel, law enforcement and FBI profilers, Twitter and progressives. Wherever there are unf***able men chugging Soylent and posting about ethics in gaming journalism … as long as there is a Reddit … incel culture will maintain its grasp.

Washington Post Opinion:

Village Voice;

Macleans: It says:

[...]the strangest response to the Yonge Street attack came from the New York Times’s Ross Douthat, who appeared to feel that incels have a valid point about women not having sex with the right people, even if their proposed solutions were insufficiently medieval for his tastes. [...] Sadly, Douthat concludes, since we all stubbornly refuse to recognize that a nearly 2000-year-old organization run entirely by men holds the cure for misogyny, our best bet is sex robots.

Cosmopolitan: This one's great (quotes taken from throughout the piece. they're not continuous):

The idea that individual men might have a right to sex the way that they have a right to safety and survival was then taken up by Douthat. He wrote that the suffering of incels who can't get laid might one day be seen as a moral obligation for women.

By taking the incels' claims at face value, he legitimized their ideas, and forwarded the assumption that if some men can't get laid, it's not because they’re creeps or jerks, but because women have too much independence. And so, the idea that provoked Alek Minassian to carry out a deadly terrorist attack on April 23 was taken seriously in the New York Times just a week and a half later. What seemed fringe became mainstream very quickly.

Women are not interchangeable, we are not commodities, and we will not be "distributed" against our will. The choice of who we have sex with will always be only our own.

Slate: (actually a precursor.)

Spectator: sexbots for everyone? wtf is goign on in this article?


Douthat’s piece is written like it’s by that one student in your ethics class who always tried to make Marxism about his parents’ divorce, but the columnist does eventually sniff his way around to a thesis. Women are objects like sex robots, sex workers aren’t real people and their work should remain illegal, and The Handmaid’s Tale is a goddamn documentary:

The Mary Sue:

The Outline:

NBC virgins (predates this drama):

A collection of some tweets:

The author of the piece is getting some mileage out of the wild misinterpretations:

Pretty decent and/or actually good:


Rolling Stone:

The Federalist:

New Statesman:

lol, didn't read:

Pacific Standard

The Saturday Paper:

There are many other twitter takes, and the number of professionally written articles will only continue to increase, but we'll leave it there for now.


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Damn, those articles actually make me somewhat sympathetic towards the incels.

Dude. I said this the other day and people laughed at me and tried to pretend I was wrong.

This is exactly how the left-wing media operates. Watch, it'll get worse and worse.

be honest, are you a virgin?


i said be honest

Completely honest.

rape doesn't count

as the rapist or the raped?

asking for a friend

if it isn’t consensual rape, than it doesn’t count

This was pretty much the Democratic Party Platform in 1998.

is this a... ted kennedy reference?

who remembers the late nineties?

Nice try jew, I know you 'people' don't have sex organs

If you have consensual sex for the first time, but a week later you're accused of rape do you just go back to being an incel?

Incel is a state of mind dawg, very few of us are lucky ebough to ascend to inceldom 👼

Can confirm, see flair


I don't know why you're so hopping mad about it, this just means that in 18 months or so the term will be so utterly overused that anyone who isn't a media progressive or one of their fanboys will tune it out.

Like, when was the last time you saw someone utter the phrase "brogressive" or "gamergater" IRL and not be faced with either utter confusion or rolled eyes?

I'm not even mad.

I just like that yet again I was right and everyone here was wrong.

I just like that yet again I was right and everyone here was wrong.

About what exactly?

I was right and everyone here was wrong.

Never change, pizzashill.


People are arguing against you because it's obvious that you're sticking up for incels because they share your hatred of women. You're going turbo autist to stick it to the roasties, when really the media and all the people who aren't on the internet 24/7 will forget about incels in a few months.

I'm not even mad

Commence spergout

I'm not even mad.

Proceeds to post angrily on reddit for 12 hours at a time.

Shine on.

I just like that yet again I was right and everyone here was wrong.

