Suspected fat SRDines decide that calling Trump a fatass is bodyshaming and very mean

74  2018-05-04 by blertyuh




  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. Mocking even shitty people for some... -,*,,

  3. Various people mount a vigorous def... -,*,,

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Various people mount a vigorous defense of tiny penises

SRD in a nutshell

u/muttbag what do you look like irl? serious question.

Mocking someone for their weight is absolutely justified though since it's something that person does have control over. It also shows an unhealthy lifestyle, a lack of self-respect and self-care. We really should mock people more for their weight, maybe then 70% of Americans wouldn't be overweight or obese.

everyone should be mocked ruthlessly for every little shortcoming

Mocking should give people an incentive to better themselves. Like I wouldn't mock a bald dude cause that's not his fault, that's just genetics, being fat isn't genetics though.

what if theyre big boned wtf

All skeletons are the same

There are frame differences But It will cause a few pounds difference at most. Not back rolls

Just cause you think you do doesn't mean you have the bones of a elphant

Hairlets have got to go tbh. Every 35-40 year old daddy that messages me on scruff is fucking bald 😡 like, you're already dead in gay years, and now you seriously expect me to suck your dick with your Friar Tuck looking head?! Thinning hair is hawt tho.

tl;dr: a fatwa on old used up bald queens


Is someone getting their dick sucked still a queen? What if they've got their eyes closed? I don't know, that just doesn't seem fair.

A queen with their dick in my mouth is still a queen. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here

I mean, the dick isn't in his mouth. I don't think it's fair to judge him like that. Maybe he's thinking about a woman so he's not gay. That wouldn't make someone a queen would it?

Thinking about women is literally the gayest thing you could ever do!

What if they shaved it off?

Fuck that, bad genetics are mockable just fine. Like we laugh at slant eye chinks all the time don't we

we should mock pedo weebs most of all

most weebs, me included, aren't pedos.

That's just sociopathic. Cruelty that would make god cry.

Bald people can summit themselves to Allah and the cube and their hair will grow back.

little shortcoming

more like absolutely humongous 400 lbs shortcoming

Hahaha what a retarded idea

Especially being a manlet

Thia but unironically

Let's not stop there. Let's mock divorcees for their obvious failure to learn basic social skills. Let' s mock quadriplegic veterans since their bad choices (signing up to be imperial(ist) stormtroopers, e.g.) led to their current sad state. Let's also not forget to mock the poor for having made the bad choice to live in neighborhoods where fresh vegetables are not readily available.

don’t forget the japanese! they chose to come here

Don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, but I’m %100 unironically in favor of mocking veterans.

Even the drafted ones?

Eeehhhhhhhhh... maybe not. But they get to be mocked for being old. So, it comes out in the wash.

Mock crackheads for giving $5 BJs

This guy shames

I regularly katana charge quad vets while screaming "Dodge!"

I don't have to pay their healthcare.

I don't care, just don't take my electric scooter at wal-mart, bitch.

/u/tisarwat, Trump is fat and so are you.

<3 you too


/u/ummidkhi I personally believe that men with small dicks shouldn't have sex except for when they're being fucked in the arse by real men

/u/Tisarwat, the (((mods))) won't let me call you a joyless fat fuck until you come here and take part in the bantz. Now git.


SRD struggles to reconcile their need for social justice with their hatred for Trump.

So they end up with:

Shaming anyone for anything at all is not ok, buuuut if it's Trump it's ok because it gets to him

this was a really satisfying read

Actually the prevailing opinion seems to be you can't shame him for anything physical at all because it will all fat people (aka themselves)

You're right. But there are also some upvoted posts saying they make fun of his weight because of his reaction to being made fun of, not because they think his weight is really an issue.

Just seems like a weird way to absolve themselves of guilt.

Isn't it more insulting to fat people to act like they don't have the intelligence to tell the difference between someone making fun of Trump for being a fatass and making fun of all fat people?

If you think this is really about fat people, then I'm sure you also think GG was about ethics in nerd gossip rags

What? I was pointing out SRD's logical inconsistentcy.

Oh I was agreeing. I ought to rephrase it

Yes but try telling SRD that. According to them all fat people are linked via hivemind and will literally feel agony every time someone calls Trump fat

The bigotry of low expectations

Well, either being fat is a bad thing worthy of mockery or it is not. The reason you don't call Clarence Thomas racial slurs, even though he's awful, is because being black isn't a bad thing. It's homophobic to mock Milo for sucking cock, because there's nothing wrong with that. FA, HAES people feel the same way about fat, it's not a negative thing. So you don't avoid mocking people for being fat out of politeness, but because there really isn't anything wrong with it.

It reinforces the truth tgat being fat is bad.

lmao morality

Gonna tag all the people with small penises in there just to make sure I remember not to listen to their arguments.

Honestly, if everyone acted like r/drama, we wouldn't have much of a society, let alone western civilization.