PSA: If you're any larger than THIS, you're fat as fuck. I don't make the rules. That's science, bitches.

82  2018-05-05 by TayTaysMayoGussy


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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I agree, Tay Tay would NEVER

Yeezy season approaching

That Basketball-American can try to win me over with all the MAGA he wants, but it's never going to happen. I shan't remember how that brute made a mockery of Goddess Tay Tay

She probably went home that night and used her biggest blackest dildo while watching Blacked. Women love dominant egotistical jerks.

Yes slay kween

user reports:
1: Yes she would

That dress is about as attractive as her.

I don’t like it, tbh

I like it about as much as I like her.


Seems about right

All these taytay novelty accounts are getting old

TBH I think all /r/drama accounts should be required to have some variation of "Tay" in them

I disagree.

Like your mom's shoes.

More like the condom your dad kept reusing 9 months before you were born

Jokes on you, I'm a test tube baby.



B b but she has a flat ass. Drama is full of mayos shilling for the anti tay globalists

If every bone in your body isn't visible through your skin you are clearly a landwhale.

And just HOW fat is FUCK???

Hey /u/Maegaranthelas and /u/twoob and /u/Bridgadoom, please note that this thread is a safe space to talk about your food addiction <3

Back in my 30s I used to work in a fancy restaurant. I'd do a few laps around the place before heading in because a lot of middle aged business women itching to get dicked by a teenage waiter frequent the place. On ine of my scouts I was hit by the strong artificial grape odor and the sound of someone rubbing wood together. "What the fuck is that?!" I yelled, and thrn my eyes made contact with the back boobs of this woman, this creature, this raping of every natural law god created, strutting towards the restaurant as if she were a super model. The sound? Her massive elephant thighs rubbing together, a complete fucking fire hazard. I quit shortly after.

Back in my 30s I used to work in a fancy restaurant. I'd do a few laps around the place before heading in because a lot of middle aged business women itching to get dicked by a teenage waiter frequent the place. On ine of my scouts I was hit by the strong artificial grape odor and the sound of someone rubbing wood together. "What the fuck is that?!" I yelled, and thrn my eyes made contact with the back boobs of this woman, this creature, this raping of every natural law god created, strutting towards the restaurant as if she were a super model. The sound? Her massive elephant thighs rubbing together, a complete fucking fire hazard. I quit shortly after.

This is objectively true

Damn, she fugly.

This but extremely unirinically.

Please show me where I was EVER being ironic, sweaty


No tits, haircut of a member of an 80s boy band member, boney ass anorexia arms.

Found the fatty

This is what peak female performance looks like. You might not like it, but this is it.

If my dream of being Shakira's toilet seat for a day makes me a fatty, then sign me up.

Tay is a shit tier pop music waifu.

If my dream of being Shakira's toilet seat for a day makes me a fatty

That's so fucking disgusting. Why would you want nasty degenrate taco and burritor poo poo when you could eat Tay's pure Starbucks and Adderall poo poo.

Tay's pure Starbucks and Adderall poo poo.

Alright it took about 50 shitposts but one of you Taytards finally made me laugh.

PSA: If you're any darker than THIS, you're inferior as fuck. I don't make the rules. That's science, bitches.

Fuck out of here Neo-Nazi Trump supporting asshole. Fashies get bashed.


Cinco de mayocide

Hear me out, though - Fievel Mousekewitz was a jew. You're trying to tell me that mofo was inferior. Okay, he went West. What have you done with your life?

America BTFO

Well, she’s a little on the fuller figure side, but I guess she’s better than an empty bed.

Tay Tay making me rethink my love for men. Look at those sexy skeleton arms HNNNGGG

If Nazis aren't running America explain why Taylor Swift looks like she just escaped Auschwitz

Fun fact: Female pop artists, actresses, and other celebrities have been getting consistently uglier due to easy access to porn taking the straight male demographic out of pop culture and leaving only women, gay men, and auto-tuned rap consumers.

Reported for hate speech. Tay Tay is the most beautiful woman who ever lived.

I had a pet rabbit that looked just like her, it even had black splotches around its eyes looking exactly like the eyeliner she wears all the fucking time.

I can't look at her without thinking about fucking some rat like creature. Also I have no photos you will have to take my word for it.

> without thinking about fucking some rat like creature.

nothing wrong with yiffing my dude

I had a pet rabbit that looked just like her,

your problem was assuming most people on r/drama aren't unironic furry enthusiasts


what a fucking fatass seeking validation. If she REALLY wanted to be skinny, she'd just put down the lettuce 6 days a week.

She’s gained weight though.