I want to be you when I grow up.

Do MRA's still get hate or are they a relic of 2014?

Imagine hating someone, showing that you care unironically.

no, they infiltrated

I still see occasional hatred on social media but almost seems to be use symomously eg misogynist

No, people laughed at you because you are autistic, because you think this is a big deal, and unironically defended incels as normal people.

Do I bother correcting you and explaining why you're illiterate?

Shut up incel.

So let's look at this.

In your world, me saying I know incels (people that can't get laid) that are normal people is the same as saying Reddit incels are normal people?

You see no illiteracy there on your part?

Do they call themselves incels? Do they tell you how it's women's fault?

And here, now that I've got you to reveal the fact you're illiterate, let me explain what the argument actually was.

It isn't that incels, as in reddit incels are normal, or good people. It's that the term "incel" is going to be twisted by femtards and thrown at anyone they don't like.

Creepy virgin at work? Must be an incel.

Ugly guy hits on you? Probably an incel.

Anti-feminist? Must be an incel.

The list goes on and on and on and on and fucking on. Due to your foaming at the mouth retardation you were completely incapable of grasping the actual argument.

You ignored my question. Which means these people aren't incels, they are just virgins who havn't had romantic success, which means you are trying change the meaning of the word, which is exactly what you are complaining about.

Yes, you are retarded, because even when it's explained to you in detail, you still fail to grasp what is being said.

Incel will be reserved for violent reddit incels in the same way:

Nazi is reserved for nazis.

alt-right is reserved for actual alt-righters.

MRA is reserved for actual MRAs.

Redpiller is reserved for redpillers.

The problem, here, my deeply ignorant and likely uneducated friend, is that the left twists terms to mean whatever they want them to mean, especially if those terms allow them to screech at men, because the left, overwhelmingly, is sexist towards men.

Shut up incel.

And that is exactly what I thought.

Whatever it takes to get you hot an bothered.

I know I am

The problem, here, my deeply ignorant and likely uneducated friend, is that the left twists terms to mean whatever they want them to mean,


Tell me about how the Nazis were "akshully socialists because it says so right in the name there."

Let's not pretend that your team doesn't just make shit up out of thin air as well, buddy boy.

You understand that the right doing it as well doesn't mean the left doesn't do it, correct?

This is like when a Trumptard says "but what about Hillary" or "what about Obama."

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more committed radical centrist

Pizza is a tanky not a nazi

Lol what a fucking freak you are if you think Pizza is right wing.

You’re playing dumb.

He is the one that called his buddies both incel and normal. You just agreed that isn't possible.

I don’t agree with his woman hating ways but I do agree with his views on left wing propaganda. He’s probably lying about the buddies thing... I don’t think any of us have pals irl.

I didn't think so either, but it is fun egging him on.

He’s easily triggered.

Anti-feminist? Must be an incel.

I loled, because there's tons of women who dislike feminists and their ideology and we all know that women can't be incels.

you're not wrong about the way they're going to use this term to sharpen the divisions - not real divisions but the fake ones that keep them happy. As long as "incels" are fighting "feminists" rather than working people trying to occupy shit that billionaires claim "ownership" of, they're happy.

And what's good for America's Oligarchy is good for....America's Oligarchy.

I blame the fucking space lizards. And L'Oreal. fucking nazis...Hugo Boss and fucking L''s like lurking under those swastikas were a bunch of common three dollar Bills.

The attitude of Incels online or irl is far from normal. Surely people understand this is knuckle dragging caveman bs.

However the term will be blown out of proportion by the media and extreme feminists and random guys will be labelled with the name.

I don't doubt that. That doesn't mean pizzashill isn't the biggest autist in the room.

That’s because you’ve not agreed with his point and you’re pretending to have special needs. The extreme left will use and abuse the term Incel and start branding men who disagree with the left wing agenda as an Incel.

Why do I need to agree with his point exactly? The only thing I took exception to was him calling his incel buddies, who turns out are not even incels, normal. This is exactly the thing he is bitching about.

