/r/Vegan swipes left on Tinder

6  2018-05-05 by dootwiththesickness


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Lol, they call us omni's and think their obsessive screeching in other subs will convert people to vegan

Honestly, it might convert some people.

You gotta remember this whenever you think a vegan or pro-lifer is acting like an ass: they truly believe that society should extend a fetus or a tilapia equal protection that it would to a developed human, and that killing them is murder. Being permanently outraged is the logical conclusion of their lifestyles.

should extend a tilapia equal protection that it would to a developed human

Holy fucking strawman, doot. No, no one believes that.

Yes, plenty of vegans think fish should not be in my stomach because they are as precious as human life. Fortunately for me, I believe murdering and eating human children is permissible, so they have no ground to stand on with me.

A fish doesn't have to be as precious as a human being to deserve not to be killed. In a trolley problem involving a fish and a human, no vegan is going to save the fish.

Nobody except Ingrid Newkirk, who literally founded the highest-profile vegan organization in the world:

Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.

She said that in an interview with Vogue in the 1980s. How else should I interpret that. I copypasted this, verbatim, from her Wikiquote article. How else should I interpret that?

Here's the definition of veganism from the Vegan Society, who coined the term.

"Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose."

I would also point out that Ingrid is a confessed provocateur, but of course she may really think that. And there are probably a few other crazies somewhere that think that way. So yes, "no one" is too strong we're being strict. On the other hand your statement is vastly inaccurate. I haven't met anyone putting forth that view/don't really see it being put forward, and I've spent a good amount of time in the vegan community. Veganism is just a philosophy of nonviolence towards animals. Practically, it's "don't hurt animals". That's it. It doesn't require or generally entail equivocation.

I refer you to the sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

That said, I stand by my general implications about the /r/vegan mindset. There are clearly a lot of people there who truly think fish are capable of being "murdered," which is how pro-life people see abortion. Members of both groups, if they take their views to their logical conclusions, will feel like they're inhabiting a world of murderers where murder is completely legal.

TLDR, logical consistency will ruin your day.

imagine needing a support sub for your diet 🤣

You had better have a good imagination, considering no such subreddit exists.

no brigading soyboy

Not brigading nibba i found this thread on my own i'm im updooting


not tru, brigading isn't vegan >:(

Omni isn't derogatory. It's just a way to identify those who eat a diet of both plant and dead animals. It's less stress on our malnourished fingers to type omni than it is to type 'person who eats meat'.


I don't get it. Reasonable explanation of things that don't fit your narrative makes you unable to respond? Maybe you should reconsider your stance on the issue if your stance is so shaky you can't even defend yourself :)

Defend what? You're a crazy vegan that can't accept others eat meat. At least your sub gives us hilarious material

You mentioned the fact that the term for meat eaters in /r/vegan is 'omnis'. Obviously, this wasn't done for no reason. I was just explaining to you why we use the term omni and you replied with 'Lol'. I would rather be labelled 'crazy' than be complicit in animal abuse and the destruction of the environment. It's also not about not accepting that others eat meat. It's about being against needless slaughter, which in a first world country is every time. Nobody from /r/vegan is getting a plane ticket to indigenous tribes and calling everyone there a filthy bloodmouth, that's not what it's about.

Well have fun with your crusade, cause we aren't getting off the steak train

Deus Vult!

I'll eat a chicken to that

vegans are insufferable.

this attitude is insufferable.

I wish rabbit and horse meat were more available in my area :(

Horse meat isn't that good tbh.

I really enjoyed the horse fillets I had in Italy but everyone has different tastes and that is A-ok. God, now I really want some fried rabbit.

Fried? I've only had it in stew form. Goes great with some fries. Plums if you're into that.

Yeah, like fried chicken.

nah horse steak is like beef but even more tender

vegans have a point but goddamm they're insufferable

vegans have a point



You're still wrong but now in gif form

Don't kid yourself /u/-STEME-, if a cow ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you cared about!

I'd roll over and let him do it, too.