They're already trying to combine incels/gamergate.

Already? The thesis of the only mainstream pop-academic book about Gamergate, Kill All Normies, is Gamergate=incels. That's where got its start.

Literally no one normal cares about gamergate. Maybe a bunch of rich douchebags who can't get laid have heard of that book, but overall the sociopolitical impact is nonexistent

holy shit it’s real



You should see her twitter takes. Anytime anything happens "It was fucking GamerGate, and if you read my book (on sale now), you would have known that. When will we eradicate this menace?" It's great.

First they came for the incels,

And I did not speak up, for I once touched a boob

Only one? Where did she lose the other one?

During the Sexual Revolution.

I've actually seen an odd amount of boobs in my life. One girl I dated, the two or three times we got physical, she only had one titty out of her bra. She seemed kinda self-conscious about it. My suspicion for awhile was a scar or a third nipple.

Who wouldn't like a third nipple smh

I hope you saved the consent form (and had the foresight to have it filled out in triplicate) - you never know if 30 years down the line some "allegations" will surface and you'll be forced to defend yourself when they go and pull a bill of fucking attainder shit by re-writing the statute of limitations just for your sake.

people laughed at me

You should be used to it by now.

Not every gamergater is an incel but every incel is a gamergater.


I completely missed this. It sounds fun though. Like a bunch of ripped Chads slamming drinks and talking about how to implement redistributive income taxes. Maybe the Dems would actually get shit done if they adopted this strategy.

Chad Nationalism

we tried it in the late 80s and they all got fat IMMEDIATELY

A true bro all goes to the gym. Get that dad bod

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Pizza was right and it took two seconds for it to happen. It is like they have fucking back channels to get the right talking points together at any given moment so they always stay on message.

It is like they have fucking back channels to get the right talking points together at any given moment so they always stay on message

Well, yeah. It used to be called JournoList, and now I think it's just Twitter.


JournoList (sometimes referred to as the J-List) was a private Google Groups forum for discussing politics and the news media with 400 "left-leaning" journalists, academics and others. Ezra Klein created the online forum in February 2007 while blogging at The American Prospect and shut it down on June 25, 2010 amid wider public exposure. Journalists later pointed out various off-color statements made by members of the list denigrating conservatives, as well as a seeming conspiracy to prop up then Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Others defended such statements as being taken out of context or simply a matter of private candor.

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You literally support terrorism if you don't support gassing every virgin male above the age of 18. They aren't wanted by society, or by women, they don't need to exist.

We used to rid ourselves of you lot via a nice good war, but technology has sort of rendered that option a non-starter.

you lot

Oh hey misogynistic brony gamergate white supremacist incel wannabe Chad rapist man hater golfer. We'll peacefully vote you all out of existence kthx.

the venn diagram of that last one is pretty much a perfect circle of sad, misogynistic overlap, though.


"incel" will be the new villain. A smear word they throw at anyone they don't like.

Just like brogressive was.

Just like MRA was.

Just like redpiller was.

Just like gamergate was.

There's a crucial difference between "incel" and those other terms: if you're not a virgin loser, you are by definition not an incel. If you actually fuck many women and ruthlessly shame inferior men from your communities then you're immunized against that danger, whenever someone calls you an incel or an incel sympathizer it all runs off you like water off a raincoat.

When, on the other hand, you see a community that collectively recoils in horror from the accusation, you know what happened: they have been found out.

I'm actually going to start an anti-illiteracy club on /r/drama.

Legitimate news sites should not have opinion pieces tbh. They are mostly trash and only published because of their click baitey nature. I'm doubting even the authors that wrote it genuinely believe what they write. In this day and age, click bait writers are definitely a thing imo.

Also, good bless Ellen pao for all this extra incel drama. Good shit👌🍿

Opinion pieces should be limited to personal blogs, that's where they belong. Columnists should just cultivate an audience of fellow morons on twitter and direct them there.

Editorials are a time-honored tradition from when America actually had a thriving, robust and diverse press that was fiercely partisan and not afraid to sling mud when "necessary."

or as I call em, “the handlebar days”

Honestly, the only problem is that they host those pieces on similar named sites with the actual, researched news, just putting a "/blog/", in the case above.

So, when you see one you're like "Eww, wtf is this crap. Guess _____ really has gone downhill" and start believing that everything that comes out of them is bad.

IMO, it pretty much tarnishes the image of the company.


this but somehow even less ironically and shouting it in a panic

That gif pisses me off, not because of who she is, but whatever the fuck she's doing with her tongue looks so retarded when you focus on it. Jesus I'm triggered.

Legitimate news sites should not have opinion pieces tbh.

Back when your baby-booming grandparents were sharpening their teeth on the rocks of corporate mergers (ie, in the 1980s), when Republicans roamed the earth and Reagan bestrode the Continental US like a giant Paleo-Collossos, there was a thing called the Fairness Doctrine, which not only required a sort of 'firewall' between news and opinion/editorial, but also stipulated that unpopular or under-represented opinions be given equal air-time.

Reagan said this was a bad thing because: reasons, and the Democrats (as they are wont to do) followed meekly in his foosteps.

Instead of claiming that women have a duty to fuck them incels should claim they are a sexual minority whose involuntarily celibate lifestyle subverts the dominant structures of cisgender heteronormative patriarchy. Then stacys will have to fuck them or else they will get dragged on twitter for being problematic.

Like white women don't have enough to answer for.

America needs a fucking PIECE corps to go with the PEACE corps.

The left’s increasing zeal to transform prostitution into legalized and regulated “sex work” will have this end implicitly in mind, the libertarian (and general male) fascination with virtual-reality porn and sex robots will increase as those technologies improve — and at a certain point, without anyone formally debating the idea of a right to sex, right-thinking people will simply come to agree that some such right exists, and that it makes sense to look to some combination of changed laws, new technologies and evolved mores to fulfill it.

This sounds like a pretty spot-on prediction to me tbh, and none of it involves anyone being coerced into sex.

I can't get laid so I use a vibrator instead. See what I did their? I JUXTAPOSED MEN NEXT TO A LITERAL OBJECT!

See what I did their?

Unfortunately, yes.

That is just subverting the patriarchy



Thank you for bringing meaning into my life. I will do my best to be worthy of this sacred mission which you have thrust upon me.

Mandatory virginity checks, إن شاء الله

This is the most attention incels have ever gotten from women

But Hanson’s post made me immediately think of a recent essay in The London Review of Books by Amia Srinivasan, “Does Anyone Have the Right To Sex?” Srinivasan, an Oxford philosophy professor, covered similar ground (starting with an earlier “incel” killer) but expanded the argument well beyond the realm of male chauvinists to consider groups with whom The London Review’s left-leaning and feminist readers would have more natural sympathy — the overweight and disabled, minority groups treated as unattractive by the majority, trans women unable to find partners and other victims, in her narrative, of a society that still makes us prisoners of patriarchal and also racist-sexist-homophobic rules of sexual desire.

Yeah, now that we're talking about men getting their peens touched, all the sudden everyone is down with fat acceptance, worrying about the cotton ceiling and finding it unfortunate people think black people are unattractive. Funny that.

Ross Douthat has always been a flaming idiot. This is all the craziest shit I have ever seen in my life. The whole damn thing, from start to now.

We're witnessing the effects of mass produced autism caused by vaccines. This would explain why autism has become so widespread on the internet and why people touched with it are taking memes very seriously.

hugging Soylent and posting about ethics in gaming journalism

The current state of journalism totally warrants it being treated like a proper profession that's also respectable, 100%, can't see why anyone would think otherwise

Imagine no more think pieces. It’s easy if you try.

Incels are so hot right now.

The Mary Sue



There are two options. They either didn't read the initial article or they simply want something to be outraged about.

You can do both.